The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The problem is that when you face them with reality they tell you you're wrong and even if you're right, you're not American and you don't matter so they'll never realise just how ridiculous the rest of the world thinks they are.

Jesus. He’s made America a laughing stock everywhere but Israel. I can’t help but wonder if she’s actually dumb enough to believe it, or if she just wants how to keep Trump happy like all the other puppets. I’m guessing the latter.
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The problem is that when you face them with reality they tell you you're wrong and even if you're right, you're not American and you don't matter so they'll never realise just how ridiculous the rest of the world thinks they are.

So many of these people are incredibly out of touch with not only their fellow Americans, but with reality. There is very little national unity at this point, Trump can't inspire anyone who isn't already backing him. The revolving door of advisers that have come in and out of the WH really goes to show that they are not competent the least bit.

Chris Rock in his new stand-up special said something optimistic though: No one liked GWB, and he gave us Obama. Trump is even worse, he's so bad that whoever follows him has got to be wonderful!
He does have some expertise in the industry, but others would be more suitable for the job.
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You can look forward to great ideas coming soon:
  1. Armed pilots.
  2. Airport version of net neutrality -- you pay more and you get to take-off earlier.
  3. No brown country airlines to enter the US
  4. A Trump (branded) Terminal in every major airport in America
Funny thing, none of this matters to his supporters. They will never stop supporting him. Only chance there is, is for Trump to be really caught and prosecuted for something.
Funny thing, none of this matters to his supporters. They will never stop supporting him. Only chance there is, is for Trump to be really caught and prosecuted for something.
Beginning to doubt it, I wonder whether loyalty will have insulated him and Mueller will be happy with the prizes he has.
You can look forward to great ideas coming soon:
  1. Armed pilots.
  2. Airport version of net neutrality -- you pay more and you get to take-off earlier.
  3. No brown country airlines to enter the US
  4. A Trump (branded) Terminal in every major airport in America

5. Pledge of allegiance before take off, followed by bible prayer (for Pencey).
Funny thing, none of this matters to his supporters. They will never stop supporting him. Only chance there is, is for Trump to be really caught and prosecuted for something.

It's a cult at this stage. If Mueller nails him with multiple counts of financial crimes, proves the Trump empire is a farce built on dirty money and charge him with multiple counts of conspiracy to defraud the US Democracy by proactively working with Russia, accepting illegal campaign finances from them and illegal documents which they helped release through illegal channels, they will scream "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY".

If it's taken to court and irrefutable evidence is laid out and he's found guilty of all of the charges, they will say "WHO CARES WHAT HE DID, HE WAS DOING IT BECAUSE HE CARED FOR US AND WANTED TO MAKE MURICA GREAT AGAIN".

If he does get taken down by all this. The GOP media machine will either dig in deeper and call it a Democrat conspiracy or they will completely disown him and leak a feck tonne of stuff about what he was like and discredit the idea he was ever a true Republican, just a huge fraud that exploited the party.
Beginning to doubt it, I wonder whether loyalty will have insulated him and Mueller will be happy with the prizes he has.

The thing is I doubt he was even seriously involved in anything with the Russians.

Putin's playbook is to saw as much discord in our democracies as possible to erode our confidence in each other and our form of government and what better way to do it than by trying to put in the most divisive candidate. He tried the same in France by making his online troll farms support Le Pen and in Germany the AFD. No idea how far his meddling in the UK went but I'm sure his online trolls did a pretty large amount of the online opinion work with Brexit as well.

So what I'm trying to say is that while there are all the groups in other countries that profit from Putin's online trolls meddling with public opinion I feel this all happens without any "real" collusion with those who end up profiting from it. So I don't think there will be enough in this whole case to really make a case against the chief Trumpet himself.
It's her last big job.
No one is going to touch her.
So might as well go out with a bang.
Reckon if she'd left just after the election, she'd have done quite well. It was only when she had to stay on that she moved into alternative facts and made up massacres.
The man has taken over one of the richest nations in the world with a population of one of the stupidest people. Then he begins pumping money into his failing businesses while distracting everyone. He is probably one of the most intelligent people I've ever seen. He's so good even the author of James Bond novels couldn't conceive such a villain.

You should pay out every single dollar.
Being a good salesman is not the same as being a genius. And I would argue that his Bond villain tactics may be advised since he seems to be surrounded by crooks. But that’s not what I was alluding to as his supporters obviously don’t see him in that perspective.

I was referring more to him saying anything intelligent. Has he? Never found anything, even way before he ran before president during the 80s, on his show, his roast, and so on.
Donald Trump - Hero (A story in three parts)

This is the worst tv movie I've ever watched.
Is anyone watching this orange buffoon speak to teh governors? What an absolute fecking joke he is. I am cussing at teh TV. Why can't one of them just stand up and call him out. :mad:

There's something seriously wrong with his brain. He talks like he's some NY wiseguy from the 1970s.
There's something seriously wrong with his brain. He talks like he's some NY wiseguy from the 1970s.

He is the most cringe-worthy obnoxious odious piece of shit of a human being imaginable. How can anyone listen and look at this man and think he is a good POTUS or even worthy of being considered for the position.....SAD.
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