The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Did he really just use “Mission Accomplished” without seeing the irony?

Hell, I don’t know why I’m even asking... of course he did.
Can't believe how this president is thinking to be in a big reality show. Someone should have balls to tell him the harsh reality.
At this point the news that Cohen met with Russians in Praque is massive. If that turns out to be true then the pace of the entire Trump/Russia story is going to ramp up to a new level and probably wind down fairly quickly.
Cohen denied it again today

Meuller looks like the high school principal in every move ever made where teens get up to hijinx.
But he loved Comey at one point.

“It took a lot of guts,” Trump said in October 2017 of Comey’s decision to reopen the Clinton investigation.

“I have to give the FBI credit. That was so bad what happened originally,” Trump said of the FBI’s original decision not to recommend charges be brought against Clinton by the Justice Department.

“It took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecution,” Trump said at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

“I was not his fan, but I’ll tell you what — what he did, he brought back his reputation,” Trump continued.

He also encouraged Comey then to “hang tough.”
I'm not sure it's even a good thing. Pence is way worse.

Pence would be far better than Trump. At least with him you get a predictable actor who you can engage on the policies and eventually vote out. With Trump you get lethal cocktail of drama, narcissism, authoritarianism, and incompetence.
I'm not sure it's even a good thing. Pence is way worse.

Maybe. Although I read a theory that Pence was pushed on to the Trump ticket because he is despised by the Republican party and, believing Trump would lose the election, they thought they could bury him that way.
Even if Trump was right, and all his foes genuinely were corrupt, incompetent 'haters', I'd still despise him for the embarrassing image of America he presents to the world. His lack of common dignity and respect is disgraceful.
Pence would be far better than Trump. At least with him you get a predictable actor who you can engage on the policies and eventually vote out. With Trump you get lethal cocktail of drama, narcissism, authoritarianism, and incompetence.
Pence is a religious nutter. Sure we wouldn't get all the stupid Twitter posts and shit but I think his policies are even worse than Trumps. We'll see I guess.
The investigation of the lawyer has opened up a front that firing Muller or Rosenstein won’t defend; that pardons might not help, either. For an egotist like DT it’s scary and distracting and close in. It applies leverage and intense pressure. Besides it’s strategic value, it can have a tactical value too. It might take the pressure off Muller a tad. It might force bad decisions. And of course it supplies the feds with novel-fulls of rich pickings; thirty years of Trumpian wheeling & dealing.
President Ryan?

Maybe that’s why he is stepping down...

Edit - I’m not sure what the rules is on someone who gets called on as an acting President then running their own campaigns afterwards? Limited to one term plus his substitute stint?
Agreed but why would he be so bullish especially right after being summoned to Fecking court staring down the barrel of a legal night mare of a gun

He may be attempting to call their bluff to see what evidence they have by doubling down that he wasn't in Prague. If Mueller has something that was then Cohen is genuinely fecked and will have to flip to avoid (probably) a long jail sentence.
Have we had any concrete evidence that Cohen was in Prague aside from the mcclatchydc article?
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