The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: No worries. I must admit I do have a deep hatred of the man. I only vent about him here though, I can't remember the last time I mentioned him in an actual conversation with someone.

Anyhoo I usually don't find memes very funny, but this one had me laughing out loud so much so that I got some odd looks from the couple opposite me on the next table :lol: I felt like I could explain it to them but the girl is fit as feck and I think she may be offended. The lad she's with is a right drop though. Wetter than @Welsh Wonder's pillow after he's been dribbling all night.

:lol: :lol:

First pair of tits , sounds good :lol:. About the other thing, I do have a couple of mates who refer to me for constant updates reg. Spanky. Initially they did not believe the whole whoopla but after several months I managed to convince them .
Doubt it would be the end unless Trump is planning on going after him. A more likely scenario would be destroying the Syrian Air Force.
That would be a pretty enormous air campaign.
That would be a pretty enormous air campaign.

Not sure if an air campaign would be feasible since much of the area is infested by Russian air defense systems. I'd imagine a massive armada of Cruise missiles would be the weapon of choice if he decided to go that route.
You surely can't destroy SYAF without first taking out the S400 batteries . And while you can use the B2s for that, in won't exactly go down well with Putin.
You surely can't destroy SYAF without first taking out the S400 batteries . And while you can use the B2s for that, in won't exactly go down well with Putin.

SAMs can be neutralized remotely by very low flying Cruise and other sorts of missiles. If a missile is incoming at an altitude of only 15-20 meters, there's little a SAM can do.
SAMs can be neutralized remotely by very low flying Cruise and other sorts of missiles. If a missile is incoming at an altitude of only 15-20 meters, there's little a SAM can do.
Except in order to utilize radar homing missiles you need to launch them from above, since the antenna dirctional diagrams of the transmitters are angled at more than 30 deg w.r.t to ground . You can use cruise missiles if the launchers are fixed and you have exact location fix , however they are not , and the said missiles are slow , and their launches which come from ships can be seen beforehand .
I don’t really find politicians doing a complete 180 that surprising tbh. Especially since trump has no political background, he is essentially tweeting as a layman in his past tweets. It’s quite likely he understood real complexities involved only once he was elected
Yeah, just saying. I know he is ignorant on many issues.
Trump speaking out against Putin is a surprise for certain. It'll be interesting how it's going to play out.
Trump speaking out against Putin is a surprise for certain. It'll be interesting how it's going to play out.

He's gradually figuring out the Vlad isn't his buddy and is using him to advance his own agenda of disrupting democratic systems. He's also getting intelligence of what Putin/Assad/Iran are doing in Syria, and i'm guessing he's actually starting to absorb the big picture.
He's gradually figuring out the Vlad isn't his buddy and is using him to advance his own agenda of disrupting democratic systems. He's also getting intelligence of what Putin/Assad/Iran are doing in Syria, and i'm guessing he's actually starting to absorb the big picture.

Wonder if the arms manufacturers made him a bigger offer than Vlad did.
His criticism of Putin has still been fairly mild, and for the most part has been conducted in fairly respectable and diplomatic terms: unlike his rhetoric towards Kim-Jong Un, for example. Last time he acted against Syria there were a few brief airstrikes before all returned to normal, and if anything Trump benefited insofar as it looked like he was acting against Russian interests without actually doing anything to harm the Assad regime at all.
His criticism of Putin has still been fairly mild, and for the most part has been conducted in fairly respectable and diplomatic terms: unlike his rhetoric towards Kim-Jong Un, for example. Last time he acted against Syria there were a few brief airstrikes before all returned to normal, and if anything Trump benefited insofar as it looked like he was acting against Russian interests without actually doing anything to harm the Assad regime at all.
Or Animal Assad. It's very noticeable how reserved and unlike himself he has been when mentioning anything about Putin.
None needed. The government is already well stocked to the gills.

Yeah but Trump personally. I'm sure there's some shady dealing going on if they're about to go to war. Arms manufacturers tipping him a few bob to push the country into action.
Trump is shit scared of Russia and Putin and I personally think that is because he owes Russian investors BIGLY and also the pee pee tape which I fully believe exists. (And NEVER want to see but would love for it to come out and destroy him)
Trump is shit scared of Russia and Putin and I personally think that is because he owes Russian investors BIGLY and also the pee pee tape which I fully believe exists. (And NEVER want to see but would love for it to come out and destroy him)

The pee pee tape wouldn't damage him much, his base has proven they don't give a shit about his behaviour.

He definitely owes some Russians big though and if you owe Russians big then you owe Putin by proxy cause he controls all the wealth.
The pee pee tape wouldn't damage him much, his base has proven they don't give a shit about his behaviour.

You have to be joking, right?

His base have plausible deniability at the moment as in their eyes and heads It's all fake news and hearsay and rumours. Trump has denied everything and that's good enough for them.

However seeing him being pissed on by a couple of Russian hookers would be disgusting enough and would be too real as it could actually be seen and wouldn't just be a rumour anymore. Also he has vehemently denied it on numerous occasions so would then make his supporters question everything else, but especially the affairs with the models and porn stars AND the 20 odd accusations of abuse and sexual misconduct would be impossible to ignore or deny.

At the moment there is no proof of anything just peoples words and accusations. Actually seeing it on tape would completely destroy him, he would be indefensible especially to his Evangelical supporters, of that I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever.

I know he has got out of everything else, but if this tape exists, It's the one thing I know would bring him down.
All Vlad needs to do is tell him to remember, he's got the tapes.
I hope so @langster, I really do.

His tactic of exhausting people until they think he's untouchable and stop caring is working on me at the minute though.
Trump is shit scared of Russia and Putin and I personally think that is because he owes Russian investors BIGLY and also the pee pee tape which I fully believe exists. (And NEVER want to see but would love for it to come out and destroy him)

Are you kidding? I can’t wait to see that shit!
Me too, I feel exactly the same but I am sure if the tape does exist he really couldn't talk his way out of it and it would be the straw that broke the Evangelical supports back.
You're a sick man Pexbo, sick :lol:


However seeing him being pissed on by a couple of Russian hookers

This bits inaccurate according to reports. The video is apparently in the Presidential suite where the Obama’s had recently stayed and Trump had the girls pissing on the bed saying disparaging things about the Obamas.
If anything it's worse because you know Trump will be sat there naked, coked up to his tits whacking himself off as they do it


This bits inaccurate according to reports. The video is apparently in the Presidential suite where the Obama’s had recently stayed and Trump had the girls pissing on the bed saying disparaging things about the Obamas.

Semantics. Although to be fair even as nasty as that sounds (Also mildly comical) I can unfortunately see that appealing to his base. Ugh.
Trump is shit scared of Russia and Putin and I personally think that is because he owes Russian investors BIGLY and also the pee pee tape which I fully believe exists. (And NEVER want to see but would love for it to come out and destroy him)

After all that Trump's said and done; a tape of a couple prostitutes urinating on him may just get his supporters to go do the same.


Just Wow!

That has to be up there with his "I could shoot someone" comment. Feck, the minerals on the man.
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I imagine any controversy with the tapes won't be what's in them (grim as it may be/look) but more what Trump's potentially recorded saying. Although that's of course if they do exist.
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