The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I forget his name, he’s a desperate sycophant that replies to every single one of his tweets and fights any liberal that dares question the narrative.
I forget his name, he’s a desperate sycophant that replies to every single one of his tweets and fights any liberal that dares question the narrative.

I did have a look to see if I could find him but Trump’s twitter feed has been flooded with bots again since the last releasethememo stuff so he’s lost his spot to DeporableJane and TotallyLegitBlackMuslimTrumpMagaSupporterFlags.

Gracias. People giving hedge funds a bad name :nono:. :nervous:
I hate to say this, but Trump is basically an evil mastermind. He's been so repulsive, abhorrent, despicable and we can continue on, that he can be caught pretty much red handed, paying off a porn star that he banged, while he was married to his current wife, and nobody cares. My only question is, has he achieved this through sheer incompetence, or is he just crazy like a fox?!

John Gotti has nothing on Donald Trump.
I hate to say this, but Trump is basically an evil mastermind. He's been so repulsive, abhorrent, despicable and we can continue on, that he can be caught pretty much red handed, paying off a porn star that he banged, while he was married to his current wife, and nobody cares. My only question is, has he achieved this through sheer incompetence, or is he just crazy like a fox?!

John Gotti has nothing on Donald Trump.

If running for President weren't an exercise in marketing, I don't think he'd ever have any meaningful clout.
I hate to say this, but Trump is basically an evil mastermind. He's been so repulsive, abhorrent, despicable and we can continue on, that he can be caught pretty much red handed, paying off a porn star that he banged, while he was married to his current wife, and nobody cares. My only question is, has he achieved this through sheer incompetence, or is he just crazy like a fox?!

John Gotti has nothing on Donald Trump.
Seems to me Trump s "genius" lies more in the amount of help he gets from the dark corners of society - and it doesn' even seem like it's because he commands it - but rather because he is a useful tool for many.
A catastrophe at the Capitol? Why hasn't Sonny been president for the past year? ;)
Sonny looks like the late Peter Boyle, so he's got my vote.
It'll be the Trump Hotel Gitmo before long.
He must be a forgettable lover...
"Look at the state of this onion! It's terrible, and a terrible deal for onions everywhere! What? It's 'union'? Ok, so...look at the union of this onion! It's terrible etc etc..."
Oh my the huge smoke blowing bullshit has started. I hope this gets fact checked, he's talking uber shit already.

Edit. I really despise him. His mannerisms just annoy the shit out of me. Almost as much as his lies.
The Dirty Money episode is amazing.

How the feck is this guy President of the United States and not in prison.

How does life work that you're too big of a name to pay for your massive debts? How you can be too 'rich' to go bankrupt repeatedly and owe billions of dollars and never actually pay for it? How has nobody ever looked at the Trump Organisation properly and realised it's a complete sham?

It's just insane.
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