The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Am I getting this wrong, or is Trump actually speaking for gun control there? He is siding with the Democrats on that?

He was during the meeting, but as usual, he seems to be retreating from that position now that the cameras are gone. He just had a meeting with the NRA tonight, so who knows where he's going to be on the issue tomorrow morning.
I wonder if a narrative could be pushed to make Trump increasingly paranoid of the NRA. I'd love to see handbags between those two.
The humiliation of Sessions is delicious.

I’d really, really love to be able to take full pleasure in seeing that poisonous little dwarf get his c’nuppins.

I just can’t help but think that Trump is doing his best to force him out so he can appoint someone who might not fire Mueller but will “reign him in” somewhat. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump looked to hire someone like Kenneth Starr who has been very vocal recently about how Mueller is exceeding his mandate and how he’s seen no evidence of collusion from Trump ect ect.

You only need look at Schiff’s latest release about all the subpoena’s Nunes has blocked the Intelligence Committee serving from his chair position to realise how damaging it could be.
I wonder how China will react to the new import tax Trump added to steel and aluminum.
I wonder how China will react to the new import tax Trump added to steel and aluminum.

If they stop exporting chinese made goods I suspect half the americans will have no clothes to wear :P

EDIT: Plus import tarrif only works if you actually can buy the goods elsewhere, as one of the major supplier of steel and aluminium imposing a higher tarrif would hurt American industry more than it hurt the chinese

Wharton? Meh.

They win big by not trading? Yeah I'm sure American companies will be delighted that they can't get cheap raw materials for the products they manufacture and export. American consumers will be delighted at the price spikes.
Republicans are lining up to tell Trump to think again about Tariffs .Which will only make the dotard double down.
They win big by not trading? Yeah I'm sure American companies will be delighted that they can't get cheap raw materials for the products they manufacture and export. American consumers will be delighted at the price spikes.
They’ll be equally happy when the companies move production overseas if the import tariffs just affect raw materials and not finished products. This is one of those policies that looks good on paper to his base, but in the real world it’s utter shit. Just like everything else he’s come up with really.
They’ll be equally happy when the companies move production overseas if the import tariffs just affect raw materials and not finished products. This is one of those policies that looks good on paper to his base, but in the real world it’s utter shit. Just like everything else he’s come up with really.

Apparently he just did it because he wanted to do something and it's pretty much the only tarriff he can make happen on his own, without approval from congress (which he would never get).

Well this was ever a possibility. As europeans, we should be worried. Because that means even more production overcapacity in China, which they will certainly try to dump into the European market. That's assuming this is actually happening though, after the Dow's reaction I wouldn't be surprised if he backtracks.
Apparently he just did it because he wanted to do something and it's pretty much the only tarriff he can make happen on his own, without approval from congress (which he would never get).

Well this was ever a possibility. As europeans, we should be worried. Because that means even more production overcapacity in China, which they will certainly try to dump into the European market. That's assuming this is actually happening though, after the Dow's reaction I wouldn't be surprised if he backtracks.
Exactly, Back Track Trump. By the end of his presidency he’ll probably have perfected the moon walk.
I suspect he feels the Mueller Noose is tightening so he does what Trump does, re-direct into a trade war.
My worry is what happens when Muller finally reports his investigation -- Trump will start a real physical war to re-direct.
I suspect he feels the Mueller Noose is tightening so he does what Trump does, re-direct into a trade war.
My worry is what happens when Muller finally reports his investigation -- Trump will start a real physical war to re-direct.

War with North Korea is going to start between late 2019 to early 2020.
Seems it was another thing he picked up on by watching Fox at about 4 in the morning.
I love how his train of thought vacillates from trade wars, which are a serious and damaging issue to Alec Baldwin and SNL in a spur of the moment. Never change Donnie.

Good job they're able to import cheap steel then.

Oh wait he's putting a stop to that. So he's actively trying to destroy the country? Make America Great Again.
Apparently he just did it because he wanted to do something and it's pretty much the only tarriff he can make happen on his own, without approval from congress (which he would never get).

Well this was ever a possibility. As europeans, we should be worried. Because that means even more production overcapacity in China, which they will certainly try to dump into the European market. That's assuming this is actually happening though, after the Dow's reaction I wouldn't be surprised if he backtracks.

It‘s bad news for domestic (ie european) production but beneficial for industries that use steel. Depending on the relations of the two, which I‘m guessing is going towards the latter, it‘s actually good news?!
It‘s bad news for domestic (ie european) production but beneficial for industries that use steel. Depending on the relations of the two, which I‘m guessing is going towards the latter, it‘s actually good news?!

A dumping contest on the European market does not have enough benefits to outweigh the massive impact it would have on various steel producing companies. In Germany alone, 85.000 workers are employed in that Business. That's a lot. A lot of European companies, especially car makers, are producing in the US as well, so this means increased production cost for them, even on the European market as they ship a lot of cars produced there back to Europe. I agree that a lot of shifting would take place and lower steel prices will benefit certain companies and sectors, but you have to remember one thing: overall, major disruptions of established networks are always a bad thing. Especially since it is unlikely that the companies benefiting from lower prices for raw material will in any way give out the additional profits gained to the consumer by lowering prices accordingly.
This orange feckface is claiming he passed more laws into legislation in the first year or Presidency than any other President. WRONG! He passed 96 laws and 4 of which were just renaming buildings. Carter and Truman had close to 250 laws passed in their year. Obama had 126.
Trump will find some obscure report or economist to quote on why trade wars are good.

No he won't. He'll just go:

"WOW GREAT words from a SMART person, per @FoxAndFriends, "trade wars proven to increase GDP", MUST protect USA from now ON!"
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