The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Its a typical SOTU speech. Nothing that factually inaccurate so far. Especially when you use alternative facts. ;)

:lol: Very true.

Those two smug cnuts behind him too. Paul Ryan looks like he's sat there masturbating every time Trump mentions tax. And Pence just has that stoned shit eating grin he always has.

He's definitely reading this though. You can always tell with him.
Jeez, do the Politburo have to applaud everything he says?
:lol: Very true.

Those two smug cnuts behind him too. Paul Ryan looks like he's sat there masturbating every time Trump mentions tax. And Pence just has that stoned shit eating grin he always has.

He's definitely reading this though. You can always tell with him.

Lets hope its Pelosi (or her replacement) who is sat in that seat next year.
Woah what did he just say about being able to fire federal employees? Was that missed?

And here he goes on about clean coal again the fecking idiot. Omg. So dim. So so dim.
It seems inevitable they'll get divorced once Trump leaves office.

I think she's unhappy but has been dealing with this for years, she knows what she signed up for but you might be right as she does have an insurance policy (their son).
Seriously, this is like a Party Conference in Stalin's time - the speakers would congratulate themselves on their 'achievements' & omit the human damage that paid for them.
Can someone time the ovation at the end please, just so we get an accurate figure?
He just attacked the dreamers in his speech. He knows no fecking bounds. Despicable cnut.

Also this was missed. Feck me....

Boos and grunts over his chain immigration comments which were inaccurate

Alternative facts. You can sponsor unlimited number of relatives BUT there is a limit on how many visas get allocated a year. In typically takes 15-20 years to get relatives in legally. So his comments are economical with the truth to score political points.
Did people get up and cheer after every point under Obama or previous presidents or are the Republicans just being unbelievably sycophantic?
Isn't the opioid crisis being fuelled by prescription drugs?

Yup 100%. Then when they can't afford their scripts any more they turn to street heroin. It's a disgrace but because it mainly affects white communities it's a "crisis" and the addicts need help and rehab whereas in the 80's and 90's when it was crack it was an "epidemic" and the addicts needed to be put in prison where many still are today.
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