The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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AFAIK, the affair started in 2005/6 and in 2011, she even gave an interview detailing her affair. However, it was never published. But during the election campaign in 2016, Trump paid her 130,000$ in return for her silence. Recently, it has come in the light because it has been revealed that a lawyer from the Trump Organization paid the hush money and the news cycles have started running with it.
Paid using campaign money too if I recall correctly. So evangelicals contributed to his spanking :eek:
Really good new documentary on Netflix called Dirty Money, one of the episodes “The Confidence Man” is about Trump.

The fecking irony and ignorance astounds me. It's also sickening. Disgusting.

This is like how the English shout 'Go back to your own country' to Welsh people when they go visit Wales and hear them speak Gaelic. Irony at its best.
Either the State of the Union is going to be surprisingly boring or be so ridiculous we ll again scratch our heads and bow our heads in shame. There is no middle road with this guy. Part of me wouldn't be surprised if some other investigative bomb drops right before the speech so we can see if it throws him off his rocker.
Either the State of the Union is going to be surprisingly boring or be so ridiculous we ll again scratch our heads and bow our heads in shame. There is no middle road with this guy. Part of me wouldn't be surprised if some other investigative bomb drops right before the speech so we can see if it throws him off his rocker.

It'll be boring, stick to the prompter stuff and everyone will hail it as presidential.
Shocked his approval is so low in Texas. The rest of the map is as expected.

Texas is gradually blueing. Loads of hispanics, and more and more younger progressives in the bigger cities. It could even be in play in the next couple of Presidential cycles (depending of course on who is running).
Texas is gradually blueing. Loads of hispanics, and more and more younger progressives in the bigger cities. It could even be in play in the next couple of Presidential cycles (depending of course on who is running).

You and a few others have been pointing this out for a while now. If that happens do you think the Republicans may then start talking about changing the electoral college system? Or rehashing it?
You and a few others have been pointing this out for a while now. If that happens do you think the Republicans may then start talking about changing the electoral college system? Or rehashing it?

If Texas is on the verge of going blue then they will likely count on the Kremlin to bail them out even more than last time. :lol:

I fear and loathe the prospect

Another Forum said:
What you've had for thirty years on both sides of the Atlantic is an economic ideology that eats through everything to the extent that it will actually dismantle itself until there's nothing left.

Was saying this to someone recently. Have a look at who the Tories waged war on in the 80s. The working class, unions, Labour movements etc. But outside of that there was a wide hinterland of people who were 'safe' from their policies. The middle class, the police, the military, the 'acceptables'.

Now look who they're fecking with. The middle class, the police, the military, Mogg was even threatening the House of Lords recently - the House of fecking Lords, a Tory!

Why? Because there's nothing else left to eat. It's financial cannibalism.

The same is happening over there but much more drastic. They're that determined to use Trump as a battering ram to plunder what little is left to plunder, with tax 'reforms' and getting rid of Obamacare, that they'll feck anything that gets in their way - even their own political and judicial system, their national security against their mortal enemy.

It's quite incredible but of absolutely no surprise. This is what happens when your system is based on individualism and short termism.
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