The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He actually got through both pretty well IMO.

As much as we want to deride him the SOTU speech was pretty solid. It will be well received by most impartial commentators and voters.
Megan Kelly just said it best - can't remember her exact words but something like "it was a pretty good speech for a SOTU but it wasn't memorable, and will be forgotten about after the next tweet "
He actually got through both pretty well IMO.

As much as we want to deride him the SOTU speech was pretty solid. It will be well received by most impartial commentators and voters.
And that's the problem. It's a shiny cover applied to the daily journal of a rambling, divisive idiot. "Hey, he doesn't seem anything like Hitler!"

It lets them sweep under the rug any number of yesterday's issues - their ignoring of the Russia sanctions, the firing of McCabe, and the suppression of the Democrats intelligence memo.

Give it 48hrs before business as usual. Want to bet he already has a tweet crowing about his ratings and complaining about media coverage?
Going to be dead honest here. The Dems are far too invested in beating the immigration drum. Sure immigration is an issue but its not the ONLY issue. Its also not an issue that directly impacts or interests the majority of voters.
:lol: the responses

Going to be dead honest here. The Dems are far too invested in beating the immigration drum. Sure immigration is an issue but its not the ONLY issue. Its also not an issue that directly impacts or interests the majority of voters.

Yep. They need to be more economics centric. Daca will only get you so far.
Friend of mine is banging on about how he thinks it is wrong that a rich guy is giving a speech calling out rich people for their problems.
Is it just me or does it seem like Obama's speech writer wrote that? Even his delivery seemed alike (tho nowhere near as effective.. Imho of course)

Thought it was a bit raw and nervy....although he did gain a bit of momentum towards the end. The guy is still young and lernin'.
Is it just me or does it seem like Obama's speech writer wrote that? Even his delivery seemed alike (tho nowhere near as effective.. Imho of course)

The cadence irritated me all the way through his speech, it was eerily similar to Trump too. However what he said was well written and on point.

The main man Bernie is on now! Wooooohoooo!
DACA might be dead in the water because Trump actually has a pretty good plan. The Dems need to get their shit together and talk policies that resonate with voters, especially independents and swing voters.

Most of what appeals to Dems is coming from a time when the Dem establishment aren't fully on board with Bernie's policies. That needs to get resolved before 2020 or they may wind up with Trump again.
The cadence irritated me all the way through his speech, it was eerily similar to Trump too. However what he said was well written and on point.

The main man Bernie is on now! Wooooohoooo!
Yeah I do like he took the moral high ground rather than go for a full out attack and calling out Trump directly - but rather making it about the country and its people.

Edit: what channel is Bernie on? Watching the stream of NBC and they got the Mooch and Obama s speech writer.
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