The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This sort of thing is going to send me insane, it makes me almost certain we're living in a simulation and the ones controlling it are bored and starting to feck with us.
I'm not sure if it's boredom or frustration. Some poor alien scientist is desperately trying to prove his hypothesis that there's a point of ridiculousness that we'll stop putting up with it and running out of new things to try.
I think we see where this is going - military campaign against Syria at the same time as firing Rosenstein. Using the coverage of one to obscure the other.
I think we see where this is going - military campaign against Syria at the same time as firing Rosenstein. Using the coverage of one to obscure the other.
I think Trump is going to go for a two pronged attack. He’s going to sack Mueller and then immediately put forward a motion to start bombing Syria. (Or vice versa)

Republicans in the senate and congress at that point will happily say “We will address the Mueller situation in due time but we have bigger things to focus on right now”.

Great minds..., get their inspirations from even greater minds (green smiley)
I think we see where this is going - military campaign against Syria at the same time as firing Rosenstein. Using the coverage of one to obscure the other.

Does the deputy AG need Senate confirmation too? Not sure how the next Trump appointee will get through confirmation without a promise not to slow-walk, limit or fire Mueller?
Firing Rosenstein would be like firing Mueller without actually doing so, as the new DAG could change the rules by which Mueller operates, which would of course change the parameter of the investigation.
Jesse Panuccio, who has been the principal deputy associate attorney general under Brand, will likely temporarily take her spot. But because officials in “acting” capacities do not count in the Justice Department order of succession, it’s unclear if Panuccio would have the authority to fire Mueller.

Instead, Sessions can designate someone else to step in as the No. 3 official, such as an assistant attorney general or the solicitor general. If he does not or cannot do so, the United States attorneys for the Eastern District of Virginia, the Eastern District of North Carolina and the Northern District of Texas are next in the order of succession, respectively. Because one of those officials is “acting,” only Robert Higdon, the U.S. attorney in North Carolina, and Erin Cox, the U.S. attorney in Texas, would be eligible. They are both Trump appointees. If Rosenstein is no longer in his role, that person would likely be tasked with overseeing the Mueller probe.

Robert Higdon:

In the Eastern District U.S. Attorney's Office, he served as Chief of the Criminal Division for more than 11 years, supervising and prosecuting criminal cases involving drug trafficking, terrorism, violent crime, white collar crime, and public corruption. Higdon also served as senior trial counsel in the Public Integrity Section of the United States Department of Justice. In 2012, he led the federal prosecution in a campaign finance fraud case involving John Edwards.

He's got the credentials to oversee the investigation, it just depends how partisan he is or loyal to Trump.

Erin Nealy Cox:

Prior to assuming her current role, she was a senior advisor at McKinsey & Company in the cybersecurity and risk practice. She serves on the board of directors of Sally Beauty Holdings. From 1999 to 2008, Nealy Cox served as an Assistant U.S Attorney in the Northern District of Texas, where she prosecuted cyber crimes, white collar crimes, and general crimes. In 2004 and 2005, she served as chief of staff and senior counsel to the Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Policy. Nealy Cox also previously worked at Stroz Friedberg, a cybersecurity and investigations consulting firm.

Again, fitting credentials for overseeing the investigation.

I'd be interested to know what sort of relationship they both have with Trump.
Trump telegraphed a warning to Russia. They will now send air strikes blowing up empty buildings. Thought this was the man that never told what his plans were.
Insanely good interview with Neal Katyal on Anderson right now. He wrote the independent council law and explained all the options.
I totally missed how actually stupid what he wrote was :D Thanks!

"Thank you Maagge?"
No worries.
He's consistently shown that he doesn't actually know how quotation marks work. It's incredible (although, I guess, expected).
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