The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Me too. Such a scary world we live in: lots of my friends used to vote Republican - several were even part of the groups at Uni. To a one they've disavowed the party. I have 0 friends that openly support Trump, and hence just no idea how anyone can be for him.

Problems of our era I guess.
How many disavow but will still vote Rep in the mid terms while telling everybody that will listen they are doing the opposite? If people voted what they were willing to admit in front of others Brexit would have been a non starter and so would Trump.
His line about trump being one of the best presidents in history tells me he doesn't know what he is talking about and an obvious wum.

They let it slip with the 'Obama one of the worst' lines. A common right-wing/republican/conservative throwaway statement with little basis in reality (pretty much acknowledged by experts to be a 'middle of the road' president).
His line about trump being one of the best presidents in history tells me he doesn't know what he is talking about and an obvious wum.

He's a Zionist who has family working in the IDF, so Trump's chummy disposition with Bibi and his promise to move the Embassy to Jerusalem is probably coloring his narrow world view.
The White House press briefing starts in 20 minutes. Should be fun.

"I think the president speaks/tweets for himself"
"I won't try and speak for the president"
"Come on people, have a sense of humour about this"

Repeat ad nauseam.

Although maybe we'll get lucky and Miss Trunchbull will finally get her comeuppance.
"I think the president speaks/tweets for himself"
"I won't try and speak for the president"
"Come on people, have a sense of humour about this"

Repeat ad nauseam.

Although maybe we'll get lucky and Miss Trunchbull will finally get her comeuppance.

I haven't spoken to him about that
I love it when a Trump supporter pops in to chat shit. It's been a while :lol:
Apart from the bullshit that Trump’s big mouth causes for himself, let’s talk policy and appointments. Scott Pruitt as head of EPA. Horrible decision as Pruitt has a history of fighting the EPA and being a man-made climate change denier. Loosening regulations is a step backwards for a cleaner environment.

Here’s another one. DeVos as Secretary of Education. She has no teaching or school management experience and is directly connected with Amway Corp, a company that makes billions off of conning desperate and/or stupid people into buying into a pyramid scheme. Such experience. Very improvement. Wow. She also has an agenda for a more privatized education, which will likely result in an even less educated population.

Little to no attention paid on green tech and green energy. Focuses on coal jobs and dying industries that have no place in the modernized American economy. But hey, what can you expect from a silver spoon fed rich guy who has (allegedly) had a money laundering scheme with Russian oligarchs to get “rich”.

Or how about the fact that he implies that he wants to bypass the political process hecauss he wants to run the country like it’s his company and he’s the CEO that makes all the decisions, because compromise is just not his thing? I mean, feck the democratic process right?

How about wasting money on a wall that is both symbolically bad and extremely inefficient in curbing illegal immigration? If the fecking Pacific Ocean doesn’t even stop Hawaii from attaining a large amount of illegal immigrants, a wall won’t do it either.

Or maybe discuss the tax cut plan that adds billions more to the deficit and debt, while justifying by expecting the GDP to grow at unprecedented rates? But oh cool, a poor person gets an extra thousand or two a year if that.

Lastly, what about healthcare? Let’s make an inefficient Obamacare worse by moving toward a more privatized industry? Despite that according to the WHO, the countires with the most efficient healthcare utilize a form of universal or public healthcare.

We’d happily discuss this here @Fearless, as would the news orgs, but sonce on top of all that, Trump is embedded in scandals and controversies, mainly due to his own fault, that becomes the focus of discussion. We have a guy with an unprecedented amount of this crap, and we keep finding out more of it as each day goes by. A real professional and well mannered president would not have this problem. But here we are.
And also @Fearless along with the other Trump fans, if you care so much anout this thread being an echo chamber, then contribute something worthwhile to the discussion instead of taking cheap digs with no substance. You’re the minority viewpoint so it’s on you to present your ideas in a well constructed manner. But you don’t. Just drop by, talk your shit, and then leave for another couple months, wondering ironically why you can’t engage your thoughts with us.

Edit: if you’re not willing to do that, shut the feck up, stay out of this thread, and stop complaining
It's fundamentally and intellectually dishonest to state the country/nation/people spoke when they elected Trump. The reality is the country/nation/people voted for his opponent by a 2.8M margin. An outdated, nonsensical collection of electors that disproportionately represents the States appointed Trump.
It's fundamentally and intellectually dishonest to state the country/nation/people spoke when they elected Trump. The reality is the country/nation/people voted for his opponent by a 2.8M margin. An outdated, nonsensical collection of electors that disproportionately represents the States appointed Trump.
It's time to change this outdated electoral system. No other country in the world has something like this.
It's time to change this outdated electoral system. No other country in the world has something like this.

Aside from the UK?

Edit - Some more detail:

Conservatives with 42.4% of the vote earned 315 seats.

Labour with 40% won 262 seats.

Conservatives won 48.4% of available seats with 42% of the vote while Labour’s 40% was only worth 40%.
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