The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The real question is whether Pruit will keep his job after this. It was Bannon's job to screen applicants to make sure anyone who trashed trump didn't get into the administration.
He'll probably be on thin ice but he's certainly playing to the only crowd that matters with that piece of bootlicking
I'm half-expecting a rap version of the SOTU speech, ending with "Carthage must be destroyed!"
You and a few others have been pointing this out for a while now. If that happens do you think the Republicans may then start talking about changing the electoral college system? Or rehashing it?

They'd probably want to try but even with a slight tweak I don't think they'd be able to get away with diluting the impact of the main states anymore than they already have. California, Texas, New York etc are all currently massively under-represented compared to the smallest states.
Yeah very surprised in Alabama especially where Roy Moore just lost there as well.

I'd say the fact Moore nearly still won in spite of everything that'd come out about him is more an indicator of how Red Alabama still is. While it demonstrates they can eventually vote Dem if a candidate's truly, truly repulsive, it takes a lot for them to do so.
I'd say the fact Moore nearly still won in spite of everything that'd come out about him is more an indicator of how Red Alabama still is. While it demonstrates they can eventually vote Dem if a candidate's truly, truly repulsive, it takes a lot for them to do so.
I think you're looking at it the opposite way. The fact that he STILL lost there given it being a predominantly red state for decades and seeing this map, they are still a strong Trump supporting community makes his loss even more bewildering. Conservatives dont care about what shit their candidates get into. They will still vote for their candidate. Its the job of the other people in the state to step up and they did in Alabama.
I think you're looking at it the opposite way. The fact that he STILL lost there given it being a predominantly red state for decades and seeing this map, they are still a strong Trump supporting community makes his loss even more bewildering. Conservatives dont care about what shit their candidates get into. They will still vote for their candidate. Its the job of the other people in the state to step up and they did in Alabama.

They don't care to an extent, but I'd say that with Moore they also demonstrated they definitely had a limit. Obviously there's probably been a general dent in Trump's support but Moore as an individual clearly repulsed a lot of people, or at least inspired people who were inactive politically to vote against him.
They don't care to an extent, but I'd say that with Moore they also demonstrated they definitely had a limit. Obviously there's probably been a general dent in Trump's support but Moore as an individual clearly repulsed a lot of people, or at least inspired people who were inactive politically to vote against him.
Firstly, Moore's antics dont even compare to what Trump did/said.

Secondly, thats exactly what I said. It was the job of the other votes like liberals to take matters into their own hands to make sure someone like him doesnt take office and I think the 2020 elections if Trump is still President and is running, we are going to see the highest voter turnout ever in the history of elections. Like Chapelle said in his stand up - maybe its a good thing this asshole is President because the country got to see what they dont want in the future and this hopefully will bring more voter turnout and make people take a bit of interest in politics and vote more smartly.
IIRC Moore was still polling behind Trump's margin of victory and was ahead only about about 8-10pts before the pedophile news broke. That suggests a bit of a shift, though he was probably a more extreme right candidate than most of the independents are ready to support.
Firstly, Moore's antics dont even compare to what Trump did/said.

Secondly, thats exactly what I said. It was the job of the other votes like liberals to take matters into their own hands to make sure someone like him doesnt take office and I think the 2020 elections if Trump is still President and is running, we are going to see the highest voter turnout ever in the history of elections. Like Chapelle said in his stand up - maybe its a good thing this asshole is President because the country got to see what they dont want in the future and this hopefully will bring more voter turnout and make people take a bit of interest in politics and vote more smartly.

Yes they do, he was literally accused of being with underage girls. By multiple people, with accounts appearing to be reliable and corroborated. That's quite easily as bad - if not much worse - than anything Trump said or did during his campaign.
Roy Moore lost because of, well Roy Moore. Any other none pedophile GOP candidate would have walked in by ten points.

Not sure if another candidate with paedo allegations would've won but Moore was definitely an extremist who was far to the right of ordinary Bama GOP norms. Someone like Strange, Shelby, or Sessions would've been your average run of the mill GOP Bama type. Moore was just a nutjob.
IIRC Moore was still polling behind Trump's margin of victory and was ahead only about about 8-10pts before the pedophile news broke. That suggests a bit of a shift, though he was probably a more extreme right candidate than most of the independents are ready to support.

Yeah, I'd suspect before the news came out it was a mix of the two - he was already an insane candidate by normal standards, but there has also been a general decline in GOP support since the 2016 election. The allegations eventually were his undoing but he'd have won without them.
Sounds like Trump is preparing to go off on North Korea in his speech tonight.

When he swings his right fist at North Korea, it’s what his left hand is doing I’m interested in.
Sounds like Trump is preparing to go off on North Korea in his speech tonight.
Needs to distract the people from the shady stuff surrounding him and some of the Republicans, (and the situation with the Dreamers as well) - so a combination of North Korea now and the release of Nunes memo tomorrow (?) will be useful to serve that purpose.
Great, he's going to go and piss off North Korea yet again at a time where they are negotiating peace talks with the South. Ironically probaby because of their combined hatred of Trump.

Feck, he's just so dangerous he needs to be stopped.

I wonder how many wankers say "tonight he became Presidential" after the speech?

I don’t think it’s going to be that sort of speech. They’re gearing up to flood the news cycles with sensational headline that steer away from the fact he’s once again carried out Putin’s agenda.
I don’t think it’s going to be that sort of speech. They’re gearing up to flood the news cycles with sensational headline that steer away from the fact he’s once again carried out Putin’s agenda.

Quite possibly yes, but he will also drone on and on about his achievements too. Do you fancy a gentleman's bet that someone will say it? :lol:
Quite possibly yes, but he will also drone on and on about his achievements too. Do you fancy a gentleman's bet that someone will say it? :lol:

Of course somebody will say it! Probably that hedge fund whiz-kid turned fraud who attaches his lips to Trump’s ring piece every time he tweets...

I forget his name, he’s a desperate sycophant that replies to every single one of his tweets and fights any liberal that dares question the narrative.

I did have a look to see if I could find him but Trump’s twitter feed has been flooded with bots again since the last releasethememo stuff so he’s lost his spot to DeporableJane and TotallyLegitBlackMuslimTrumpMagaSupporterFlags.
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