The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Bandwagon Barbie chimes in:
Guardian said:
Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and senior adviser *pause for laughter*, told NBC News on Monday she believed the idea was at least worth exploring.

“I think that having a teacher who is armed, who cares deeply about her students, or his students, and who is capable and qualified to bear arms is not a bad idea,” she said. “It is an idea that needs to be discussed. And I still want a pony."
I really can't believe this is actually being discussed seriously, its just insane
She is a class act and a lot more liberal than conservative.
I'm not at all convinced, and believe that her public-friendly front is designed to ease her way towards genuine political power in the near future.
In all fairness she answered all the questions in that interview with poise. She is a class act and a lot more liberal than conservative. Trumps one crowning glory in life was being part of Ivanka's conception.

The same Ivanka who was in Kazakhstan overseeing dodgy deals with known corrupt parties? I don't think its hard for her to be more media savy than her father.
I'm not at all convinced, and believe that her public-friendly front is designed to ease her way towards genuine political power in the near future.
You're bang on, of course.
In all fairness she answered all the questions in that interview with poise. She is a class act and a lot more liberal than conservative. Trumps one crowning glory in life was being part of Ivanka's conception.

She has some persuasive pair of tits. Who knew!
I'm a TA(Teaching Assistant) at my university.

Like President Trump, I too wonder how I'd react if I was armed and there was a shooter on the loose.

I'd lock the door and hide under the tables. feck this.
Ivanka's main 'job' is stealing other peoples shoe designs and having them made by virtual slave labour as cheaply as possible in sweatshop conditions.

Shes as much of a crook as her dadlover.
In all fairness she answered all the questions in that interview with poise. She is a class act and a lot more liberal than conservative. Trumps one crowning glory in life was being part of Ivanka's conception.

She's merely better at presenting herself than she is. Thus far she's done next to nothing to demonstrate she actually holds beliefs that differ from Trump's, and for some reason she's being treated like a credible politician when in reality the only reason she's even got a whiff of power is because her dad's got the President. Her husband's probably tied into the whole Russian collusion scandal and her meeting Al Gore to discuss climate change doesn't somehow transform into a Democrat-leaning liberal.
Still can't understand how someone like him becomes a president in a western country, I really can't...

He seems to 'connect' with the average american and 'speak their language'. Just read some of the twitter conversations between his supporters and non-supporters. It's hilarious to read the logic behind the supporters' arguments.
It's sad that they don't realize that they are the ones getting screwed. The tax cuts didn't benefit the average american one bit, yet corporations like Exxon get 29 billion in tax relief.

The dude is an asshat. His current 1+ year in the office have already put this country 50 years behind and will only get worse. He's going to end up super rich taking all of tax payer's money with him.

And this whole arm the teachers thing - All you need is one moment where a teacher's threshold is broken and suddenly he's openfiring. Yeah that's exactly the type of school safety we all should be aiming for. I've attended a school in India and even during the terrorist movement in Punjab, I never felt that someone would come in and open fire on children. Yes we had curfews and were not allowed to go home with anyone but the parent, but it never felt unsafe. I would hate to have my child go to a school where I know his teacher is packing heat. Guns need to die in this country.
She's merely better at presenting herself than she is. Thus far she's done next to nothing to demonstrate she actually holds beliefs that differ from Trump's, and for some reason she's being treated like a credible politician when in reality the only reason she's even got a whiff of power is because her dad's got the President. Her husband's probably tied into the whole Russian collusion scandal and her meeting Al Gore to discuss climate change doesn't somehow transform into a Democrat-leaning liberal.

In all fairness I have seen her interviewed many times over the years. She has always leaned more democrat than republican and she seems to be fairly liberal on social issues. Right now she has to tow a certain line but she does it fairly tactfully without fully backing her fathers views.
In all fairness I have seen her interviewed many times over the years. She has always leaned more democrat than republican and she seems to be fairly liberal on social issues. Right now she has to tow a certain line but she does it fairly tactfully without fully backing her fathers views.

She doesn't have to do this at all. She'd no doubt be able to do fairly well for herself if she disavowed herself from her dad but she's not going to do that because she evidently doesn't disagree with him all that much. I've yet to see any actual policy stuff that indicates she's a Dem and she's not enacted anything which would suggest she is because she's never been in a position of political power.
I've seen Ivanka interviewed probably about 50 times and I think she' an evil Trump clone bitch with tits. She's as evil as he Is, she will just do it with a pretter smile.
In all fairness I have seen her interviewed many times over the years. She has always leaned more democrat than republican and she seems to be fairly liberal on social issues. Right now she has to tow a certain line but she does it fairly tactfully without fully backing her fathers views.

She's only having to tow a certain line because her and her idiot husband decided it was a great idea to go and work in the White House for a Republican administration.
In all fairness I have seen her interviewed many times over the years. She has always leaned more democrat than republican and she seems to be fairly liberal on social issues. Right now she has to tow a certain line but she does it fairly tactfully without fully backing her fathers views.

She will pivot any day now
In all fairness she answered all the questions in that interview with poise. She is a class act and a lot more liberal than conservative. Trumps one crowning glory in life was being part of Ivanka's conception.
I absolutely could not disagree with you more on that. The hypocrisy of this family is astounding and without the stupidity and bigotry of her father and the other two foot in mouth fecks that makes her the most dangerous. All she has been in her life is a senior Vice President of a family company who gives the patriarch a hard on. When she goes out on her own "name" we find multiple copyright infringements and very questionable working conditions where her, basically stolen products, are made.
She talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk, exactly like her criminal father. Read up on her pal and guaranteed you will think twice about making that comment again.
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