The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Romney praises Trump's first year in office: It's similar to things 'I'd have done'
That illustrates the truth of it with most of the GOP. The stuff they don't agree with is not, in their eyes, disqualifying. And they're happy to put up with it if he gives them the bread-and-butter conservative stuff they want. And they'll continue to support him until it becomes a problem for them, politically. The next Trump will simply be more polished and less obviously awful to the public, and far more dangerous.
So let Mueller do his job and find yourself not guilty, right?
Incredible if that he only kept his big mouth shut, the media may have concentrated much more on his actions regarding N Korea, China, and the economy. And the nation would be shaking its head much less. But hey, what do I know...
Incredible if that he only kept his big mouth shut, the media may have concentrated much more on his actions regarding N Korea, China, and the economy. And the nation would be shaking its head much less. But hey, what do I know...
Exactly. Just shut up and focus on your job.
Incredible if that he only kept his big mouth shut, the media may have concentrated much more on his actions regarding N Korea, China, and the economy. And the nation would be shaking its head much less. But hey, what do I know...

Or they would have concentrated on the muslim ban, the trade wars, the affairs, the sexual assaults, the golfing holidays, the unfair tax break he gave his buddies, Trump University, using the Presidency for profit, the dismantling of the state department, the undermining of Obamacare, the ban on transgenders in the military, the attack on the environment, Betsy De Vos, his lies, his taxes, his attack on democracy, his hair.

As damaging as the investigation is to Trump, it's pretty much buried a number of other important stories.
Tonight's drama...

Does he seriously think that they are negotiating about nuclear war with North Korea?
Or they would have concentrated on the muslim ban, the trade wars, the affairs, the sexual assaults, the golfing holidays, the unfair tax break he gave his buddies, Trump University, using the Presidency for profit, the dismantling of the state department, the undermining of Obamacare, the ban on transgenders in the military, the attack on the environment, Betsy De Vos, his lies, his taxes, his attack on democracy, his hair.

As damaging as the investigation is to Trump, it's pretty much buried a number of other important stories.
Fair points and I don’t disagree. But at least the concentration focuses on policies and is debatable based on American political standards.
:lol: Crazy stuff.
Interesting take on it in an article I saw earlier; that they’re releasing this information now to blunt the effect when Mueller does.
Quite a strategy; keep admitting to wrongdoing, but do it bit by bit so as not to have one damning day of it?
Could this not be justification for investigating Trump's own personal finances?
Wait...what the f? Did Giuliani just actually say that about the Stormy money?

Pretty embarrassing all-round. Said he fired Comey because he wouldn't handle an investigation the way the president asked him to, called Comey disgraceful, pleaded with his "good friend" the AG to end the investigation, called the justice deparment unhinged and out of control, and then finishes off with that unprompted comment about Trump repaying the Stormy Daniels money. The best part is Hannity tried to save him at the last minute by reminding him Trump didn't know about it, but by that point he can only walk it back halfway.
Nice of Hannity to try and give him an out there. I think they'll just cling on to that. Something like "he didn't know of the exact deal, he just knew Cohen was trusted to deal with stuff like this".
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