The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wtf? We don't have laws to stop them so we'll stop them with our military!?
18 U.S.C. § 1385. Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Doesn't US law actually prohibit the use of military as a police force?
Really? He doesn't seem that intimidating to be honest.

The feck he doesn't....


Well those that said the Trump train would be entertaining are bearing fruit. Amazon is one of the most exploitative and unethical companies in the Western World. Trump might actually be the lesser evil here. Hopefully Bezos and Trump tear each other to pieces.
Well those that said the Trump train would be entertaining are bearing fruit. Amazon is one of the most exploitative and unethical companies in the Western World. Trump might actually be the lesser evil here. Hopefully Bezos and Trump tear each other to pieces.

Yes this is one of these odd issues where Trump finds himself to be strange bedfellows with leftists who are dubious of Amazon's labor practices. That said, his involvement in this issue is related to Bezos and the Washington Post's negative coverage of him, so I would hold off on nominating him for any awards in altruism.
Yes this is one of these odd issues where Trump finds himself to be strange bedfellows with leftists who are dubious of Amazon's labor practices. That said, his involvement in this issue is related to Bezos and the Washington Post's negative coverage of him, so I would hold off on nominating him for any awards in altruism.

It's obviously not altuism but just maybe it could set a precedent in dealing with tax dodgers. And that obviously isn't the motive but we know no Democrat would dare to threaten the same action.
It's obviously not altuism but just maybe it could set a precedent in dealing with tax dodgers. And that obviously isn't the motive but we know no Democrat would dare to threaten the same action.
He's reduced corporate tax for all of them. Then picks out one to go after. The only precendent he is setting is write bad things about me and mine and i'll go after your money.
Well those that said the Trump train would be entertaining are bearing fruit. Amazon is one of the most exploitative and unethical companies in the Western World. Trump might actually be the lesser evil here. Hopefully Bezos and Trump tear each other to pieces.

No fan of Amazon and agree they're incredibly unethical as well as often being a fairly horrible and exploitative company to work for, but I struggle to get behind this considering it's basically Trump on his own personal vendetta against one specific company/man. If he were applying this to all big names like Amazon I'd be more liable to sympathise but it's clear that isn't the case, and anyone who falls in line or who actively courts him is fine. Will be fun to watch the two hopefully tear each other apart though, as you say.
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