The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I might be late to the party, but has anyone seen the Trump episode from Dirty Money on Netflix? Old news, but he really is the ultimate con man.
What the feck Redcaf :nervous::lol:
Or, What the feck Google?
Like a morse code version of a RAWK post.
Completely random but: "in Trump we trust" is an anagram for "we trust Mr Putin".

Surely the greatest ironical comment of all time?:
Guardian said:
Brad Parscale, digital director of Trump’s presidential campaign, said “I have been disappointed in seeing so many use President Trump as an opportunity to maximize their own self-interest.”
Wtf guys? You were supposed to keep the important stuff away from the man-child, not turn on each other!

McMaster has a reputation of being incredibly blunt, so i can see how he may have butted heads with the likes of Mattis and Kelly. He's also the lone non-Marine in the equation.
McMaster has a reputation of being incredibly blunt, so i can see how he may have butted heads with the likes of Mattis and Kelly. He's also the lone non-Marine in the equation.
Is this going to be the 1st Marine Division administration? Should we expect guys who were characters in Generation Kill to start showing up in WH positions soon? :p
This is the first time it feels like everything is beginning to slowly unwind for Trump - both in terms of Mueller, his relationship with Congress, and his own WH staff.
You know, if there werent already enough reasons to hate the guy - the fact he made watching TV shows like Game of Thrones, Peaky Blinders, Vikings and others seem rather dull by comparison really grinds my gears.

During the meeting Trump called for a “beautiful” bill which would expandbackground checks on gun purchases and restrict young people from purchasing certain weapons. But it was his suggestion that in some cases law enforcement should be allowed to “take the guns first, go through due process second” – that most alarmed gun owners on the right.

Has an American president in history ever began to pass whatever the opposition led congress proposed?

If the Democrats sweep the midterms and Donald Trump becomes Donald Duck, I can honestly see him trying to appease the Dems just so he can fulfil the remainder of his term in the knowledge that he'll never get a second one.
Has an American president in history ever began to pass whatever the opposition led congress proposed?

If the Democrats sweep the midterms and Donald Trump becomes Donald Duck, I can honestly see him trying to appease the Dems just so he can fulfil the remainder of his term in the knowledge that he'll never get a second one.

It'll be interesting to see whether his public rhetoric matches his private rhetoric if he does that. Even if he does become more cooperative I struggle to see him willingly admitting in public that he's agreeing with the Dems since it'll obliterate his base. He may just become more hardline, bring the country to a standstill and try to blame the Dems.
So I just read this on Reddit re McMaster's possible replacement :

A leading candidate to become President Donald Trump’s third national security adviser is the auto industry executive Stephen Biegun.
Mr. Biegun, born 1963, graduated from the University of Michigan where he studied Political Science and Russian Language [...] and is a member of the boards of the US-Russia Foundation for Economic Development and the Rule of Law, the Moscow School of Politics, Freedom House, the US-Russia Business Council, the US-ASEAN Business Council and FordSollers, Ford Motor Company’s joint venture operating in the Russia Federation.

... Yeah...we ve officially entered the twilight zone.
Seems the Tea Party nutjobs are going to be running Trump's reelection campaign (which may or may not happen).

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