The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's clear that was sent by a staff member and not Trump. It's too well written and grammatically correct. It's also sane, rational and praising a black man.

Sure signs he had feck all to do with it.
Probably. You know when he is himself writting on Twitter.
It's clear that was sent by a staff member and not Trump. It's too well written and grammatically correct. It's also sane, rational and praising a black man.

Sure signs he had feck all to do with it.

And it’s got a video in it. No way could he do that.
And it’s got a video in it. No way could he do that.

:lol: not a chance in hell.

If he had written it himself he would have put a message saying something like... "Great speech 50 years ago but not as good as this one of mine last year at the biggest political rally of all time in the world ever. Oh and I didn't get shot" and completed his Tweet with a 24 hour video of his campaign speeches.

It must have been deleted but there was a Trump bot saying he was disgusted at his leader, the man he elected for recognising a Communist traitor on his Twitter feed and for posting In favour of a black man.

Damn some of his supporters are just disgraceful. Completely unhinged.

Edit. Trump has hired Rob Porter to be his campaign manager for his 2020 re-election bid. You know, the one who beat his Ex wife and had to leave his job at the White House. And yet women will still support and defend this piece of shit. fecking disgusting.
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Dr King, the literal bête noire of the wonder Trump celebrates him.
It's clear that was sent by a staff member and not Trump. It's too well written and grammatically correct. It's also sane, rational and praising a black man.

Sure signs he had feck all to do with it.

No @FrederickDouglas hashtag is a dead giveaway.
Rasmussen were the only ones that had Trump winning the election. So they have become the supporters go to when it comes to polls.
Looks like Pruitt is going to be forced out. Will be good news as he's one of the worst in Trump's cabinet and he's done plenty of bad things at the EPA.
Rasmussen were the only ones that had Trump winning the election. So they have become the supporters go to when it comes to polls.

Except they actually didn't.

Rasmussen said:
Despite some wobbles along the way, we’ve favored Hillary Clinton as the 45th president of the United States ever since we did our first handicapping of the Clinton vs. Donald Trump matchup back in late March. The edge we had for her back then has eroded a little bit at the end — we had her as high as 352 electoral votes, and in the final tally we have her down to 322, with 216 for Trump.
From the man who brought us "smarts.", here comes "chief lobbyist,".


He's also once again admitting that his beef with Amazon is related to Washington Post coverage and not their issue with the post office etc.
I assume Fox news did a segment on immigration and "caravans" because the fecker is using it as his new buzzword.
Trump=Putin's chief lobbyist.
Just wait until the jobs slow down, coal doesn't make a comeback and the tariffs start hurting the farm workers and consumers. I think that may be the only things that actually turn many away from him.
Just wait until the jobs slow down, coal doesn't make a comeback and the tariffs start hurting the farm workers and consumers. I think that may be the only things that actually turn many away from him.

You’re underestimating the ignorance of his base and the spin of the right wing media. It’ll be blamed on ‘bamma.
I think his ratings will mostly stay where they are at the moment, give or take a few percent. Most people who despise him do so on a personal level and so any positive political moves are unlikely to win him over much support; similarly those who follow him won't be put off unless he properly abandons his core social promises. A stagnant economy won't shift them away. Quite whether it shifts upwards or downwards from that 40% though should determine his fate in 2020.
You’re underestimating the ignorance of his base and the spin of the right wing media. It’ll be blamed on ‘bamma.

Nah, he will always have a core support that will be relatively immovable, but the amount of Evangelicals that he upset recently and the backlash he received for signing the Omnibus Bill surprised me.

There is a distinct shift at the moment, he's upset a lot of people and I get the feeling many are finally losing patience with him. It doesn't need to be a dramatic shift but I honestly feel his real base is probably around the high 20's to low 30's.
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