The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Avenatti in world class WUM mode this morning....insinuating that the 1.6m payout for an abortion wasn't by Broidy, but on behalf of Trump himself.

I reckon it's only a matter of time before a woman comes forward and says Donald paid for them to get an abortion. Someone with his womanising past and moral vacuum, it seems inevitable.

Please let it be true. I would fecking love to see the pro-life Trumpers explain that one.
:lol: He didn't fecking get her anything did he?, or at the very least his PA got her something but he had no input and no idea what it was.

Hahaha. Lol

Thanks for that. I can't listen to him for 2 min, so was never going to watch that "interview".
Avenatti in world class WUM mode this morning....insinuating that the 1.6m payout for an abortion wasn't by Broidy, but on behalf of Trump himself.

3:50 onwards

Wow, what a time to be alive!

Please let it be true. I would fecking love to see the pro-life Trumpers explain that one.

I don't think they care too much honestly, as long as he says and protects pro-life laws it doesn't really matter to them.

I doubt they'll be happy but to them it's still their best option for now.
Wonder if it’s a full state visit.
From the article :

It will not be the full-blown state visit Mr Trump was promised when Mrs May visited the White House in January last year.

But an invitation to a state visit remains open, the BBC understands.

A Downing Street spokesman said "further details" of Mr Trump's "working visit" in July would be "set out in due course".
Donald Trump said:
"He has a percentage of my overall legal work, a tiny, tiny little fraction, but Michael would represent me and represent me on some things. He represents me like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me. "
'Psychologists are concerned about the President's habit of repetition. And repetition. And also repetition.'
i know your only contact with poor people is when you have to decide whether or not to fire them for not mopping up fast enough but those plans suck. obamacare helped 300,000 people in illinois get insured. 900,000 are still uninsured. rates increased by double digits in the obama years. trump has gutted most of the law and rates are rising by 30-40% this year. im sure these people would be thrilled to hear what you have to say.

Witty riposte mate, but I’m sure through my company and community outreach, I do a lot more to help the impoverished in Chicago than you do. That’s point number 1.

Point number 2 is that despite the flaws in the healthcare system, Obama actually did something to help improve people’s lives, all while battling against an obstructionist opposition. More than any previous presidents had done. If the system wasn’t fundamentally broken perhaps he could have done more.

One of the biggest issues he tried to tackle but had total deadlock against was gun control. A major problem here in Chicago. Yet look at the economy right now. Obama inherited the most broken economy of any recent president, and he turned it around. We are now bearing the fruits of his labour. Even here in Chicago.

Kanye’s comment was an ignorant little sound bite from an odious little cretin. It’s not surprising it resonated with you.
He's visiting on Friday the 13th.

If this was a film I'd have turned it off by now. This is too much.
Some of the quotes are crazy:-

“Well, if I can. The problem is that it’s such a—if you take a look, they’re so conflicted, the people that are doing the investigation. You have 13 people that are Democrats, you have Hillary Clinton people, you have people that worked on Hillary Clinton’s foundation. They’re all—I don’t mean Democrats. I mean, like, the real deal. And then you look at the phony Lisa Page and [Peter] Strzok and the memos back and forth and the F.B.I.—and by the way, you take a poll at the F.B.I. I love the F.B.I.; the F.B.I. loves me. But the top people at the F.B.I., headed by Comey, were crooked.”
Some of the quotes are crazy:-

“Well, if I can. The problem is that it’s such a—if you take a look, they’re so conflicted, the people that are doing the investigation. You have 13 people that are Democrats, you have Hillary Clinton people, you have people that worked on Hillary Clinton’s foundation. They’re all—I don’t mean Democrats. I mean, like, the real deal. And then you look at the phony Lisa Page and [Peter] Strzok and the memos back and forth and the F.B.I.—and by the way, you take a poll at the F.B.I. I love the F.B.I.; the F.B.I. loves me. But the top people at the F.B.I., headed by Comey, were crooked.”
Those quotes arent crazy. He is so deranged that that type of speech is the norm nowadays. Nothing he says really surprises me anymore.
Save the date! ;)

Errrm... that was this morning mate :lol:

You can time travel by going back a couple of pages. Spoiler: It was car crash stuff, he fecked up how own and Cohen’s legal arguments and Fox and Friends as good as cut him off because he was muttering jibberish.
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