The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"Everything was terrible before I showed up."
"Every deal is terrible unless I made it."
"Let's spare a thought for the workers. Right, that's enough."
"Failing everybody-but-me."
"How about those Redskins? Whoops..."
"American citizenship: you can be any colour so long as it's white."
"Radioactive Islantic Tenorism™."
"I love America, but I'll sell it for a quid."
"Two pints of milk. Wait...that's my shopping list."
“People call me racist. I don’t see race. I don’t see colour. I also don’t smell or taste stuff good. The doctor said that I was sick but I slipped him a twenty and he gave me full marks on the exam. Dad used to pay my teachers to do the same, but I’m the one in charge now. I get to sit in the big boys chair and pull the toot toot cord on my steam train. Melanie used to play with it too but now she tells me that I have to pull into the station solo from now on.”
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Nikki Haley said:
At every point in my life, I've noticed that if you speak your mind and you're strong about it and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that and the way they deal with it is to try and throw arrows, lies or not.

Hang on, whut? This kinda makes it sound like quibbling with talk about the affair rather than whether it's a lie or not :lol:
“People call me racist. I don’t see race. I don’t see colour. I also don’t smell or taste stuff good. The doctor said that I was sick but I slipped him a twenty and he gave me full marks on the exam. Dad used to pay my teachers to do the same, but I’m the one in charge now. I get to sit in the big boys chair and pull the toot toot cord on my steam train. Melanie used to play with it too but now she tells me that I have to pull into the station solo from now on.”

I know, it's insane. Surely this is an extremely dangerous game Trump's playing by doing this?

Its part of the old Bannon playbook of 'deconstructing the administrative state'. Even with Bannon out of the picture, there's plenty of paranoia and incompetence on Trump's part to not address the situation.
Its part of the old Bannon playbook of 'deconstructing the administrative state'. Even with Bannon out of the picture, there's plenty of paranoia and incompetence on Trump's part to not address the situation.
What is(n't) happening in Puerto Rico is sign enough of how important it is to have critical agencies properly staffed. If that was mainland US, in a red state, there would be an inquisition.
In three years, LGBT Americans have gone from triumph to backlash

The number of non-LGBT Americans who gave what Gerzema called “the PC response,” telling pollsters that they support equal rights for LGBT people, held steady at 79 percent. But the number of respondents who said they would be somewhat or very uncomfortable having LGBT members of their faith communities, learning that a family member was LGBT, having their child taught by an LGBT teacher or study LGBT history in school, finding out that their doctor was LGBT, or even seeing same-sex couples holding hands all ticked upward.

Get fecked Don.

Yours faithfully, the U.K.

He's the most insecure person on the planet isn't he? :lol: I bet you could get him to reverse every single decision he's ever made as president if you would spend 15min every day telling him that he's the bestest president ever.
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