Some of the conjecture from the Trump fanbase about Air Force One is just hilariously stupid. The capabilities of these two aircraft are incredible and they are there for a reason. The idea that Trump is going to come in and make the military procurement and R&D process more efficient, is also wonderfully laughable.
Supporting someone just because they won (not by every measure, as he lost the popular vote), and did so on a platform of hate, misinformation, lies, intolerance, and with a history of alleged sexual assault, would be to sell out your soul. At least, this is how I am sure most people feel. As someone who lives within, applauds, and is married into, a multi-cultural world; there is nothing that could abhor me more than supporting a main stream, misogynistic, bigot like Donald Trump. He will never be my President. The fact he got voted in, tells us two things about the electorate (1) There is a lot of closet racism and misogyny out there, even more than we were aware of, and (2) People are incredibly, fecking stupid. The vast majority of people who voted for Trump has voted against their own self interests, have no concept that 95% of his facts are just made up lies or exaggerations, and are completely oblivious to the potential consequences domestically and internationally, of having this clown in office.
So to be frank, the more people that stand up and make it as difficult as possible for this man to execute his agenda, the better. To do otherwise is to say you are ok with hate, with racism, to sexual violence against women, and to perpetuate the hugely damaging myths that globally significant phenomena like climate change, don't exist. I have a daughter. She's biracial too. I want her to grow up in a world where she isn't discriminated against because of her colour, is free to choose what to so with her own body, is seen as an equal to any man, is free to pursue whichever sexual preference she desires, and has clean air to breathe.
feck Donald Trump, and feck anyone who supports him.