The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Have we had any concrete evidence that Cohen was in Prague aside from the mcclatchydc article?

We don't have concrete evidence other than what has been reported. I don't even know if there is such a thing is concrete evidence since all our information comes from journos and actions Mueller has taken.
Surely Interpol and the relevant authorities/other intelligence agencies will be able to source CCTV footage and other details to prove Cohen being somewhere if he was?
We don't have concrete evidence other than what has been reported. I don't even know if there is such a thing is concrete evidence since all our information comes from journos and actions Mueller has taken.

Passport? Travel log? Unless off course he's bourne.

This kind of things arent that hard to prove. The meeting itself is hard to prove but flying to vienna isn't.
Passport? Travel log? Unless off course he's bourne.

This kind of things arent that hard to prove. The meeting itself is hard to prove but flying to vienna isn't.

I don't know if they stamp you if you fly to Germany and then enter CZ in a car.
I don't know if they stamp you if you fly to Germany and then enter CZ in a car.

Yeah generally within the Schengen area you just cruise straight through borders so he will only have the German entry on his passport.
They don't. I entered Europe at Berlin and took a flight to Copenhagen from there. Never got stamped in Denmark.

That's apparently what the McClatchy story insinuated - that Mueller has evidence that Cohen met with Russians in Prague, by way of flying to Germany then entering CZ in a car. Cohen is obviously denying everything.
That's apparently what the McClatchy story insinuated - that Mueller has evidence that Cohen met with Russians in Prague, by way of flying to Germany then entering CZ in a car. Cohen is obviously denying everything.

That's hard to prove unless they have some security camera footage somewhere in Prague that caught him, which isn't hard these days.

Some countries have passport control even within Schengen area but there are no logs of who they check.
Mike Pence is Spiro Agnew.

Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice President and he too left office early, and in disgrace.

Beginning in early 1973, Agnew was investigated by the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland on suspicion of conspiracy, bribery, extortion and tax fraud. Agnew had accepted payments from contractors during his time as a Maryland official, and the payments had continued into his time as vice president. After denying his guilt for months, Agnew negotiated a plea agreement that would involve his resignation from office. On October 10, 1973, Agnew pled no contest to a single felony charge of tax evasion, resigned his office, and was replaced by House Minority Leader Gerald Ford.

The only difference is Agnew - as far as we know - was not implicated in Watergate. Agnew's downfall came after the break in so he might, but his own illegal actions were punished.

We also don't know conclusively how deeply involved Nixon was because he was pardoned by Gerald Ford and there is the missing 18.5 minute tape.

Ford was the minority leader and Nixon wrote to him asking for recommendations for a new Vice President.


Ford ended up getting the job and then ascending to the Presidency. Some people speculate there was a deal that Ford gets the presidency and Nixon gets a pardon but that's rumour.

I expect Pence to go down WITH Trump so with Ryan resigning, the next one down in ascension retiring (Orrin Hatch), there will be a hell of a rabbit hole.
Looking at the stupid watergate trend, it wouldn't be shocking to find out he had a photo in his office with "Prague, September 2016" written on the back.

They have his email history. There's probably some metadata there with emails originating from Prague ISPs.
Mike Pence is Spiro Agnew.

Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice President and he too left office early, and in disgrace.

The only difference is Agnew - as far as we know - was not implicated in Watergate. Agnew's downfall came after the break in so he might, but his own illegal actions were punished.

We also don't know conclusively how deeply involved Nixon was because he was pardoned by Gerald Ford and there is the missing 18.5 minute tape.

Ford was the minority leader and Nixon wrote to him asking for recommendations for a new Vice President.


Ford ended up getting the job and then ascending to the Presidency. Some people speculate there was a deal that Ford gets the presidency and Nixon gets a pardon but that's rumour.

I expect Pence to go down WITH Trump so with Ryan resigning, the next one down in ascension retiring (Orrin Hatch), there will be a hell of a rabbit hole.
They have his email history. There's probably some metadata there with emails originating from Prague ISPs.

Nixon really wanted John Connally and despised Reagan (he thought he was a moron!). But Connally had been a democrat and so was not a popular choice with the congressional republicans. Ford was a straight shooter, respected by all and with no Watergate taint whatsoever so a good choice.

the pardon turned out to be the right decision anyway.
Trump is playing 6d chess. He picked Pence knowing that he was picking a person to be his VP that was more loathsome, and more awful than he was, so that if anyone ever decided to impeach him, they'd have to reconcile with the idea that a radical fundamentalist christian with insane ideas would be taking his place, instead of an incompetent lunatic whose M.O is the madman theory.
If it weren't for the phony stories and fake news, you wouldn't be President.
the pardon turned out to be the right decision anyway.

I’m not sure that’s true. Not only did it doom Ford’s presidency, but it set a dangerous precedent that a president is basically above the law. fecker should have gone to jail like everyone else.
Only new fact I learned in the Comey interview was that his wife and daughters wanted Hillary to be the first female president and I'm sure the Trumpsters/bots will have a field day with that. But there are certainly a couple of strong, unequivocal soundbites on Comey's opinion of Trump which I'm sure will get the Orange One all worked up very soon.
Gotta say I understand why Comey did the things he did a bit better after that interview - in particular the handling of the Hillary email saga but I can't help but feel it was mostly fluff. The former FBI Director surely knows a lot more than he is able to say you would think. He clearly took the safe high ground by stating Trump is morally unfit to be President and that he hopes he will lose through people voting and not through impeachment. Something doesn't add up. I still have a hard time someone can be that sanctimonious or righteous in his beliefs but perhaps I'm wrong.
Only new fact I learned in the Comey interview was that his wife and daughters wanted Hillary to be the first female president and I'm sure the Trumpsters/bots will have a field day with that. But there are certainly a couple of strong, unequivocal soundbites on Comey's opinion of Trump which I'm sure will get the Orange One all worked up very soon.

Haven't watched yet (West Coast). It comes on at the top of the hour. From the soundbites I've seen, it looks like its going to dominate the news or the next week.
I’m not sure that’s true. Not only did it doom Ford’s presidency, but it set a dangerous precedent that a president is basically above the law. fecker should have gone to jail like everyone else.

The country had been paralysed for a year with the hearings. A long trial would have prolonged it and further divided the nation. Nixon resigning in disgrace was the right way forward. Even Woodward and Bernstein agree with that.
The country had been paralysed for a year with the hearings. A long trial would have prolonged it and further divided the nation. Nixon resigning in disgrace was the right way forward. Even Woodward and Bernstein agree with that.

If that was Trump's course of action, somehow I cant see him being as quiet as Nixon post-resignation. It would be the same twitter/headline grabbing shite but only as an ex-Prez.
Is there anywhere I can watch the full interview? I'm only able to find clips and a video constantly interrupted by panelists.
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