The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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In all fairness I have seen her interviewed many times over the years. She has always leaned more democrat than republican and she seems to be fairly liberal on social issues. Right now she has to tow a certain line but she does it fairly tactfully without fully backing her fathers views.
I do believe none of the trump spawn could vote for him in the NY primaries as they weren't registered to any political party because they were never politically active until they thought they could make a buck.
Never defend a Trump as there is always something there to make you look foolish.
I absolutely could not disagree with you more on that. The hypocrisy of this family is astounding and without the stupidity and bigotry of her father and the other two foot in mouth fecks that makes her the most dangerous. All she has been in her life is a senior Vice President of a family company who gives the patriarch a hard on. When she goes out on her own "name" we find multiple copyright infringements and very questionable working conditions where her, basically stolen products, are made.
She talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk, exactly like her criminal father. Read up on her pal and guaranteed you will think twice about making that comment again.
MOTHERfeckING THIS! People sympathize with both her and Melania and I dont know for what fecking reason. They are fecking crooks like the rest of the family and just cause they dont "act" like cnuts in the spotlight, doesnt mean they arent. They are every bit like Trump and people just need to realize that.
Everyone close to Trump is a cnut by association in my book.
Asking Chelsea Clinton during the last primaries about all the women her father has raped was considered a big no-no by the media. But Ivanka gets flak now for not wanting to answer questions about her father? Okay..
Asking Chelsea Clinton during the last primaries about all the women her father has raped was considered a big no-no by the media. But Ivanka gets flak now for not wanting to answer questions about her father? Okay..
Asking Chelsea Clinton during the last primaries about all the women her father has raped was considered a big no-no by the media. But Ivanka gets flak now for not wanting to answer questions about her father? Okay..

Having seen the question it does seem quite inappropriate but there is a slight difference here. Ivanka Trump isn't just the daughter of the President, she's the Special Advisor, so in that role it's fair enough.
You should take a look at the replies under Obamas tweet. The state of America is frightening

I have unfortunately and I agree the USA is in dire shit for many reasons BUT! Those Parkland school kids just show me that their is hope and that maybe, just maybe kids will finally learn from our mistakes. I think the climate and Trump are two of the biggest mistakes made and that the kids can see this and realise they have to make a change.

Honesty, their reaction to everything and what they have accomplished in such a short amount of time is incredible and as encouraging as it is inspiring.
35-40% of voters will go with their party regardless of POTUS nominee.

There have been a number of wipeouts where one candidate has won by a landslide. Apparently a lying racist, misogynistic asshole with a god complex who bragged about sexually assaulting women wasn't enough of a turn off to make that happen again.
There have been a number of wipeouts where one candidate has won by a landslide. Apparently a lying racist, misogynistic asshole with a god complex who bragged about sexually assaulting women wasn't enough of a turn off to make that happen again.

You do realise there are counties and States that are predominantly republican.
Asking Chelsea Clinton during the last primaries about all the women her father has raped was considered a big no-no by the media. But Ivanka gets flak now for not wanting to answer questions about her father? Okay..

Possibly because, and correct me if I am wrong, there is no evidence Bill Clinton raped anyone? It's a smear campaign nothing more, nothing less.
He seems to 'connect' with the average american and 'speak their language'. Just read some of the twitter conversations between his supporters and non-supporters. It's hilarious to read the logic behind the supporters' arguments.
It's sad that they don't realize that they are the ones getting screwed. The tax cuts didn't benefit the average american one bit, yet corporations like Exxon get 29 billion in tax relief.

The dude is an asshat. His current 1+ year in the office have already put this country 50 years behind and will only get worse. He's going to end up super rich taking all of tax payer's money with him.

And this whole arm the teachers thing - All you need is one moment where a teacher's threshold is broken and suddenly he's openfiring. Yeah that's exactly the type of school safety we all should be aiming for. I've attended a school in India and even during the terrorist movement in Punjab, I never felt that someone would come in and open fire on children. Yes we had curfews and were not allowed to go home with anyone but the parent, but it never felt unsafe. I would hate to have my child go to a school where I know his teacher is packing heat. Guns need to die in this country.


When I was in 8th grade, my 8th grade drama class, and I kid you not, caused our drama teacher to have a nervous break down. This is in like 1992 or 1993. When teachers could still get away with slamming kids against a wall to set them straight. Kids were literally smashing holes in chairs, using stools to smash back ground scenery in storage. THROWING STOOLS OFF A BALCONY AT THE TEACHER.

He broke down, had a nervous break down in class, took a leave of absense, and came back 2 or 3 years later. Imagine if he was armed. There woulda been a school shooting. Now, multiply that across all the high schools in the US. There'd be a fecking teacher on student shooting every other month!
Asking Chelsea Clinton during the last primaries about all the women her father has raped was considered a big no-no by the media. But Ivanka gets flak now for not wanting to answer questions about her father? Okay..

Ivanka Trump is an active member of the Trump team. As far as I'm aware Chelsea wasn't massively involved in Hilary's campaign, certainly not to the extent Ivanka is involved in government now.
Possibly because, and correct me if I am wrong, there is no evidence Bill Clinton raped anyone? It's a smear campaign nothing more, nothing less.

I always thought the allegations against Bill were at least semi-credible? Certainly aside from him denying him they've not been disproved as such. May be wrong on that front though.
Yes because reading twitter is really getting your finger on the heartbeat FFS. :lol:
It's not just twitter . There are a whole host of things that make me realise how dire the country is, how divisive it is, how unkind racist and bigoted it can be. And not from a few out liers. It used to be the country to look up to. To give people hope, right now it's not even close. People have been massacred again by a deranged person who popped into the local supermarket to buy an AR 15 and the presidents answer is to turn the teachers into his version of kindergarten cop. The State of the United States is deplorable. I hope it does not last long
Remember when that guy on here all those years ago defended Zimmerman to the hilt?

Off-topic -
The slow, mostly audio, style may not be to everyone's taste, but I thought this was a brilliant takedown of Zimmerman's defence:

35-40% of voters will go with their party regardless of POTUS nominee. Trump just motivated a lot of bigots and disenchanted people to make up the numbers.

All I ever think when I read that stat is that 70-80% of Americans are dumb as a fcuking rock.
Cory Booker disagrees. ;)
Oh I know, very friendly by all accounts. But having cordial or friendly associations with questionable people should not hamper you're duties as a public official and if Booker runs for higher office I'm sure this ( and his big Pharma associations) will be addressed. The trumps are first and foremost business people and it's very hard to ignore that when you are running for elected office in this country. Put rules in place favored by the people and get rid of Citizens United and people like Booker don't have to give a shit about people like the trumps and if anything shady is going on it would be easier to call out instead of the business as usual.

Maybe he saw his future in some crystal-ball -- his next job as a security guy at a school. As a convicted felon won't be able to own a weapon. Like suicide by cops, in Trump's case, you have suicide by school shooter.

When I was in 8th grade, my 8th grade drama class, and I kid you not, caused our drama teacher to have a nervous break down. This is in like 1992 or 1993. When teachers could still get away with slamming kids against a wall to set them straight. Kids were literally smashing holes in chairs, using stools to smash back ground scenery in storage. THROWING STOOLS OFF A BALCONY AT THE TEACHER.

He broke down, had a nervous break down in class, took a leave of absense, and came back 2 or 3 years later. Imagine if he was armed. There woulda been a school shooting. Now, multiply that across all the high schools in the US. There'd be a fecking teacher on student shooting every other month!
I watched a teacher break my friends nose in three places in front of the whole class. Sucker punched him because he had one of those faces that looked like he was smirking all the time. We took it upon ourselves to go to the police on lunch break and fecking nothing happened. It was that week, just before I turned 13 that I developed a scepticism that adults are always adults. A gun in the hands of 1 in 5 teachers is a frightening prospect for me and my family.
You do know you kind of shot your own argument in the foot there. In the 2016 election it was syphilis or gonorrhea, so people just went with party lines for the most part.

Except it wasn’t, was it. Not really. I disliked Hillary for years for being an old-school fairly corrupt politico with a family penchant for holding grudges and taking political revenge in enemies (and of course the little sorties into racism when it suited), but she was no more vile than at least three quarters of congress. If she’d been elected it would have basically been 8 more years of Obama.

But no, decades of right wing smears finally paid off and even many sensible people started seeing this moderate Democrat as some reincarnation of Satan. It beggars belief, it really does. Probably the only way you’d have hated a Hillary presidency is if you hate the Democrats policies.
Except it wasn’t, was it. Not really. I disliked Hillary for years for being an old-school fairly corrupt politico with a family penchant for holding grudges and taking political revenge in enemies (and of course the little sorties into racism when it suited), but she was no more vile than at least three quarters of congress. If she’d been elected it would have basically been 8 more years of Obama.

But no, decades of right wing smears finally paid off and even many sensible people started seeing this moderate Democrat as some reincarnation of Satan. It beggars belief, it really does. Probably the only way you’d have hated a Hillary presidency is if you hate the Democrats policies.
Be careful, you will wake the Eboue.
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