The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nobody timed the applause at the end then? Was it standing from the Reps?
His speech was good. The problem is that you hardly believe him to become more diplomatic. He is gonna behave like a cnut soon again. It's just the way he is.
So now he asks for Unity after attacking the democrats on Twitter endlessly like they are some sort of terrorist group. Bipolar tit of a man.
Alternative facts. You can sponsor unlimited number of relatives BUT there is a limit on how many visas get allocated a year. In typically takes 15-20 years to get relatives in legally. So his comments are economical with the truth to score political points.

No you can't. You can only sponsor: husband, wife, kids, mother, father, brother and sister. The idea that any member of your family is eligible for a green card shows that the average American knows jack shit about their own immigration policies.
The speech was as banal & predictable as a Jackson song about children/peace/poverty etc etc.
So now he asks for Unity after attacking the democrats on Twitter endlessly like they are some sort of terrorist group. Bipolar tit of a man.

In our vocabulary, "unity" means working together which you would infer to mean "compromise" to achieve a goal.

In Trump's vocabulary, "unity" means means joining him which you can infer to mean "do what Trump tells you to do" to achieve his goal.
It's in the Jimmy Kimmel clip above. He shows the latest "statement" and compares the signature in that with her previous signatures and they are nothing alike. But, that whole interview left me more confused than answering any questions.
Here's the whole thing for those who care

President Trump Delivers the State of the Union Address

Here's the whole thing for those who care

President Trump Delivers the State of the Union Address


The stupidity of this administration knows no bounds. At least they so far have done a great job at deflecting questions about not imposing the Russia sanctions. Why aren't at least the dems up in arms? Odd.

Also- did anyone knows how Rubio was one of the members on the RNC side who refused to stand up for several of the things Trump said? (then again, McConnell oddly did the same but maybe that's just bc he s so crooked it's hard for him to stand up).
No you can't. You can only sponsor: husband, wife, kids, mother, father, brother and sister. The idea that any member of your family is eligible for a green card shows that the average American knows jack shit about their own immigration policies.

I'm actually a recipient of the Green Card Family Reunification Visa through my Mother who is a born US Citizen and i can tell you now, the rules and how you qualify is bloody absurd too, had i applied before i was 21 i would of instantly got a passport but after that... you have to jump through alot of hoops.... American's clearly have no frigging clue about the process.. firstly you have to go through a long background check then wait for a good number of years (i had to wait 7 years or so) then during the time BEFORE you get the visa, you have to go for a interview down at the Embassy/Consulate, mainly to vet you and ask you a crapload of questions and to see if you have English skills.

That was only to come in as a unmarried F1 visa (if you get married in the waiting process, you get shifted into the 4th category and that's a LONG wait) had i been getting one through my brother or sister... well make yourself comfy because it'll take 10 years MINIMUM currently people who's visa become current that applied in 2004 are just now getting their Visa's.

So no, it's not like you can waltz right on in, it certainly doesn't work like that if you are doing it the legal way.
I'm actually a recipient of the Green Card Family Reunification Visa through my Mother who is a born US Citizen and i can tell you now, the rules and how you qualify is bloody absurd too, had i applied before i was 21 i would of instantly got a passport but after that... you have to jump through alot of hoops.... American's clearly have no frigging clue about the process.. firstly you have to go through a long background check then wait for a good number of years (i had to wait 7 years or so) then during the time BEFORE you get the visa, you have to go for a interview down at the Embassy/Consulate, mainly to vet you and ask you a crapload of questions and to see if you have English skills.

That was only to come in as a unmarried F1 visa (if you get married in the waiting process, you get shifted into the 4th category and that's a LONG wait) had i been getting one through my brother or sister... well make yourself comfy because it'll take 10 years MINIMUM currently people who's visa become current that applied in 2004 are just now getting their Visa's.

So no, it's not like you can waltz right on in, it certainly doesn't work like that if you are doing it the legal way.

Trust me man...I know. My mother is a US citizen and I'm a married guy with kids. She wanted to at least start the green card process for me but I told her no because I'm not prepared to wait over 10+ years for the opportunity to PROVE that I would be a good law abiding citizen. Americans also believe that the Visa lottery system is a free for's not. After you've 'won' the opportunity you need to have at least a high school education, have lengthy interviews and pay a lot of money to get the green card. It's just sad how Trump and the GOP are controlling the narrative about this and the Dems are completely silent and not putting the facts out there.
We need expert analysis. @InfiniteBoredom is this legit?
Pollster is legit. Although, one way of looking at this is that his support never really went away and are now voicing themselves with the Nunes's memo and economy looking strong.

That's why it was premature of people to start doing kumbaya with the generic ballots number a few weeks back. Trump has done a lot of terrible shit but the difference now compare to 6 months ago is that he's getting them done, and it's what the base want.

If the Democrats can't push a coherent case about the tax bill being bad and rely on his bad image alone, I doubt the gain in Nov will be enough for them to take either chamber.

The numbers are going to swing wildly over time. At points they will be as low as the low 30s; at other times as high as the mid 40s. The economy is doing well, especially the market and unemployment so its natural that Trump will see some degree of a bump from that.
Pollster is legit. Although, one way of looking at this is that his support never really went away and are now voicing themselves with the Nunes's memo and economy looking strong.

That's why it was premature of people to start doing kumbaya with the generic ballots number a few weeks back. Trump has done a lot of terrible shit but the difference now compare to 6 months ago is that he's getting them done, and it's what the base want.

If the Democrats can't push a coherent case about the tax bill being bad and rely on his bad image alone, I doubt the gain in Nov will be enough for them to take either chamber.

I'd say even that is not enough. As an aside, Anybody quoting statistics and percentage figures of crimes committed by immigrants when Republicans highlight crimes by immigrants/illegal immigrants are as bad as people quoting death by scissors in gun debate.
Trump officials considered contentious method to 'reverse' undocumented teen's abortion

Scott Lloyd raised the prospect of the untested procedure last March to stop a teenager from completing an abortion that was already in process

Guardian said:
An anti-abortion activist who was appointed by Donald Trump to head a federal agency that detains undocumented immigrant children considered using a highly contentious and untested technique to stop a teenager from completing an abortion that was already in process, it has emerged.

Scott Lloyd, the Trump administration’s pick as director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, raised the prospect last March of administering the hormone progesterone to a 17-year-old girl from El Salvador who had entered the US illegally and was being held in custody in San Antonio, Texas. The procedure is unrecognized by the medical profession as a means of reversing abortion & has side-effects attached to it.
Brigitte Amiri, the ACLU lead counsel on the lawsuit, said: “The Trump administration’s cruel and unconstitutional treatment of young immigrant women knows no bounds. The administration forced a minor to go to an emergency room for an ultrasound in the middle of a medication abortion, and contemplated trying to ‘reverse’ the abortion through an unproven method, against the young woman’s will.”

'Blatant and brazen' Trump accused of blocking abortions for undocumented women:
Trump officials considered contentious method to 'reverse' undocumented teen's abortion

Scott Lloyd raised the prospect of the untested procedure last March to stop a teenager from completing an abortion that was already in process

'Blatant and brazen' Trump accused of blocking abortions for undocumented women:
Don't worry, we got the approval of Surgeon General Dr. J.M. Engele
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