The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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LOL. There are about 1.5k Hondurans coming to the US through Mexico and the Mexican government aren't stopping them as Trump wants.

With him saying the economy is now the greatest it has ever been (for the last month or so) and now also saying the military is nearly there... any chance he is setting himself up to just say his job is done soon?
That's the first Easter Sunday message that I've ever witnessed a POTUS brag about himself. Zombie Jesus would definitely be part of the resistance.

Are you sure? I'd have definitely had the Middle Eastern socialist down as a staunch Republican...
Complicit in everything is what I'm suggesting is a ridiculous claim without citation.

Complicit in everything: She knows exactly who she is married to, what their relationship is, and what it isn't.

I've not seen a single interview that shows her to be a good natured, healthy, caring human being. She's a type. A type that marries someone like Donald Trump. A type that applies a weights and measures assessment when taking that path.
How do people have sympathy for Melania. She married fecking Trump. This is how she deserves to be treated for marrying a misogynist, bigot, senile, narcassistic prick like the Donald.

She also comes across as a crass, dumb and spoiled tit.

I put a lot of adjectives down to get my point across
How do people have sympathy for Melania. She married fecking Trump. This is how she deserves to be treated for marrying a misogynist, bigot, senile, narcassistic prick like the Donald.

She also comes across as a crass, dumb and spoiled tit.

I put a lot of adjectives down to get my point across

Yeah no idea either. I mean it's not like it wasn't known what kind of guy Trump was before he became president, was it?

She knew what she was getting into and decided to do it anyways. So now she has to either live with it or save her last bit of dignity and file for divorce like his other wives did.
When they were married he was only an obnoxious rich man with a media profile. Getting on in age, awful diet, massively obese, blood pressure issues. Hell I'd marry him in those circumstances. Probably expected to see him like twice a month. Likely had no clue he'd become president.
LOL. There are about 1.5k Hondurans coming to the US through Mexico and the Mexican government aren't stopping them as Trump wants.

"Send"? He doesn't really understand people are free to move if they don't see an improvement in their life in their country.
With him saying the economy is now the greatest it has ever been (for the last month or so) and now also saying the military is nearly there... any chance he is setting himself up to just say his job is done soon?
I'm sure he said at a rally just the other week that his 2022 campaign slogan will be "Keep American Great" or something, which may have been a joke onstage but it sounded sincere. It would be typical of his presidency though - lie in the face of factual evidence.
I'm sure he said at a rally just the other week that his 2022 campaign slogan will be "Keep American Great" or something, which may have been a joke onstage but it sounded sincere. It would be typical of his presidency though - lie in the face of factual evidence.

Almost right. It's "Keep America Great EXCLAMATION POINT".

On a more serious note: It makes sense to throw some slogans out there to see what sticks and what not so I wouldn't be reading to much into that. When will a sitting president start campaigning anyway?
When will a sitting president start campaigning anyway?
It seems like Trump started as soon as he sat down.

And in general it seems like there's very little time for actual politics in American politics.
13 cents 1990 aren't 13 cents 2018 !

Jokes aside I actually kinda like a millionaire cashing a 13 cent check for the feck of it.
Had to double check if this was from a parody account

Is anybody ever going to tell him how capitalization works? The silver lining of all of this is that a lot of Americans will suddenly become aware if their local station has ties to Sinclair or not. I'd bet they'd have liked to stay out of the public eye until their consolidation of the local tv markets is completed.

He chooses the one Republican leaning poll whose conclusions he approves of and ignores all the credible ones that have his numbers in the high 30s.

He should really stop with those before he gets tagged with "racist", "rapist" or - probably the worst for him - "baby hands".
This is the first time he came up with a monicker for Obama. I wonder what's troubling Donnie.
Good. He's probably the most dangerous of the lot.

He is, but I doubt his departure will matter all that much - in the end he'll just be replaced by another climate change denier.
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