The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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And lets be honest..also a war criminal. Something which the Donald is still yet to achieve.

Yep. We like to swoon over Obama too but don't realise that he's been more of a belligerent than Trump far.

Mind you I wouldn't put it past the orange one to start a military adventure in a desperate attempt to save his presidency.
Yep. We like to swoon over Obama too but don't realise that he's been more of a belligerent than Trump far.

Mind you I wouldn't put it past the orange one to start a military adventure in a desperate attempt to save his presidency.

Let's hope it doesn't get to that. That would reallly suck.
Trump and CIA has ramped up drone campaign even if he does not personally sign off strikes anymore. US are still aiding the starvation war in Yemen. Trump has just not invaded a country yet.

I'm not 100% sure about Obama.
On one column you have Libya and the international drone bombing program. On the other you have the Iran deal.
With Trump it is true there is no Libya, but you have more civilian casualties in one year than Obama in 8, using the same drones. A surge in Afghanistan. And there is nothing comparable to the Iran deal.
Trump and CIA has ramped up drone campaign even if he does not personally sign off strikes anymore. US are still aiding the starvation war in Yemen. Trump has just not invaded a country yet.
I doubt we'd have to wait long. :nervous:
Trump and CIA has ramped up drone campaign even if he does not personally sign off strikes anymore. US are still aiding the starvation war in Yemen. Trump has just not invaded a country yet.

That is a whole different can of worms which everyone is pretending to ignore. Lets not go there...just yet.
Yep. We like to swoon over Obama too but don't realise that he's been more of a belligerent than Trump far.

Mind you I wouldn't put it past the orange one to start a military adventure in a desperate attempt to save his presidency.

You'll get that from most Presidents. They are presented with information and choices that generally lead them towards using military power. Even if one runs as a pacifist who laments the interventionism of the past, once in office they instantly become more pragmatic about how best to use military and economic power to advance national interests.
We haven't gotten anywhere close to seeing the worst of trump yet..
You'll get that from most Presidents. They are presented with information and choices that generally lead them towards using military power. Even if one runs as a pacifist who laments the interventionism of the past, once in office they instantly become more pragmatic about how best to use military and economic power to advance national interests.

And lets be honest..also a war criminal. Something which the Donald is still yet to achieve.

That is true. Same as Obama and Hillary who both should be locked up in a prison somewhere. As obnoxious and disgusting as Trump is, for me the only measure for assessing American presidents is how many innocent civilians they kill abroad. Any other issue, be it taxes or health care, pales in comparison to foreign policy.

Hey Brits, check out this.

US President Donald Trump has said he would have negotiated Brexit with a "different" and "tougher" attitude to Theresa May.

The US president said the European Union was "not cracked up to what it's supposed to be" and claimed he was not surprised by the result of the Brexit referendum because British people "don't want people coming from all over the world into Britain".

The comments are seen as a blow for Theresa May following her meeting with Mr Trump in Davos on Thursday.

In an interview to be broadcast on ITV on tonight, Piers Morgan asked Mr Trump if Mrs May was in a "good position" in Brexit talks.

The president replied: "Would it be the way I negotiate? No, I wouldn't negotiate it the way it's (being) negotiated... I would have had a different attitude."

"I would have said that the European Union is not cracked up to what it's supposed to be.

"I would have taken a tougher stand in getting out."

Mr Trump also suggested he predicted Brexit.

The president said: "I said (that) because of trade, but mostly immigration, Brexit is going to be a big upset. And I was right."

He added: "I know the British people and understand them. They don't want people coming from all over the world into Britain, they don't know anything about these people."

Mr Trump also claimed Mrs May invited him to the UK twice this year during their meeting at the Swiss ski resort.

But Downing Street did not confirm the claim that an informal visit in July would be followed by a state visit in October.
We always talk about tolerance and in most respects we are. But there are those that do not like the influx of foreigners into the country and are afraid of what they see as a changing country. Same for America.

So you reckon Trump "know the British people and understands them", yet is afraid to go there?
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