The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He’s actually delusional isn’t he? It’s not really an act, he’s got something missing.
Does Piers Morgan like Trump enough to avoid slipping in a few tricky questions? He’s an arsehole but at the same time he’s a journalist so if he wants to get a juicy story going he could find a way.
Wonder what Trump could do or say that would be too much for Piers? Maybe endorse Wenger?
Oh great, looks like we'll get to find out whether Trump's an Arsenal fan.
This is like a new series of Bottom.
Piers with a surprisingly tough question regarding guns. Putting a good argument to him and it’s falling on unsurprisingly deaf ears.
He’s just unbelievable wrong about everything.
Dodgy sourcing, but would be massive news if true.

unprecedented yes, massive? i don't think the American public and/or his core base would really give a rats ass if the FLOTUS wasn't around, infact id wager they'd probably turn on her for being an illegal immigrant or something equally twisted along those lines.
unprecedented yes, massive? i don't think the American public and/or his core base would really give a rats ass if the FLOTUS wasn't around, infact id wager they'd probably turn on her for being an illegal immigrant or something equally twisted along those lines.

It’s not that she wouldn’t be around as much as they would ostensibly be separated following the Stormy stories.
Early morning tweet incoming....

And not one you'd expect, either.
Donald Trump said:
WOAH. Lots of losers have talked about me, but I never realised how wrong I was til I heard @Cher speak tonight. When that lady talks, you better listen. I am so sorry, Cher. I'll go now, America.
Is there actually anything in these 'Stormy' stories - where has that come from?
AFAIK, the affair started in 2005/6 and in 2011, she even gave an interview detailing her affair. However, it was never published. But during the election campaign in 2016, Trump paid her 130,000$ in return for her silence. Recently, it has come in the light because it has been revealed that a lawyer from the Trump Organization paid the hush money and the news cycles have started running with it.
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