The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sure why not? It'll happen eventually. Why not create a space force now (while it's meaningless) just to be able to claim you started the first one. Sounds like a Trump type of move...
Sure why not? It'll happen eventually. Why not create a space force now (while it's meaningless) just to be able to claim you started the first one. Sounds like a Trump type of move...
Might as well do a "Deep Sea Force" at the same time.
Did anybody else notice him make this face when he talked to reporters after the Southwest crew ceremony?

It was pretty clear some shenanigans were going on when that letter was released during the campaign.

I reckon something similar happened with Ronny Jackson when he boasted about Trump's health. Its going to be a big scandal if it turns out Trump offered Jackson the chance to run a big government agency in exchange for lying about his health.
It was pretty clear some shenanigans were going on when that letter was released during the campaign.

I reckon something similar happened with Ronny Jackson when he boasted about Trump's health. Its going to be a big scandal if it turns out Trump offered Jackson being nominated to run a government agency in exchange for lying about his health.

I very much doubt that happened. Trump just thought 'here's a dude, he's a doc, he's in the military, he's loyal to me...he can do this' and that was about it for the vetting.
Tonight's drama...

Least shocking thing I've seen . I would bet my last dollar the same was done with Dr Ronny 'Candy Man' Jackson. It had the same hyperbole "greatest ever" "most healthy" mumbo jumbo. Definitely has trump all over that
There's also the letter he claimed Bill Belichick wrote to him on Election Eve:

"Congratulations on a tremendous campaign. You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media, and have come out beautifully – beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing. I have always had tremendous respect for you, but the toughness and perseverance you have displayed over the past year is remarkable. Hopefully tomorrow’s election results will give the opportunity to make America great again. Best wishes for great results tomorrow.

Thought it was another article about Pep...
She was pretty cringeworthy....and the Monday morning arguments about her being somehow less obnoxious because Trump has said horrible things in the past are also less cringeworthy.

I thought she was fecking awesome. She disrespected a bunch of people who totally deserve it, and was fearless in doing so. People are upset because she rubbed their faces in their complicity. Good on her.
That doctor looks more like a 'doctor' than like a doctor honestly.

Wait a minute is he Rick from Rick and Morty?!
Romney praises Trump's first year in office: It's similar to things 'I'd have done'
Former GOP presidential nominee and current Senate candidate Mitt Romney praised President Trump's first year in office on Tuesday, saying it was similar to what the first year of a Romney administration would look like.

In response to a question from a voter in Utah, Romney seemed to indicate that he largely approved of the policies pursued by the Trump administration during Trump's first year in the White House, calling it "better than expected," the Washington Examiner reports.

“His first year is very similar to things I’d have done my first year,” Romney said. "The things he’s actually done have been better than I expected.”
Romney quickly added, however, that he would continue to oppose the president if he said something the former Massachusetts governor viewed as "racist" or "divisive."

“If he says something which I believe is racist or divisive and serious, then I’ll point out that I disagree with that,” said Romney, who Trump had feuded with on and off but who also was considered a candidate to be the president's first secretary of State.

“But I’m an honest enough person that if he does something right — and by the way, he’s done a number of things right — I’ll be fully supportive of those things. I will support the president’s agenda when it’s good for Utah, and good for the country, and so far that’s been the case,” Romney said.
Romney quickly added, however, that he would continue to oppose the president if he said something the former Massachusetts governor viewed as "racist" or "divisive."
Thanks. for. that.
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