The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If that was Trump's course of action, somehow I cant see him being as quiet as Nixon post-resignation. It would be the same twitter/headline grabbing shite but only as an ex-Prez.
Best thing ever would be if senate forgets to vote to disallow him serving again. Trump then running as independent next time and diving the evil party would be so fun to watch.
A series of clips of the interview -- no panel. Otherwise, you will need to wait for it to appear on Youtube.

Yeah I hate this drip feeding of 2 minute clips designed to get the more hits/views. Give me the full unedited video of the interview.
She's the worst part of this whole mess. I absolutely detest her arrogance, dismissiveness and general approach of this being tmz-level pr game. She lies and enjoys watching the public trying to understand why it doesn't bother her.
She's the worst part of this whole mess. I absolutely detest her arrogance, dismissiveness and general approach of this being tmz-level pr game. She lies and enjoys watching the public trying to understand why it doesn't bother her.

She’s obviously fighting to keep her job by impressing Trump. What she doesn’t realize is that her schtick actually embarrasses Trump more among CNN's viewership.
She’s obviously fighting to keep her job by impressing Trump. What she doesn’t realize is that her schtick actually embarrasses Trump more among CNN's viewership.

It doesn't matter what the viewership think though does it? As long as the moron in the Oval Office is happy, then she wins.
She’s obviously fighting to keep her job by impressing Trump. What she doesn’t realize is that her schtick actually embarrasses Trump more among CNN's viewership.
I wonder if the Trump surrogates on CNN talkshow panels also realize that when they, in cringeworthy fashion, drum up "making America great" and "draining the swamp" slogans when they defend him.
It doesn't matter what the viewership think though does it? As long as the moron in the Oval Office is happy, then she wins.

Ultimately Trump loses if her appearances on CNN merely serves to galvanize public contempt for him. Her keeping her job is obviously a drop in the bucket in terms of the damage she does to his credibility (in addition to what he does just by himself).
Ultimately Trump loses if her appearances on CNN merely serves to galvanize public contempt for him. Her keeping her job is obviously a drop in the bucket in terms of the damage she does to his credibility (in addition to what he does just by himself).

Of course, but I very much doubt Trump’s long term prospects are of particular importance to Conway. She may be one of his more shrill sycophants in the press, but it’s worth remembering she used to hold him in public contempt, and her husband clearly continues to. It seems fairly likely she’s just cashing in on what she sees as an opportunity.
Of course, but I very much doubt Trump’s long term prospects are of particular importance to Conway. She may be one of his more shrill sycophants in the press, but it’s worth remembering she used to hold him in public contempt, and her husband clearly continues to. It seems fairly likely she’s just cashing in on what she sees as an opportunity.

At this point her own brand is in tatters and the longer she stays in a sinking ship the less credibility she will have once it actually sinks.
At this point her own brand is in tatters and the longer she stays in a sinking ship the less credibility she will have once it actually sinks.

I'm seeing it more as a short term cash in on her part. It's not like she was ever a hugely influential media figure. At least this way she can make quick bucks before the ship sinks.
I'm seeing it more as a short term cash in on her part. It's not like she was ever a hugely influential media figure. At least this way she can make quick bucks before the ship sinks.

There are no quick bucks for her to make. She gets a standard paltry government bureaucrat salary which is a pittance to what she was making with her polling company and even less than what her husband pulls in through his lawyer work.
There are no quick bucks for her to make. She gets a standard paltry government bureaucrat salary which is a pittance to what she was making with her polling company and even less than what her husband pulls in through his lawyer work.

Her book will no doubt make a fair few bob although I guess Trump's NDA's will look to silence most of that. It would be hilarious if Cohen was the one to implement all the NDA's in the Trump Admin and they turned out to be worth less than the paper written on...
It's like the OJ Simpson trial - anyone with the slightest connection gets a book deal.
Her book will no doubt make a fair few bob although I guess Trump's NDA's will look to silence most of that. It would be hilarious if Cohen was the one to implement all the NDA's in the Trump Admin and they turned out to be worth less than the paper written on...

Trump cant enforce an NDA on a job that's funded by the taxpayers.
Her book will no doubt make a fair few bob although I guess Trump's NDA's will look to silence most of that. It would be hilarious if Cohen was the one to implement all the NDA's in the Trump Admin and they turned out to be worth less than the paper written on...

Yeah I'm sure she's under a massive NDA since she was there during the campaign. Its questionable whether NDAs signed by government employees are valid since they are bound by standard government ethics and not to a particular person.
It's not like Trump to exaggerate...
Losing the popular vote got to him. Didn't he say there were millions of illegal voters (naturally all Democratic) right after the results came out?
He said it again last week!
He said it again last week!

And yet The White House will not release the findings of the investigation into the 2016 election. It's the subject of a FOIA at the moment.

I suspect it will reveal one of two things (or even both):
  1. The focus of the investigation was aimed entirely at areas lost by Trump/GOP. Likely with the intention to target them in the next election (probably originally planning to use CA to do so).
  2. The findings of the investigation did not fit into the narrative they were trying to create. It either showed no illegal activity, illegal activity mostly of benefit to Republicans or illegal activity of equal benefit to R/D and as such no benefit overall.
Get this... I was watching an ESPN Special about Puerto Rico showing all the baseball players coming back to help the island, which got me to talking to my wife about how bad it still is there.

She told me that since most of Puerto Rico is still wrecked from the hurricanes, the American hospital system is almost out of dilaudid, IV Ativan, and saline solution for blood transfusions and drip antibiotics. So much of it is produced in Puerto Rico that they’re experiencing a shortage to the point that they are having to IV push antibiotics that technically should be IV dripped.
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