The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I can't believe how being unpopular worldwide is seen as a win by Trump. His fixation of the trade deficit with Germany doesn't make much sense either as the US economy is doing well. Its just not of utmost importance.
Is there any specific policy that trump can site that has led to his so called lowest black unemployment in history?

Or is it that unemployment is so low that even black unemployment was bound to be low as well
It’s because he was elected, and that brought companies BACK to America. Confidence is higher than it’s been in decades. Jobs are coming back MAGA or some shit

He's such a lying cnut. Over ridiculous things.

"It's Melanias Birthday, so I said lets do this on Melanias Birthday"

No. You didn't. Thats a lie. You did not call into the show because it was her birthday. The two things are completely unrelated. It's such a pathetically stupid thing to say.

Does this man ever speak honestly and authentically? I don't believe he even understands what a lie is. What truth is. He just says words. All of them weightless.
He's such a lying cnut. Over ridiculous things.

"It's Melanias Birthday, so I said lets do this on Melanias Birthday"

No. You didn't. Thats a lie. You did not call into the show because it was her birthday. The two things are completely unrelated. It's such a pathetically stupid thing to say.

Does this man ever speak honestly and authentically? I don't believe he even understands what a lie is. What truth is. He just says words. All of them weightless.

You are preaching to the converted here. The problem is that 34+% of Americans would think that he is a great husband and thoughtful too.
I like how comments say he's on about it being tough to watch as he's so busy leading the greatest country in the world - which is a load of crap as he still manages to tweet about Fox & Friends and other stuff he watches on TV daily.
Like how he was too busy running the country* to get his wife a birthday present.

*playing golf
I am part of a facebook group for Diesel BMW's in America. I like the grout bu 85-90 percent of these guys are conservative Trump supporters. Support who you want, I don't mind but they mock global warming when it snows and recently celebrated the fact that Trump is loosening the regulation on Diesel vehicles.

Their answer to celebrating the loosening on Diesel Vehicle regulation is "ugh why don't you libtards worry about the commercial jets and the fuel they consume? Huh?"

I hate being one of those people that just laugh at all Trump supporters (that's what got him in power in the first place) but my god how intellectually malnourished can you be to CELEBRATE the fact that Diesel regulations are being loosened?
Never seen a president that behaves in this way. He keeps doing rallies after rallies, instead of focusing on government.
It's called The Permanent Campaign. Straight out of the Nazi Party playbook.
I think the correct term would be authoritianism, as I don't see Donald being principled enough to be invested in any broader ideals other than his self-satisfaction.

Say what you want about the tents of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

Obligatory white text as it's a Big Lebowski reference
He clearly meant "I don't have much time". Not "It's difficult to watch disabled sports". He's a dick but lets not jump on ever single thing and work an angle.

Yeah that was my take on it too. Still pretty pathetic from a president though. This is exactly why people in high office have communications staff filtering their words.
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