The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Shit's apparently going to go down re: the caravan heading to the border.
If he wants a fight, Bezos is as good as any to give it back. The man is a pitbull.

I've met Amazon executives who were literally constipated for weeks before they had to give presentations to him.

He might look small but he is scary.

Yeap. A good mate/colleague of mine at a C-suite level within Amazon Europe said that it was a stressful environment to work in.
He's reduced corporate tax for all of them. Then picks out one to go after. The only precendent he is setting is write bad things about me and mine and i'll go after your money.

Bringing in any legislation or taxes to target offshore companies could set precedent long term. I'm not sure he can legally only tax Amazon.

No fan of Amazon and agree they're incredibly unethical as well as often being a fairly horrible and exploitative company to work for, but I struggle to get behind this considering it's basically Trump on his own personal vendetta against one specific company/man. If he were applying this to all big names like Amazon I'd be more liable to sympathise but it's clear that isn't the case, and anyone who falls in line or who actively courts him is fine. Will be fun to watch the two hopefully tear each other apart though, as you say.

I'm not for a moment claiming Trump altruistic motives. But anything that makes Amazon pay some of it's fail bill of tax is a good thing. I'm not sure if legally he can only go after Amazon, it could be other multi-nationals get hit too.
Read about that immigrants march going on in Central America. Obviously, it's just a protest against Trump. Very few people want to cross the border.
The feck he doesn't....


Bringing in any legislation or taxes to target offshore companies could set precedent long term. I'm not sure he can legally only tax Amazon.

I'm not for a moment claiming Trump altruistic motives. But anything that makes Amazon pay some of it's fail bill of tax is a good thing. I'm not sure if legally he can only go after Amazon, it could be other multi-nationals get hit too.

Won't hold up in court if Amazon can prove that his actions were targeted at the company.
I recall watching that when it first aired and somewhat feeling a bit sad for Ann, even thinking a few bits were way OTT (like the abortion comment). But then I remembered all the bullshit she's peddled about this person or that democrat and was like feck her.

Pretty much. On one hand, it's almost respectable of her to willingly get herself into the situation, when she knows what the outcome will be, but on the other hand feck that. People like her say and do legitimately evil things, a bit of "ha ha look how genial we can all be at the end of the day" is misleading at best and downright dangerous at worst. It's a bit like like going "Hitler may have been bad, but have you seen those cute photos of him with his puppies?"

feck that evil bitch.
Of his many, many faults the most dangerous is his pathological need for instant gratification regardless of any consequences. He reminds me sooo much of my toddler.
Of his many, many faults the most dangerous is his pathological need for instant gratification regardless of any consequences. He reminds me sooo much of my toddler.

I think his most dangerous trait is blaming others for the consequences of his own actions. He then takes action against the said others who did nothing to him in the first place. It's like killing your wife's therapist after she left you because you cheated on her.

Case in point...DACA. He's the one that ended it. He then blames everyone else for putting the DACA recipients in limbo.
Is that the total of pay-offs to his accusers?
I think he wants to withdraw troops from Syria to make it logistically possible to send them elsewhere. Iran probably.

He wouldn't need to withdraw from one place to send to another. There are thousands who are able to go anywhere right now without needing to move others.
He wants to get out of Syria because it's in Putin's best interest

Won't hold this decision against him, he wants to get out of Syria because it is a clusterfeck.

The West backed the wrong horse, even Saudi-Arabia has come to realize that Assad will remain. No need for the West or the US to take out the remains of ISIS. Assad with air-support from Russia will take care of that.
Won't hold this decision against him, he wants to get out of Syria because it is a clusterfeck.

The West backed the wrong horse, even Saudi-Arabia has come to realize that Assad will remain. No need for the West or the US to take out the remains of ISIS. Assad with air-support from Russia will take care of that.

Perhaps I'm too much of a cynic but he has shown that the only thing which motivates him is self-interest. The ability to use it as a campaign talking point is the sole driving force. Any benefit to others is incidental, not intentional.

So I won't be giving him any credit for it.
It's clear that was sent by a staff member and not Trump. It's too well written and grammatically correct. It's also sane, rational and praising a black man.

Sure signs he had feck all to do with it.
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