Of all the token FLOTUS campaigns Melania could have run with they decided to go for cyber bullying. I actually laugh out loud when I think about it. Surely someone somewhere was brave enough to stand up and say, actually, probably not our best option guys?
We are only making assumptions about Melania's thought process but we have a lot to go off. I've just sat and had a think about what I know about her and this is almost solely from this thread... She knows what we know about Donald, his track record with women and then some, but is still there and seemingly without any self respect. I wonder if it might possibly be the standard of living that keeps her living with a pensioner? She went after Obama on the birther piece without an ounce of humility despite getting in to the country on the Einstein visa and being as thick as two short planks. (That video makes my eyes water). Running with thencyber bullying campaign knowing her husband is the biggest cyber bully on the Internet. Standing in front of us all and basically reading out Michelle Obama's speech. I know a lot of this she does as a result of being directed by people she feels are credible enough to take advice from, but she's complicit in the hypocrisy.