The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Hope someone gets a copy of the contract so they can compare the text to the one for Donald.
His like and retweet numbers are waaaay down btw.

Yeah what's up with that, has there been an explanation? I was just checking his twitter account and I would swear some of his tweets that had around a 100k likes a couple of days ago now only have 50 to 60k. Like the 'TOTAL WITCH HUNT' one from April 10th, the way I remember it, it already had >90k in a couple of hours after he posted it, but now it's on 60k.

Twitter taking actions against the bots and fake liking after the worldwide Facebook negativity? Or team Trump taking actions to remove and dismantle the like and retweet bots, because they fear it might be used against them after Mueller raiding Cohen's office?

Edit: or Twitter having technical problems? I see an embedded tweet on page 1625 of this page having 80k likes, but that same tweet on Trump's twitter via my browser has only 40k...
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Are these deals completely closed case or is it just the pseudonyms that keep them private?

Just wondering if Dennis Dennison and Peggy Peterson might turn up any results in a public records search.


Not really, he disclosed something that had massive impact on the voting against Hillary but kept all the Trump stuff quiet. :mad:

Probably because the evidence wasn‘t there at the time that Trump wasinvolved with Russian activity. The hand he was dealt with IIRC didn‘t give him a lot of options. Either keep quiet and risk a major political crisis or get the status quo of the investigation out. Mistakes were made earlier in the process when they went public that they were not investigating Hillary.
Can't keep up with the news:

I was just wondering has Trump ever addressed the nation as President? I don't recall seeing one of those televised addresses yet. That seems unusual to me.
I was just wondering has Trump ever addressed the nation as President? I don't recall seeing one of those televised addresses yet. That seems unusual to me.
I believe he has once or twice. For sure he did a makeshift one at Mar-A-Lago last year after the Syria bombing. And the two SOTU addresses.
MAGA=My Attorney Got Arrested.
He was so proud of the military that he hid in an attic while disguised as a female servant rather than fight.
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