The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"They don't want people coming from all over the world into Britain"
No, we just don't want you coming here.
We always talk about tolerance and in most respects we are. But there are those that do not like the influx of foreigners into the country and are afraid of what they see as a changing country. Same for America.
Americans are all foreigners in their own country. Now they get an insight into how indigenous peoples might have felt, only a few centuries ago. Perhaps that knowledge will lead to treating these ancient communities with greater love and respect
Is anybody here going to attend the protest when he comes?

If there's one on in Edinburgh/Glasgow and I'm around either city might kick about to see what it's like, 'Wenger Out' sign and a can of Tennents (if it's Edinburgh) in tow.
Which policies directly led to the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED? Another one he must have pulled out of his ass.
He's just not helping himself.

He doesn't tweet anything when the well known white musicians are criticising him, but he takes issue when the black musician does it.
He's just not helping himself.

He doesn't tweet anything when the well known white musicians are criticising him, but he takes issue when the black musician does it.

It's classic dog whistling.
Seriously Donald, you don't have to respond to everyone FFS!
If there's one on in Edinburgh/Glasgow and I'm around either city might kick about to see what it's like, 'Wenger Out' sign and a can of Tennents (if it's Edinburgh) in tow.

What will you do? Just stand about or chant against him? Always intrigued about protests

I still don't think he will come... unless it's to a US airbase of something where crowds can't get anywhere close to him

Would you attend a protest though? And have you ever been to a protest before?
Would you attend a protest though? And have you ever been to a protest before?

I doubt I would attend

I attended previous demonstrations against Bush and the large stop the war March in London

I saw contemptible behaviour from the police and from protesters... albeit a minority in each case but it triggered some fairly heated exchanges... I suspect this one would be worse.

I would also say to my mind the driver behind my objection at that time was we seemed to be outsourcing our decision to wage war that was clearly going to involve loss of life not only of our armed forces but no doubt of a lot of civilians

This time much as I don't like his politics if the Americans are stupid enough to elect him then we have to say that's their right and we should respect it in my opinion and as such from a pragmatic point on view work with him on areas we can where it lies within UK interests... personally I would prefer we hadn't invited him but I can appreciate the potential political and diplomatic repercussions if we didn't.. . Anyway I suspect brexit will be such a mess and he will have enough issues making murica great again there won't be a visit anyway
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