The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Questions have to be asked why Obama wasn't made aware of these allegations. Some staff working in the Obama WH knew the guy had issues, so why wasn't this stuff passed on to the chief of staff.
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CNN town hall with Comey was better than i thought it would be. Wouldn't surprise me if we see Trump tweeting about Comey tomorrow.
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CNN town hall with Comey was better than i thought it would be. Wouldn't surprise me if see Trump tweeting about Comey tomorrow.

Comey did a pretty good job of answer questions tonight. He said he would be on Fox soon, which should be interesting.
What's the thinking on Kanye?

Just a rich bloke being right wing? Attention seeking, pending a new album? Bloke with egomaniacal tendencies sees a lot of himself in Trump and is a genuine fan?
What's the thinking on Kanye?

Just a rich bloke being right wing? Attention seeking, pending a new album? Bloke with egomaniacal tendencies sees a lot of himself in Trump and is a genuine fan?

Something is going on behind the scenes. Ivanka followed and unfollow Kanye twice on Twitter over the past couple of days and then Kanye suddenly speaks favorably about Trump.
You mean except for all the poor Chigoans who now have health coverage?

i know your only contact with poor people is when you have to decide whether or not to fire them for not mopping up fast enough but those plans suck. obamacare helped 300,000 people in illinois get insured. 900,000 are still uninsured. rates increased by double digits in the obama years. trump has gutted most of the law and rates are rising by 30-40% this year. im sure these people would be thrilled to hear what you have to say.
Kanye has been heading in this direction since 2015 when he said racism doesn’t exist.
So it’s really not a surprise.

He’s got an album coming out, and this is his best way to market it I guess.
I really hope the next Kanye album isn't Trump asslicking. I've waited too long for this. I've found the rest of the shit amusing but Kanye music is serious business.
I really hope the next Kanye album isn't Trump asslicking. I've waited too long for this. I've found the rest of the shit amusing but Kanye music is serious business.

Ugh. Serious shit more like. The most overrated hip hop artist of all time. And he's a massive twat too.

What a pair of colossal cnuts.
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Wait, Kanye like Donald Trump? Surely this guy is deliberately trying to be the most hated musician of all time?
He's creating hype and attention as he's releasing a new album soon.

Not sure why though, he's still extremely popular and sells a lot of records even though his last few albums have been average
He's creating hype and attention as he's releasing a new album soon.

Not sure why though, he's still extremely popular and sells a lot of records even though his last few albums have been average

It's Kanye's raison d'être. They're peas in a pod in that respect, no publicity is bad publicity, the more shocking the more impact. They both have a weird form of narcissism where they crave universal love but are instead addicted to the intense worship of a select group even though sating that group's appetite is hugely detrimental to the respect they receive universally. So although it hurts them like mad that the world doesn't give them the love and respect they need, they still can't help but spoil any chance they have of receiving that love by going for the cheap dopamine shot in the arm from their cultists.
He's creating hype and attention as he's releasing a new album soon.

Not sure why though, he's still extremely popular and sells a lot of records even though his last few albums have been average

It's because he's a gaping cnut.
Well he's picked up millions of new ones overnight. Twitter's full of MAGA gobshites who've been googling the hell out of his back catalogue to pretend they've always been fans.

A lot of Trump bots I’d imagine.
Well he's picked up millions of new ones overnight. Twitter's full of MAGA gobshites who've been googling the hell out of his back catalogue to pretend they've always been fans.

Wow, I'd never have thought his fanbase could get worse, maybe I was wrong.
The problem with the whole Kanye and Trump thing is that the people who actually care about this are far more annoying than Kanye could ever be.
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