The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yup. They don't give a shit really. The hypocrisy really does confuse me.

Call themselves pro-life and are against abortion even in rape cases or where the birth may harm or kill the mother.

FOR the death penalty. (Hadly pro-life)

Against gun control or regulation.

Usually against free healthcare too.

Also usually against any form of child support benefits or social security.

Confused or hypocritical much?

Hypocritical for sure.

What a cnut. Yet again a man deciding what women do with their bodies and yet again more policy that will send the USA back to the stone age. Should be so proud.

Donkey Trump's fun but Mullah Mike will be a nightmare. Hope we have a GHB/Saddam boxed in solution for Trump.
With Mullah Mike in power, it will be a world full of rage.
I think Kushner and Ivanka will be out at some point. Trump hates people getting more press than him (either good or bad) so all of this bad press Jared is getting will at some point annoy Trump and he will take action.

It makes the US look like a banana republic with them there but they are essentially harmless. Just poor optics.

Unless Mueller finds chargeable dirt of Jared.
HOPE: "Daddy, they were mean to me!"
DON: "Aw, honey..."
HOPE: "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
DON: "Nice ass...I mean, 'night."
Wow. Devastating headline.

Sarcasm? Or genuine disgust? It's late and I can't tell. :lol:

It's things like this that you would think would bring the Presidency down. It reminds me of the expenses scandal in the UK and that destroyed many politicians careers. Got some put in prison, others stepped down, others voted out and the odd one or two tried to ride it out to no avail as we all remembered being ripped off like that.
Sarcasm? Or genuine disgust? It's late and I can't tell. :lol:

It's things like this that you would think would bring the Presidency down. It reminds me of the expenses scandal in the UK and that destroyed many politicians careers. Got some put in prison, others stepped down, others voted out and the odd one or two tried to ride it out to no avail as we all remembered being ripped off like that.

The headline is bad news - especially when the dear leader wakes up and starts shitter tweeting about whatever springs to mind. At this point he can't afford for any of his cabinet secretaries brining bad news so he won't like this, especially since on the front page of the NY Times.
Last time I checked college was free here in the UK. University isn't of course.

Healthcare isn't comparable at all as nobody has to pay for it here. Yes those that pay in the States might get amazing care but there are millions who are uninsured and millions without access to healthcare and millions more who go bankrupt because of medical bills because of a for profit healthcare system.

That's not comparable. That's inhumane.

I think there is a misconception about the quality of US healthcare.

For the average US citizen with an average health insurance plan, it's absolutely average. It's actually probably below average. I don't know the exact numbers, so I will make an educated number from ass guess, that 95% of people in the USA have inferior general health care than all of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and and other western democracy. However, if you're a millionaire, or you're willing to bankrupt yourself, you can have the best doctors in the world and the best healthcare in most fields, not all fields, but most.

Healthcare in the US is like everything in the US. If you're average, you're getting rubbish. If you're rich, you get the best of everything.
I think there is a misconception about the quality of US healthcare.

For the average US citizen with an average health insurance plan, it's absolutely average. It's actually probably below average. I don't know the exact numbers, so I will make an educated number from ass guess, that 95% of people in the USA have inferior general health care than all of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and and other western democracy. However, if you're a millionaire, or you're willing to bankrupt yourself, you can have the best doctors in the world and the best healthcare in most fields, not all fields, but most.

Healthcare in the US is like everything in the US. If you're average, you're getting rubbish. If you're rich, you get the best of everything.

See that's what most people I know say. All my relatives in Florida and Seattle say the same thing, and the documentaries i have seen like Sicko say the same. But It's contradicted in here often.
I've used multiple US providers, BUPA and the NHS and I don't really see much difference at all. What is different is that you don't spend time dealing with billing and checking that you're actually covered before you get treated in the UK.
I've used multiple US providers, BUPA and the NHS and I don't really see much difference at all. What is different is that you don't spend time dealing with billing and checking that you're actually covered before you get treated in the UK.

Yeah that's often what is said if you have half decent coverage. I can't comment I've only had NHS treatment and it was outstanding. Couldn't fault it at all. But my dad went for an OP the other day with the NHS but they sent him to the local private hospital as It's cheaper and quicker that way. Two of dad's friends pay to use that hospital privately and they are fuming NHS patients are being sent there now. :lol:
You also have no idea how much treatment costs until you get billed for it. There's no price list and you hear horror stories about aspirin pills costing hundreds of dollars etc.
Thats the worst stories to be honest, insane medicine costs bankrupting families if they need them long term. That's another good thing about the UK only £8.50 for each prescription item. And now they won't give you stuff like aspirin or paracetamol telling you instead to just buy it from the pharmacy.
My stepfather has pancreatic cancer. He's been getting chemo, operations and medication for months. In and out of the hospital. He's not able to take enough food to keep up his weight, so he has a probe with provides special food which costs 250€ a day.

His total bill will probably be couple of 100€ at the moment. Long live our healthcare.

Thomas Binion of Heritage actual quotes: “We’re blown away by this administration's incompetence, Trump is very active on Twitter when he's supposed to be doing his job" "very conservative, totally adverse to innovation and change for the better, really not very effective. He talks such a huge volume of shit and lies on a whole spectrum of issues.”

Heritage established 'the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom'; who say conservatives have no sense of humour?
It's to the right of The Genghis Khan School of Etiquette.
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