The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Thomas Binion of Heritage actual quotes: “We’re blown away by this administration's incompetence, Trump is very active on Twitter when he's supposed to be doing his job" "very conservative, totally adverse to innovation and change for the better, really not very effective. He talks such a huge volume of shit and lies on a whole spectrum of issues.”


No, you should read this:
Fifteen grand just to have a baby here too. That's without complications of course.

Shit like this makes me appreciate the Norwegian welfare system even more. We may pay a shitload in taxes but, my God, are we well taken care of.
Meanwhile, on Trump Hairways:

Bloody hell, how much more ridicule can Sessions take at this stage?
You d have to ask if the only reason Sessions does everything to stay in place is to keep the focus off the GOP establishment once the ship finally sinks. It just hard to phantom Sessions is taking the abuse because is as a righteous a person as he claims to be.

Also that meeting re gun control today - color me jaded but it seems to me Trump is just positioning himself again to blame anyone but himself for when the measures undoubtedly go down in flames again.
Donald Trump has made March 'Irish-American Heritage Month'

Ryan, Conway, Bannon, Kelly, O'Reilly, Hannity, Pence, Flynn and feck knows who else (Hicks possibly?) will be so happy.

Irish-American Month, followed by Italian American, followed by Norweigen American, followed by British American, followed by Swiss-American, followed by Icelandic-American, followed by a big finale with German-American month and a special tribute to their great history.
Thats the worst stories to be honest, insane medicine costs bankrupting families if they need them long term. That's another good thing about the UK only £8.50 for each prescription item. And now they won't give you stuff like aspirin or paracetamol telling you instead to just buy it from the pharmacy.

An airman in our office is preggers and separating soon. She mentioned today that since she's getting an early out for pregnancy the military (Tricare) will cover the costs. She said it costs about 7K for delivery alone when looking at her husband's insurance plan through his line of work (they're both on Tricare through her service but have been comparing various plans for when she departs the service). She said there's no way they could have afforded their share of costs if not covered by Tricare.

My ankle surgery in 2012 cost the military 17.5K, a significant portion of that was to cover anesthesiologist services. No way I could have covered that cost or a large portion of without setting up a payment plan for xx months.
The humiliation of Sessions is delicious.

I’d really, really love to be able to take full pleasure in seeing that poisonous little dwarf get his c’nuppins.

I just can’t help but think that Trump is doing his best to force him out so he can appoint someone who might not fire Mueller but will “reign him in” somewhat. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump looked to hire someone like Kenneth Starr who has been very vocal recently about how Mueller is exceeding his mandate and how he’s seen no evidence of collusion from Trump ect ect.

You only need look at Schiff’s latest release about all the subpoena’s Nunes has blocked the Intelligence Committee serving from his chair position to realise how damaging it could be.
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