The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I do apologize :lol:
I am speechless that the POTUS resorts to calling into Fox News to vent. Normally I would say the big orange buffoon is losing it but he never really had it to start with anyway.

His health couldn't take two terms. I kind of want this circus to continue as long as possible so we can watch him implode.
Errrm... that was this morning mate :lol:

You can time travel by going back a couple of pages. Spoiler: It was car crash stuff, he fecked up how own and Cohen’s legal arguments and Fox and Friends as good as cut him off because he was muttering jibberish.
I spend a lot of time at work so i only read the last pages :)
I am speechless that the POTUS resorts to calling into Fox News to vent. Normally I would say the big orange buffoon is losing it but he never really had it to start with anyway.

His health couldn't take two terms. I kind of want this circus to continue as long as possible so we can watch him implode.

Has that even happened before?

Surprising. You would think that these two being so close to one another would've created a black hole of douchiness large enough to consume this sector of the Milky Way.

Surprising. You would think that these two being so close to one another would've created a black hole of douchiness large enough to consume this sector of the Milky Way.
I'm guessing the Kardashian clan is loving it. More show material and ways to whore themselves out. The best of America truly.
Kanye loving Trump is of no surprise whatsoever. He's an almost identical personality type. Albeit one with a bit of talent. A day before this stunt he was bragging about being the biggest shoe designer in the world, and his criminally ugly creps "selling more than Jordan"...which is evidently bollocks, and probably something said off hand by a lackey, but exactly the kind of thing a raging-ego, super-rich, socially insulated narcissist would instantly believe and be compulsively eager to tweet out to the world. Or in other words, just like something Trump would do... Peas in a pod.

I hope for his sake he checks out the #JohnLegend trend, to see precisely what the kind of folks he's courting really think of black men with opinions*. Though he'd probably just rationalise it with the kind of twee philosophical platitude that even the dimmest stoned Trustafarian students outgrow in their early 20s.

The thoughts of a 40 year old "genius", ladies and gents... And definitely not the kind of shit scribbled in sharpie on the dorm room wall of a white sociology student with dreds and that one Man Utd Chao album on vinyl.**

Kanye listeners better get ready to hear about this tweet until the end of their days.

Serves them right. Kanye stans have been the worst for a while. J Cole buried him 2 years ago.

* You'll also notice how JL had to include a fawning compliment at the end of his critical message to Kanye, just like all the reports of WH security briefings having to include Trumps name enough times in a document to keep him interested.

** its actually quite a good album, but that's beside the point.
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A day before this stunt he was bragging about being the biggest shoe designer in the world, and his criminally ugly creps "selling more than Jordan"
I can only assume he's referring to Katie Price.
I can only assume he's referring to Katie Price.

I've no idea whether Katie Price ever attempted to make (Re:take credit for) shoes or not (and I can only assume she did, because why wouldn't she? The world is clearly mad enough) but I can definitely, and with the utmost confidence attest that if she did, the difference in quality, class and style between her efforts, and that of Kanye West, would be utterly and entirely indistinguishable.
Kanye just strikes me as a contrarian troll. Not really worth paying all that much attention to in any political context. There's an (admittedly jokey) political compass out there based on his tweets alone.
No wonder people want to keep him away from a sit down with Mueller if that rambling is anything to go by.
You would think his first tweet would be how he bought world peace to North Korea.
Because it's a shit bid Donald. Two of three countries with no soccer history and waaaay to spread out. Any f them individually? Okay. This? Nope.

Not to mention Trump has already tried to stop people from certain countries from entering the US. Not that it'll even remotely be a political concern come 2026 (you'd hope) but if a country is banning potential participants then it's a bit of a headache for FIFA to deal with.

Is there any specific policy that trump can site that has led to his so called lowest black unemployment in history?

Or is it that unemployment is so low that even black unemployment was bound to be low as well
Is there any specific policy that trump can site that has led to his so called lowest black unemployment in history?

Or is it that unemployment is so low that even black unemployment was bound to be low as well
There is absolutely nothing he did specifically to improve unemployment, he's simply riding the same trends of the economy.

But in general the GOP policies suggest they'd love to go back to a time when all the black people in the US were working all the time.
Is there any specific policy that trump can site that has led to his so called lowest black unemployment in history?

Or is it that unemployment is so low that even black unemployment was bound to be low as well
Trump would take credit for something positive that happened in a different galaxy if he was aware of it.
Decided to watch him talk right now, I usually mute this administration. This guy is just a fecking asshole that wants to piss everyone off. He is an embarrassment to mankind and I hope that future generations evoke the name of trump to highlight a count.
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