The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is figuratively Jimmy Saville telling off a train conductor for being rude towards children.

Edit: Not you, Trump.
The lowering of the bar for Trump & Co has never stopped. He was a crass, loudmouth celebrity with no sense of decorum so we've lowered the expectation for a POTUS and his administration to that level and just chalk it all up to "Trump being Trump" while judging all others on a different scale.
She was pretty cringeworthy....and the Monday morning arguments about her being somehow less obnoxious because Trump has said horrible things in the past are also less cringeworthy.


This is figuratively Jimmy Saville telling off a train conductor for being rude towards children.

Edit: Not you, Trump.

That's a good analogy.

The fact she wasn’t funny makes it even funnier given how out of shape the conservative pricks are over it.

I just wish she was actually clever. Hasan Minaj was much better last year.
I hated her voice when I watched it first time round but now I've managed to get over that some of the jokes were basically facts that needed to be said so she wasn't anywhere near as bad as people are suggesting.

She will have pressed the right buttons by attacking Trump's wealth and getting the audience involved with it and the fact that loads of people think she attacked SHS's appearance when the reality is she actually complimented her on it whilst calling out her lies was good. The press pool don't say it to her for fear of losing their access so it falls onto a comedian to do it properly. She looked properly pissed off too which is great because she's an abysmal human being.

The liberal media don't like acknowledging that they've helped create the monster that is Trump as President and that they benefit from him being a shitshow with viewers and page clicks. Some of the left leaning journalists are now effectively famous in their own right thanks to Trump and his idiocy.
With South Korea recommending the fecking peace prize for Trump it really does look like the orange balloon deserves a lot of credit for this.
A mad man at the helm does wonders, other leaders must think this lunatic would actually follow through with his threats
With South Korea recommending the fecking peace prize for Trump it really does look like the orange balloon deserves a lot of credit for this.
A mad man at the helm does wonders, other leaders must think this lunatic would actually follow through with his threats
If Obama received one for practically no accomplishments, it's not too far fetched to offer one to Trump. Though, it's a bit weird to offer a "peace" prize to Trump who tweeted fire and fury and possibly risked the destruction of Seoul when negotiating with Kim.
I hated her voice when I watched it first time round but now I've managed to get over that some of the jokes were basically facts that needed to be said so she wasn't anywhere near as bad as people are suggesting.

She will have pressed the right buttons by attacking Trump's wealth and getting the audience involved with it and the fact that loads of people think she attacked SHS's appearance when the reality is she actually complimented her on it whilst calling out her lies was good. The press pool don't say it to her for fear of losing their access so it falls onto a comedian to do it properly. She looked properly pissed off too which is great because she's an abysmal human being.

The liberal media don't like acknowledging that they've helped create the monster that is Trump as President and that they benefit from him being a shitshow with viewers and page clicks. Some of the left leaning journalists are now effectively famous in their own right thanks to Trump and his idiocy.

Have to agree on this. Regardless of your thoughts on whether Wolf was funny or not, she was fair in her assessment of both the media and the administration. You'd think the journalists would know better and could accept the criticism instead of reacting like petulant, self-important crybabies especially over something so mundane as saying Sarah Huckabee is a liar. But I guess you cover Team Trump for long enough and their manner starts to rub off.

It's a shame, the journalists with WH access should be the ones holding the administration's feet to the fire on matters of policy. Instead, they are too often bending over backwards to ingratiate themselves to Trump's lackeys in search of gossip. I enjoy reading the headlines about Trump flipping out as much as anyone but journalists with some guts would be able to generate so much more interesting stories.
With South Korea recommending the fecking peace prize for Trump it really does look like the orange balloon deserves a lot of credit for this.
A mad man at the helm does wonders, other leaders must think this lunatic would actually follow through with his threats
I believe I read the translation wasn't that the Moon said Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in this (as is being portrayed), rather that he said something like "They can give the prize to Trump, we just want the peace"
Did anyone see the Cuomo and Schlapp bit. He tore into Schlapp for his double standards about Wolf and Trump's attack on a disabled reporter. He really owned him.

I believe I read the translation wasn't that the Moon said Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in this (as is being portrayed), rather that he said something like "They can give the prize to Trump, we just want the peace"
Which would be a travesty and taint these awards forever.He shouldn't be let even in the vicinity of one.
Did anyone see the Cuomo and Schlapp bit. He tore into Schlapp for his double standards about Wolf and Trump's attack on a disabled reporter. He really owned him.

I watched it live. Cuomo basically said everuevery I wish I could have told Schlapp myself . Every time he cringed to criticise the president when he did the same thing an angel got its wings
I watched it live. Cuomo basically said everuevery I wish I could have told Schlapp myself . Every time he cringed to criticise the president when he did the same thing an angel got its wings
The pretending that you're not sure what Trump meant is what gets me. He's an intelligent man and he tries to pretend that he is not sure that Trump is mocking the reporter's disability. Come on, it's obvious to everybody what he was doing.
Enjoyed that Wolf skit myself, dunno why there's so much criticism, but them female comedians always get a rough time of it. No idea who she is but she seemed completely bemused by the idea they choose her to be there, like they should have expected nothing less. She was just making the most of it.
I saw Wolf when she supported Chris Rock a few months back, kind of similar pace to both sets, comes out hot for the first 5 minutes and then wobbles her way through the next 15. It's not surprising though as she goes at jokes hard, they're often blunt and edgy and that makes it easy to miss the landing. There was quite a few good lines in her set though and some hard truths for both sides of the political spectrum.

SHB looked like she'd eaten a fart, deserves everything she gets though.

The fake outrage from the snowflake conservatives who spend their time shilling for a president who has said and done the things Trump has is the most outrageous part, and the fact their supporters won't see the hypocrisy is the most depressing.
There they are again, those weird capital letters. It’s like he thinks he’s german.
He said at a rally in Michigan the other day, that they need to protect the American flag. Exception being those with bone spurs, of course.
They're certainly unthinking.
He said at a rally in Michigan the other day, that they need to protect the American flag. Exception being those with bone spurs, of course.
The flag is just a symbolic a piece of cloth. They need to protect the Constitution, which Trump wipes his ass with on daily basis.

These tweets are careful lawyer speak because collusion isn't a crime. He can shout loudly that he isn't guilty of collusion and be technically right while his base don't know the difference. He'll be busted on actual crimes like campaign finance violations and obstruction of justice.
He obviously doesn't get that obstruction doesn't have to involve an actual crime having been committed.
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