The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just when we were finally going to get peace in the middle east.
Meanwhile, on Trump Hairways:

I'll take a bet that trump just hands him the intel he wants and nothing will change.

Maybe so but even for Trump that comes with a paper trail. This has been put out in the open because they want Kushner to know he’s under the microscope.

The suspicion/risk with Kushner is that he will be looking to use the intelligence he’s privy to for favourable private deals around the globe.

What a cnut. Yet again a man deciding what women do with their bodies and yet again more policy that will send the USA back to the stone age. Should be so proud.
Find it interesting that he connects with people at all. Watched some his speeches during his campaign and they are full of hate, racism and fear. Don't believe you have to be well educated to see through all of his incoherent lies. I had a friend visit from the US a little while before the election and he was going to vote for Trump mostly because of his dislike for Hillary. During our discussion I called Trump a clown and he responded "Yes he is but he'll be our clown".

Travel to states like Alabama, Mississippi, Deep parts of Oregon, Louisana, TX etc. Most of the population there never even leaves their home town, let alone the state. So when they hear stuff like, 'immigrants are coming in and taking our jobs and I want to put American first' - they agree with the clown.

And yes, I have met plenty of people that dislike him but yet either a) voted for him cause they didn't want Hillary or b) didn't vote at all because they didn't like either candidate. That's really sad. And when he speaks about hate, racism etc. it basically gives others who are that the license to say all that stuff because 'Our President can do it, why can't we?'. On top of that, most of them did not like how 'likeable' Obama had become. He created Obamacare that brought healthcare to a lot of the same hateful, racist people that couldn't afford it.

Don't even get me started on how Obama spoke and how this orangutan speaks.

What a cnut. Yet again a man deciding what women do with their bodies and yet again more policy that will send the USA back to the stone age. Should be so proud.

I read a fantastic argument in a paper/magazine a few years back that I have never managed to find online. It was by an academic from what I recall and I can’t remember the full details, nor will I be able to articulate it as well as they did but they basically blew the idea that early term abortions are inhumane or ungodly out the window.

The gist of the argument was along the lines of:

“As a scientist, I could take an embryo and split it into two, creating twins. Does that make me a god? I could then terminate the growth of one, does that make me a murderer? Nothing has changed, surely? There was one “natural” embryo and there is still one. Would it matter which one I terminated? Could you differentiate between the “original” and the embryo that was spawned off it? How about, instead of terminating the embryo, I fuse them back together? So, first there was one potential life, then there was two and now there is only one again, is that murder? When did the soul leave one of embryos as they fused back into one? A more pertinent question is when was the soul created when I split the embryo in two? Did I create a soul? Or perhaps it’s just ridiculous idea to consider a cluster of cells as anything other than a cluster of cells.”
I read a fantastic argument in a paper/magazine a few years back that I have never managed to find online. It was by an academic from what I recall and I can’t remember the full details, nor will I be able to articulate it as well as they did but they basically blew the idea that early term abortions are inhumane or ungodly out the window.

The gist of the argument was along the lines of:

“As a scientist, I could take an embryo and split it into two, creating twins. Does that make me a god? I could then terminate the growth of one, does that make me a murderer? Nothing has changed, surely? There was one “natural” embryo and there is still one. Would it matter which one I terminated? Could you differentiate between the “original” and the embryo that was spawned off it? How about, instead of terminating the embryo, I fuse them back together? So, first there was one potential life, then there was two and now there is only one again, is that murder? When did the soul leave one of embryos as they fused back into one? A more pertinent question is when was the soul created when I split the embryo in two? Did I create a soul? Or perhaps it’s just ridiculous idea to consider a cluster of cells as anything other than a cluster of cells.”
Here is a simpler one:

“Whenever abortion comes up, I have a question I've been asking for ten years now of the 'Life begins at Conception' crowd. In ten years, no one has EVER answered it honestly,” Tomlinson tweeted.

He goes on to explain a scenario whereby you are in a fertility clinic when the fire alarm goes off. Before you escape, you have the option to save either a five-year-old child who is pleading for help, or a container of 1000 viable human embryos.

“Do you A) save the child, or B) save the thousand embryos?“ he asks.

“There is no 'C.' 'C' means you all die.”
Don't feel too bad for him. Being a rich twat is not a bad alternative.

He will no doubt turn out like the other two monstrosities but I can’t imagine his life is much craic. At his age I was out with my mates on my bike with a football under my arm for most of the day without a care in the world. I can’t imagine it’s much fun for a kid that age to spend half his life in a suit, being dragged to ceremonies and have to sit on his arse for hours at a time while the adults talk.
Off-topic -
The slow, mostly audio, style may not be to everyone's taste, but I thought this was a brilliant takedown of Zimmerman's defence:

This guy, Shaun, has some amazing breakdowns on various issues. He did a fantastic job on the Martin/Zimmerman case.

His bits titled 'Outrage News' and 'Quebec Mosque Shooting: Manufacturing a Conspiracy' are brilliant take downs of the fake news machine and racism/stereotyping.
This guy, Shaun, has some amazing breakdowns on various issues. He did a fantastic job on the Martin/Zimmerman case.

His bits titled 'Outrage News' and 'Quebec Mosque Shooting: Manufacturing a Conspiracy' are brilliant take downs of the fake news machine and racism/stereotyping.

That's still one of the most disgusting cases I have followed in recent years. How he got away with it is beyond me, especially considering his behaviour after. A truly despicable piece of scum.
This guy, Shaun, has some amazing breakdowns on various issues. He did a fantastic job on the Martin/Zimmerman case.

His bits titled 'Outrage News' and 'Quebec Mosque Shooting: Manufacturing a Conspiracy' are brilliant take downs of the fake news machine and racism/stereotyping.

I love his voice :)

What a cnut. Yet again a man deciding what women do with their bodies and yet again more policy that will send the USA back to the stone age. Should be so proud.

As regressive as it'd be I'd like to see what'd happen if they actually did try to touch abortion. I reckon you'd see some absolutely massive protests on a scale yet unseen which would put a lot of pressure on the government and help reduce their popularity significantly. I don't think they'd have a chance of actually getting it through without the backlash against them being extremely damaging.
As regressive as it'd be I'd like to see what'd happen if they actually did try to touch abortion. I reckon you'd see some absolutely massive protests on a scale yet unseen which would put a lot of pressure on the government and help reduce their popularity significantly. I don't think they'd have a chance of actually getting it through without the backlash against them being extremely damaging.
Thing is it'd basically be from a SCOTUS decision.
As regressive as it'd be I'd like to see what'd happen if they actually did try to touch abortion. I reckon you'd see some absolutely massive protests on a scale yet unseen which would put a lot of pressure on the government and help reduce their popularity significantly. I don't think they'd have a chance of actually getting it through without the backlash against them being extremely damaging.

They're so worried about abortion but once that child is born they are absolutely against any benefits that would help raise it.
Thing is it'd basically be from a SCOTUS decision.

Pretty much, yeah, but I think the political pressure if abortion was actually reversed would be absolutely extraordinary. As in - I could see actual, full-on mass strikes occurring in order to pressure institutions into ensuring any ban gets reversed.

On the SCOTUS one though, it'll be extremely interesting to see what happens if Trump manages to get one or two more picks in, while the country simultaneously swings back to the Dems and continues to get more and more liberal as time goes on, with demographics changes and older generations dying off etc. We could see a situation where the general sentiment of the country and the general sentiment of the SCOTUS are so out of kilter to each other to the point where it becomes a major, major problem.
They're so worried about abortion but once that child is born they are absolutely against any benefits that would help raise it.

Yup. They don't give a shit really. The hypocrisy really does confuse me.

Call themselves pro-life and are against abortion even in rape cases or where the birth may harm or kill the mother.

FOR the death penalty. (Hadly pro-life)

Against gun control or regulation.

Usually against free healthcare too.

Also usually against any form of child support benefits or social security.

Confused or hypocritical much?
Out of interest, a few days ago I read up on “The American Dream” to understand fully how it had been defined over the years.

Despite having a fairly good idea of what it entailed, it still shocked me how far removed it is from the modern day attitudes of the flag waving, eagle adorned profile picture angry proud America First patriots that no doubt sing the virtues of it to anyone that will listen on a daily basis.
I cant see it -- Trump likes to have his family involved in whatever he does. I dont think Trump wants to feel like a little fat island on his own in the WH or DC.

I think Kushner and Ivanka will be out at some point. Trump hates people getting more press than him (either good or bad) so all of this bad press Jared is getting will at some point annoy Trump and he will take action.
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