Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Thats a little bold given the fact that he might not make it till then.
It must be like Bernard Black doing his tax returns.
College = University. Kids here stay in high school until 18 then go straight to college.
On healthcare I am not disagreeing the uninsured is a big issue. However no one goes without emergency healthcare. My wife has worked ER and maternity and they are legally required to treat all patient that come through the door.
Thats a little bold given the fact that he might not make it till then.
Thats a little bold given the fact that he might not make it till then.
Its absurd. Still a while to go till the midterms and he's already picking his campaign manager.
fecking re-election campaign already, Christ.
US politics is 90% campaigning, and the other 10% is probably still mostly anything but governing.
“If you live on a golf course beside a river but are not...small handed WHAT?!?!”
And I suspect Trump is going to be very busy twitter bashing and democratic candidate who starts to do well.When you think about it we're only really a year away until the Primary campaigning really begins to start.
https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpNicknames/top/Trumps new nickname on Twitter is....
Tweety Amin
Feck me, It's gone viral after his comments about rushing the school shooter unarmed. Damn I love Twitter at times.
What is Pascale/Cambridge Analytica under investigation for?
Likely - whether they shared analytics data with the Russians, who in turn used it to micro-target key demographics in critical swing states.
Free market - you are free to sell what is yours to any willing buyer even if it happens to be a foreign government (which will be hard to prove anyway, but let's assume it for arguments sake). What they do then is their business. How is it illegal?
Free market - you are free to sell what is yours to any willing buyer even if it happens to be a foreign government (which will be hard to prove anyway, but let's assume it for arguments sake). What they do then is their business. How is it illegal?
This is not the sale of something from one individual for another on Craigslist. Deliberately selling proprietary data to a hostile foreign government for the purpose of subverting an election is a federal crime.
You definitely can’t sell things to whoever you want, I run sanctions checks every day to make sure the companies I work for don’t accidentally break sanctions laws.
Yeah but what if they didn't knew. If you were to sell me a gun and I went on a killing spree police ain't going to jail you.
Yes but we are talking about personal data not a thermonuclear bomb. Personal data is treated like a commodity in the US.
Yeah but what if they didn't knew. If you were to sell me a gun and I went on a killing spree police ain't going to jail you.
It’s your responsibility to check, hence why we do the checks. Otherwise they wouldn’t pay me to do it.
I get that. I was saying it's different for each product. Selling water doesn't require me to check. A nuclear bomb yes. Personal data no.
It would be up to him to prove he didn't know. Given Kushner's ties to the Russians (and Cambridge being a Kushner operation), it would be next to impossible to slither out of it.
I get that. I was saying it's different for each product. Selling water doesn't require me to check. A nuclear bomb yes. Personal data no.
Why should it? Imagine this: Raoul, you are a Russian troll. Prove to us that you are not. That's not how it works. Presumption of innocence implies that the government has to prove you're guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
Analytic Data to a hostile foreign government is a definite yes. In addition to whichever privacy laws were violated, the primary crime would be conspiracy against the United States.
In some cases you can’t supply them with anything at all, depends on the nature of the sanctions.
Yet I provided data to back it up, go figure. 40% if the voters on election day are pretty much voting for one party regardless of personalities, and policies in a lot of cases. Let's face it 90% of the UK posters here are never voting Tory.
You said 80%
He seems to 'connect' with the average american and 'speak their language'. Just read some of the twitter conversations between his supporters and non-supporters. It's hilarious to read the logic behind the supporters' arguments.
It's sad that they don't realize that they are the ones getting screwed. The tax cuts didn't benefit the average american one bit, yet corporations like Exxon get 29 billion in tax relief.
The dude is an asshat. His current 1+ year in the office have already put this country 50 years behind and will only get worse. He's going to end up super rich taking all of tax payer's money with him.
And this whole arm the teachers thing - All you need is one moment where a teacher's threshold is broken and suddenly he's openfiring. Yeah that's exactly the type of school safety we all should be aiming for. I've attended a school in India and even during the terrorist movement in Punjab, I never felt that someone would come in and open fire on children. Yes we had curfews and were not allowed to go home with anyone but the parent, but it never felt unsafe. I would hate to have my child go to a school where I know his teacher is packing heat. Guns need to die in this country.
I can almost hear the citizens of past hostile regimes: “Franco is a bastard, but he’s our bastard”. Logic.Find it interesting that he connects with people at all. Watched some his speeches during his campaign and they are full of hate, racism and fear. Don't believe you have to be well educated to see through all of his incoherent lies. I had a friend visit from the US a little while before the election and he was going to vote for Trump mostly because of his dislike for Hillary. During our discussion I called Trump a clown and he responded "Yes he is but he'll be our clown".