The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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We said. It really doesn't help that not only does Trump see things only in black and white, he also only sees things in his own version of black and white. He has a very childlike understanding of things and if too complicated he simply gives up and goes with whoever can explain it simply enough, never once minding what angle or bias they are coming from.

He has zero understanding of global trade or how it works. The fact he continually bangs on and on about a $500 billion deficit and how he sees that as actual money lost (and probably owed) to the USA, says it all.

Yes China does exceptionally well from trade but that's due to hard work and clever (if sometimes deceptive) trade practices. Them still being classed as a developing country and obtaining perks from that is NOT THEIR FAULT. You can't blame them for taking any bonus they can. Did any of the big businesss Trump gave massive tax cuts to turn round and reject them? Did they say it was unfair and they didn't need them and say they wanted to pay more tax? No of course not. So this stick to beat China with is stupid and the wrath should be aimed at the WTO and not China.

Trump has had a bee in his bonnet with China since his campaign. Calling them out for money manipulation etc but never once caring about human rights violations. He doesn't give a shit about that, just about the money. It's ALWAYS about the money with him and his childlike hang up of things not being fair. I bet he even stamps his feet when he says that out loud.

Trump needs to be careful as nobody wins in a trade war and the USA's tax payers, farmers, business owners, consumers and workers are the ones who will suffer from his lack of understanding and him picking fights he not only cannot win but over things he just doesn't get.

I agree.

Imposing tarrifs on aluminium won't help the us manufacturer as it'll be more expensive for them to produce whatever they're producing, and the very principle of why they import aluminium in the first place is because they can't produce enough themselves. All it'll lead to is just scarcity of goods and price hike.

Many countries don't like china, i feel the brunt of their economic rise myself but i can't deny all the cheap goods they produce allows many of us to survive and to continue production.

Uh oh! So much for not telling the.enemy your plans. This was scheduled for the weekend yet he needs to stay at home and decided that Tuesday?

I think he's going to war to distract from everything else.
Guessing Putin already instructed Trump where to drop the bombs to make it look like something is actually being done. If he does drop anything on Syria.. Perhaps someone should ask Trump how many millions of dollars it cost to drop bombs and how many of those dollars could have been used for something he stripped funding for. America First and all that. (But hey if they re really going after Assad forgive my scepticism)
Somehow I think of all people in football LVG would make the best press secretary for the Trump administration.
As a sharply partisan Republican member of Congress, CIA Director Mike Pompeo tormented former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over her response to the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, which Pompeo called “morally reprehensible.” He also once liked a tweet that branded her successor, John Kerry, a “traitor.”

But now that Pompeo faces a tough confirmation process to become secretary of state himself, he has reached out to Clinton and Kerry, as well as every other living occupant of the office, to ask for guidance. Clinton, for one, has been willing to help.

“These were lengthy calls seeking advice” from the former secretaries, a person familiar with Pompeo’s prep work told POLITICO. “He understands the gravity of the challenge before him.”

Mike Pompeo, welcome to the resistance,,,
Big win for Trump if true.

It's rather taking a piss in Trumps face. This is something the Europeans pushed for for a long time and Volkswagen alone is almost selling as much cars in China as all of the American carmakers combined. It's more like "look what's possible if you are friendly." Of those steel tarrifs stay, American cars will get even more expensive compared to Japanese, Korean and Japanese one and subsequently lose market share.
Somehow I think of all people in football LVG would make the best press secretary for the Trump administration.
I ve always believed we should be glad LVG decided to stick to footie rather than go into politics. The man is like a smarter version of Trump which would be hella scary. I'm somewhat serious too. More charisma too, just watch the infamous balcony scene in Munich again.

Re China lowering its tariffs on car imports was already announced back in November.. So well ahead of Trump doing his thing...also don't forget about the 50 billion in punitive tarrifs they slapped on the US specifically. The fact Trump hasn't gloated about it yet I assume means smarter people have told him it doesn't mean jack.
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The assertion that China is no longer a developing country is laughable. It’s per capita income is just $8k (ish). Compared to $56k for the US.

They should be afforded some level of protectionism. The US economy benefits hugely from the influx of cheap consumer products. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. Trump’s reaction is short termism and myopic.

The more advanced countries get, the more they will move away from traditional manufacturing and raw material extraction, and towards higher tech industries. The US should be investing heavily in renewable energy technology for example, to become a world leader in that area.
Rather convenient for Sarah to hold her briefing at the exact same time that the Zuckerberg hearing is taking place.
Nobody is really watching either. The press briefing is always a waste of time since she never answers anything of substance.
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