The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So many middle class white American's who've never listened to Kanye in their life now swarming his Twitter claiming they're heading to iTunes to check it out. Twitter bio's full of the usual MAGA, 2A, Matthew 5:16, Vets etc

Even I'm not commenting on this shit.
I guess this makes it ok to say I've never liked a single album of his since College Dropout, right? Excellent. There's always an upside.
For me he went downhill after Graduation. Everything after that hasn't been good, not sure how they got such high ratings and sales.
For me he went downhill after Graduation. Everything after that hasn't been good, not sure how they got such high ratings and sales.

I’m pretty clueless about Hip Hop tbf. I thought College Dropout was a bit different and interesting at the time but everything I’ve tried listening to since sounds over-produced and boring. The critical plaudits left me baffled. Felt like the Emperor’s new clothes.
Ugh. Serious shit more like. The most overrated hip hop artist of all time. And he's a massive twat too.

I’m pretty clueless about Hip Hop tbf. I thought College Dropout was a bit different and interesting at the time but everything I’ve tried listening to since sounds over-produced and boring. The critical plaudits left me baffled. Felt like the Emperor’s new clothes.
College dropout had a fantastic sound at the time, I loved it too, even got it as vinyl as a teen, but Kanye has always been a sub par rapper and annoying little prick. Everything since College Dropout is the Kim Kardashian version of HipHop;
at it's best it's semi decent pop.

The more I think of it he's the perfect "bro" for Trump.
College dropout had a fantastic sound at the time, I loved it too, even got it as vinyl as a teen, but Kanye has always been a sub par rapper and annoying little prick. Everything since College Dropout is the Kim Kardashian version of HipHop;
at it's best it's semi decent pop.

The more I think of it he's the perfect "bro" for Trump.
I liked Late Registration too, but then shortly after he started going crazy.
I liked Late Registration too, but then shortly after he started going crazy.

My beautiful dark twisted fantasy was good IMO, albeit not as good as his previous work, and a bit different. He really dropped off after that though.
Very unpopular but I loved 808s & Heartbreak. Not heard any of his work in recent years.
It's ok for Kanye to appeal for open-mindedness regarding Trump, but Trump's views/policies have real-world affects.
I guess this makes it ok to say I've never liked a single album of his since College Dropout, right? Excellent. There's always an upside.

Even Kanye past his prime >> 99% of the hip hop out there (The other 1% is Kendrick's stuff). The production value of his albums is about as good as it gets if you are a fan of studio hip hop and not an underground rap kind person.
And wouldn't change by the change, or the game, or the fame,
When he came, in the game, he made his own lane
Now all I need is y'all to pronounce my name
Its Kanye - but some of my awards get given to Kane?
Rambling interview with Trump on Fox and Friends right now. He's meandering between every imaginable stream of consciousness topic.
Well he's picked up millions of new ones overnight. Twitter's full of MAGA gobshites who've been googling the hell out of his back catalogue to pretend they've always been fans.
You know that trump has floated the idea since Kanye opened his hole to have the inauguration again so he can have Kanye headline. Let's not forget what an embarrassing collection of performers where on display that day. When I think back to that disaster I realize it was a sign of the conundrum of a trump presidency, empty yet full of shit.
Kanye has been heading in this direction since 2015 when he said racism doesn’t exist.
So it’s really not a surprise.

He’s got an album coming out, and this is his best way to market it I guess.

I think Kanye's newest schtick has been influenced by his recent, newfound affinity for Candace Owens.

Aren’t those guys appointed rather? By the military?

They generally are, but the President can pretty much do as he pleases in terms of recommending someone for promotion, which usurps all the normal processes. In Jackson's case I believe he was promoted both to Admiral as well as to the job of Presidential doctor, under Obama. He has been working there since Bush.
The Trumpists have a newfound love for freedom of expression, great to see. I'm sure they'll go back and apply the same line of thinking to Colin Kaepernick and the NFL.
I think Kanye's newest schtick has been influenced by his recent, newfound affinity for Candace Owens.

I wouldn't say it's been influenced recently, he's been edging this way for a number of years. I was a staunch Kanye supporter, but he's been making noises with this view point since at least 2015.

Coincidentally, his music has been pretty forgettable too, which makes it easier to not have to pay attention to him anymore.
Trump: I thought I would call in today because it's Melania's birthday...

Host: Do you want to tell us what you got Melania for her birthday?

Trump:....W..well, I.. uh better not get into that, I might get into a lot of trouble, maybe I didn't get her so much, I tell ya what she had (!) I got her a beautiful card! you know I'm very busy! I can't be running out looking for presents!... I got her a beautiful card and some beautiful flowers..She did a fantastic job with France..blah blah

:lol: He didn't fecking get her anything did he?, or at the very least his PA got her something but he had no input and no idea what it was.
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Big fan of Kanye's music, but as a person he is very unstable to the point where you worry about his long term health. He has already suffered one breakdown and looks set for another. Falling into the Kardashian trap was probably the worst thing that could of happened to him.
Either that or he's savvy, getting the use of the Kraptashian publicity machine each time new product is pending.
Isn't there any kind of law preventing the President from favouring certain media outlets?

Aw hell, who am I kidding...
:lol: He didn't fecking get her anything did he?, or at the very least his PA got her something but he had no input and no idea what it was.

I was just shocked it wasn't "you know, it's Melania's Birthday today, nobody knew that. It's an amazing fact that not a lot of people knew"
Avenatti in world class WUM mode this morning....insinuating that the 1.6m payout for an abortion wasn't by Broidy, but on behalf of Trump himself.

3:50 onwards

Isn't there any kind of law preventing the President from favouring certain media outlets?

Aw hell, who am I kidding...
I think the last 18 months have shown that there is a whole lot that hadn't been done out a sense of decorum or ethical standards. When you don't have either of that, the only check in place is Congress. So with them unwaveringly on his side, everything's gone out the window.
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