The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Not really though. His approval ratings are absolutely terrible and he barely won the 2016 election, scraping by on thousands of votes in a few select key areas against a horrendous Democratic candidate. A strong Dem has every chance of beating him in 2020. In the meantime it's fair to investigate whether or not he's got dodgy financial dealings and what the impact of those dealings are. Should people just give up and ignore a lot of the crooked stuff he's doing because his party don't care?

Agree entirely - but when the investigation is over - what is going to happen?

Shag all.

Whose the strong Dem candidate? I know no one. Everything has been taken over by Trump. Its one big smokescreen and everyone is being clouded by the BS.

At end of day its solidifying the Republican support base.
Agree entirely - but when the investigation is over - what is going to happen?

Shag all.

Whose the strong Dem candidate? I know no one. Everything has been taken over by Trump. Its one big smokescreen and everyone is being clouded by the BS.

At end of day its solidifying the Republican support base.

And you lot thought Trump was an idiot. Never have the left been played so easily.
Wishful thinking and bollox.

I hope for your sake the Korean situation isn't sorted out.

What part there is bollocks? I admit there's a chance he could be elected in 2016 - just far from a foregone conclusion and will be a tight race.
Pretty sure Cheesy could put a vast inheritance in a fund that tracks the stock market easy enough, all the while not running casinos that go bankrupt.

I do remain skeptical of his ability to win the presidency though, I admit.
Agreed. He turned millions into billions. And became president.

What have you done?

What sort of logic is that in defending him? Plenty of leaders and rich people are cnuts.
Pretty sure Cheesy could put a vast inheritance in a fund that tracks the stock market easy enough, all the while not running casinos that go bankrupt.

I do remain skeptical of his ability to win the presidency though, I admit.

I've got President of an Independent Republic of Scotland in the bag, right enough...
Agree entirely - but when the investigation is over - what is going to happen?

Shag all.

Whose the strong Dem candidate? I know no one. Everything has been taken over by Trump. Its one big smokescreen and everyone is being clouded by the BS.

At end of day its solidifying the Republican support base.

That depends. If Trump has committed a crime legal proceedings can be brought against him and pressure will continue to mount for the GOP to act. Financial stuff can be quite revealing.

The Dems still have Bernie and Biden, old as they may be, and both are projected to beat Trump in 2020.
I'm not defending him. As you've no doubt deduced, you lot are. The more hatred he gets, the more his presidency solidify's.

Not really though. Very little evidence suggests this. Both sides of the divide have become more entrenched but most current polling puts the Dems in a better position than they were in 2016.

It's weird logic anyway though. Should people not criticise his faults because it might offend some people who like him? The entire point of political opposition is to oppose.
That depends. If Trump has committed a crime legal proceedings can be brought against him and pressure will continue to mount for the GOP to act. Financial stuff can be quite revealing.

The Dems still have Bernie and Biden, old as they may be, and both are projected to beat Trump in 2020.

Have you learnt nothing about projections?
Have you learnt nothing about projections?

Projections in 2016 had Hilary and Trump within a few percentage points of each other. 538 had Hilary as favourite but acknowledged there was a reasonable chance of Trump winning. It was a surprise but far from out of the realm of possibility.
Not really though. Very little evidence suggests this. Both sides of the divide have become more entrenched but most current polling puts the Dems in a better position than they were in 2016.

It's weird logic anyway though. Should people not criticise his faults because it might offend some people who like him? The entire point of political opposition is to oppose.

But they aren't. There just going after Trump, not the policies. It's become absurd.
I'm one of those I guess, but I couldn't be bothered given it's become an echo chamber of a thread.
To be honest, I think he's already one of the best Presidents in history after eight years of one of the worst.
But they aren't. There just going after Trump, not the policies. It's become absurd.

Because the President is an individual and as an individual he has an endless list of questionable actions and remarks.
I'm one of those I guess, but I couldn't be bothered given it's become an echo chamber of a thread.
To be honest, I think he's already one of the best Presidents in history after eight years of one of the worst.
And what gives you the moral high ground here. Are you on Jesus's payroll?

No. This is a thread dedicated to the Trump Presidency, in which people are being critical of aspects of Trump's Presidency. I don't see why other people not being perfect exempts him of criticism.

Although I suspect you're just trying to deflect because on an actual discussion of Trump's policies and conduct you'd have nothing.
But they aren't. There just going after Trump, not the policies. It's become absurd.

They are going after him because he provides plenty to go after. Nobody wants an orange version of Erdogan, Berlusconi, or Duarte running their country.
Projections in 2016 had Hilary and Trump within a few percentage points of each other. 538 had Hilary as favourite but acknowledged there was a reasonable chance of Trump winning. It was a surprise but far from out of the realm of possibility.

This is one of the best things about his dipshit supporters: they understand so little about projections that they actually think anyone was seriously wrong. It was always a possibility, albeit not a large one, that he could win. Every forecast has a margin of error, this was well within it. That does not devalue voting projections in any way, people just got far too used to them being absolutely on point and treated them as gospel.
No. This is a thread dedicated to the Trump Presidency, in which people are being critical of aspects of Trump's Presidency. I don't see why other people not being perfect exempts him of criticism.

Although I suspect you're just trying to deflect because on an actual discussion of Trump's policies and conduct you'd have nothing.

So where's the Obama Presidency thread then? Deflection or not, I can't recall anything like this about that fool.
This is one of the best things about his dipshit supporters: they understand so little about projections that they actually think anyone was seriously wrong. It was always a possibility, albeit not a large one, that he could win. Every forecast has a margin of error, this was well within it. That does not devalue voting projections in any way, people just got far too used to them being absolutely on point and treated them as gospel.

True, some of the pollsters got their state projections heavily wrong, but others acknowledged the possibility of a Trump win and most had the actual voting tallies quite close.
This is one of the best things about his dipshit supporters: they understand so little about projections that they actually think anyone was seriously wrong. It was always a possibility, albeit not a large one, that he could win. Every forecast has a margin of error, this was well within it. That does not devalue voting projections in any way, people just got far too used to them being absolutely on point and treated them as gospel.

Which makes them dipshits.
So where's the Obama Presidency thread then? Deflection or not, I can't recall anything like this about that fool.

There's one reflecting on the aftermath of his Presidency, some of the posts in it incredibly critical. Feel free to dig it up and post in it if you want. Naturally the current President will get more attention than the former one. Again you're deflecting. No interest in discussing actual political events and so obfuscating onto Obama instead.
There's one reflecting on the aftermath of his Presidency, some of the posts in it incredibly critical. Feel free to dig it up and post in it if you want. Naturally the current President will get more attention than the former one. Again you're deflecting. No interest in discussing actual political events and so obfuscating onto Obama instead.

No problem discussing his political agenda, but I'm rushing off to vote Tory:eek: in a minute.
He won. Everything else is hypothetical.

Its not hypothetical that he got less votes than his opponent.

Also, winning an election doesn't make someone above the law. He still has to account for his actions both during the campaign and while he is President. If he is found to have acted inappropriately or broken the law then he is going down.
Its not hypothetical that he got less votes than his opponent.

Also, winning an election doesn't make someone above the law. He still has to account for his actions both during the campaign and while he is President. If he is found to have acted inappropriately or broken the law then he is going down.

If. That should be the new name for this thread.
You're admin... can you change it?
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