The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think this just comes down to my inability to understand why people give more of a feck about melania trump than they appear to care about... other shit. All the other shit I would moan about. Global poverty, Western bigotry, climate change etc... they are increasingly ruining this fecking world.
I think this just comes down to my inability to understand why people give more of a feck about melania trump than they appear to care about... other shit. All the other shit I would moan about. Global poverty, Western bigotry, climate change etc... they are increasingly ruining this fecking world.
I swear to god...

You can't just recycle material because no one got the reference the first time.
Of all the token FLOTUS campaigns Melania could have run with they decided to go for cyber bullying. I actually laugh out loud when I think about it. Surely someone somewhere was brave enough to stand up and say, actually, probably not our best option guys?

We are only making assumptions about Melania's thought process but we have a lot to go off. I've just sat and had a think about what I know about her and this is almost solely from this thread... She knows what we know about Donald, his track record with women and then some, but is still there and seemingly without any self respect. I wonder if it might possibly be the standard of living that keeps her living with a pensioner? She went after Obama on the birther piece without an ounce of humility despite getting in to the country on the Einstein visa and being as thick as two short planks. (That video makes my eyes water). Running with the cyber bullying campaign knowing her husband is the biggest cyber bully on the Internet. Standing in front of us all and basically reading out Michelle Obama's speech. I know a lot of this she does as a result of being directed by people she feels are credible enough to take advice from, but she's complicit in the hypocrisy.
Of all the token FLOTUS campaigns Melania could have run with they decided to go for cyber bullying. I actually laugh out loud when I think about it. Surely someone somewhere was brave enough to stand up and say, actually, probably not our best option guys?

We are only making assumptions about Melania's thought process but we have a lot to go off. I've just sat and had a think about what I know about her and this is almost solely from this thread... She knows what we know about Donald, his track record with women and then some, but is still there and seemingly without any self respect. I wonder if it might possibly be the standard of living that keeps her living with a pensioner? She went after Obama on the birther piece without an ounce of humility despite getting in to the country on the Einstein visa and being as thick as two short planks. (That video makes my eyes water). Running with thencyber bullying campaign knowing her husband is the biggest cyber bully on the Internet. Standing in front of us all and basically reading out Michelle Obama's speech. I know a lot of this she does as a result of being directed by people she feels are credible enough to take advice from, but she's complicit in the hypocrisy.

Pretty much my view. Although I wouldn't wish the nonsense she has had to endure about Trump sleeping around with McGougal while Melania was having Baron on any family. Ultimately however, she has endured all of this and has opted to stay with Trump, much as Hillary stayed with Bill.
Of all the token FLOTUS campaigns Melania could have run with they decided to go for cyber bullying. I actually laugh out loud when I think about it. Surely someone somewhere was brave enough to stand up and say, actually, probably not our best option guys?

It’s not something she will have chosen but it’s what Trump and his team do and it’s what the Republicans and their media vendors do.

They pick an offence they know they are one of the worst offenders of and they own the higher ground on it. Fake news, gerrymandering, collusion, election rigging, you name it. A good way to gauge what Trump is guilty of is what he projects on to others.
In this and many other cases, yes. Is it not nonsense to invent the thoughts of someone we know incredibly little about? Is 'She did after all win the Billionaire lottery by way of Trump selecting her as his latest (and probably final) Trophy wife' somehow not sexist?
I don’t really see how it’s sexist. We’re only speculating as far as I can tell. Unless there are more specific examples aside from a free Melania sign?
My general thoughts on Melania is that most of the discussion surrounding her is fairly unneeded and pointless in a political context, insofar as it's mostly irrelevant gossip that has nothing to do with actual current affairs in the US, but at the same time she's incredibly rich and has a greater degree of freedom than most Americans courtesy of the odious cnut she's married, and any sympathy I would have for her is mostly neutered by the fact that there are millions of Americans for whom I'd have more sympathy due to their financial struggles etc. If anyone wants to slate her I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Ann Coulter really is satan. I don’t believe people can be inherently evil but feck me, she’s evil.

Just googled her. She sounds absolutely disgusting. Apparently she'd like it if women didn't have the right to vote and called a democratic presidential nominee a faggot. How do people like this get paid to air their appalling ideas?

On a sidenote, best looking 56-year old I've seen in a while
Just googled her. She sounds absolutely disgusting. Apparently she'd like it if women didn't have the right to vote and called a democratic presidential nominee a faggot. How do people like this get paid to air their appalling ideas?

On a sidenote, best looking 56-year old I've seen in a while

She's an absolute moron to boot. There are people of the far right who I think are disgusting but who I can recognise as intelligent people. Ann Coulter is just dopey who gets air time precisely because of how she looks. If she was black, grey haired and had a wart on her face nobody would know her fecking name. Ditto Isabel Oakeshott
Just googled her. She sounds absolutely disgusting. Apparently she'd like it if women didn't have the right to vote and called a democratic presidential nominee a faggot. How do people like this get paid to air their appalling ideas?

On a sidenote, best looking 56-year old I've seen in a while

I was watching Joel Osteen last night and was amazed to find out via Google that he is 55. He looks homo.
She's an absolute moron to boot. There are people of the far right who I think are disgusting but who I can recognise as intelligent people. Ann Coulter is just dopey who gets air time precisely because of how she looks. If she was black, grey haired and had a wart on her face nobody would know her fecking name. Ditto Isabel Oakeshott

She’s pseudo political Katie Hopkins and nothing more.
I first found out about Ann Cunter after 9/11 when she was mouthing off about widows from the attack celebrating their situation because of the fame it gave them.
She’s pseudo political Katie Hopkins and nothing more.

As much as a fairy dies each time someone mentions her name, Hopkins trolls deliberately. She knows what she's doing and why she does it. As disgusting as she is on some levels you have to admire how she's carved out the 'complete cnut' niche for herself as it's probably been very lucrative. Coulter is just a dipshit with awful views who looks vaguely feckable. There's nothing more to her than that.

Is Melania now part of his Republican Guard?

PS John Bolton on Trump's left.
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