The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"Just got off the phone with Europe, they've told me to tell you that they're looking forward to me coming over but they don't need me to talk about how good I'm making America win again because it's all their real news media can talk about. In fact they asked if they can move Europe closer to America but I said no because America is the best and it belongs to us. They accepted this and cheered my name and clapped and had a big party in my honor all acrros Europe. and then Tom brady came over and gave me high fives. But my hands are so yuge that it broke his throwingf arm so he asked me to take his place at the sper bowl. Sorry tom! But I have to focus my attention on KEEPING AMAERICA GREAT!!!"
Lol I read that in a trump voice
"Just got off the phone with Europe, they've told me to tell you that they're looking forward to me coming over but they don't need me to talk about how good I'm making America win again because it's all their real news media can talk about. In fact they asked if they can move Europe closer to America but I said no because America is the best and it belongs to us. They accepted this and cheered my name and clapped and had a big party in my honor all acrros Europe. and then Tom brady came over and gave me high fives. But my hands are so yuge that it broke his throwingf arm so he asked me to take his place at the sper bowl. Sorry tom! But I have to focus my attention on KEEPING AMAERICA GREAT!!!"

:lol: Fresh on the heels of telling journos yesterday that he may do Daca, he is now opening the door to doing TPP.

Increasing speculation that Melania is not dealing well with the Stormy Daniels stories. She abruptly cancelled her trip to Davos with Trump a couple of days ago.

Increasing speculation that Melania is not dealing well with the Stormy Daniels stories. She abruptly cancelled her trip to Davos with Trump a couple of days ago.

I suspect she’s upset that it’s public. She’ll know full well he’s an unfaithful rat.
I suspect she’s upset that it’s public. She’ll know full well he’s an unfaithful rat.

Yeah she's definitely known about it since Stormy originally gave interviews to a couple of magazines in 2011. Same with all the others like Jessica Drake and who knows who else that hasn't yet been made public.

Still, it must be humiliating for her to have to deal with it.
Yeah she's definitely known about it since Stormy originally gave interviews to a couple of magazines in 2011. Same with all the others like Jessica Drake and who knows who else that hasn't yet been made public.

Still, it must be humiliating for her to have to deal with it.

Of course, I feel for her to be honest, “billionaire” husband who is now the President of the US, it sounds like a Hollywood dream but I suspect in reality it’s an oppressed and lonely life.
Of course, I feel for her to be honest, “billionaire” husband who is now the President of the US, it sounds like a Hollywood dream but I suspect in reality it’s an oppressed and lonely life.

From her perspective, she's married to a guy who could be her Dad, who is in turn now publicly outed as repeatedly cheating on her. Can't be good for her.
Yeah she's definitely known about it since Stormy originally gave interviews to a couple of magazines in 2011. Same with all the others like Jessica Drake and who knows who else that hasn't yet been made public.

Still, it must be humiliating for her to have to deal with it.
Her son is also old enough now to process that very public information and embarrassment.

Fingers crossed that it drives her into the arms of another man. Specifically Robert Mueller
At this point, she might be aware of all his affairs. She seems more focussed on how it will all play out on the PR front for her.

I wonder if Mueller has any plans to interview her to find out what she’s heard? I assume there is some extension of the 5th amendment to protect spouses?
I really cant bring myself to feel sympathy for Melania. Karma for marrying a billionaire primate for his money.
At this point, she might be aware of all his affairs. She seems more focussed on how it will all play out on the PR front for her.

I don't get that feeling in the slightest to be honest. She's kept an extremely low profile during his Presidency, hasn't exploited her position at all. She was publically disgusted with him on inauguration day AND refused to move to the White House until her son finished his school year.

I think she's caught in a trap. If he wasn't President I think she may have left him by now. I think privately she's embarrassed and disgusted by his behaviour and the stories coming out and I think she's worried how it will affect her son.

From her mannerisms and body language each time she is with Trump, I dont get the feeling she is happy at all. I actually do feel for her.
I really cant bring myself to feel sympathy for Melania. Karma for marrying a billionaire primate for his money.

Yeah my sympathy is fairly limited for her. His character wasn't exactly different before she married him.
Both sides have compromised it seems.

Indeed. Which explains why Trump was quick to ridicule them. “The art of the deal” aka concede the necessary ground to get a deal but follow up with bombastic nonsense to make it look like a victory.
Increasing speculation that Melania is not dealing well with the Stormy Daniels stories. She abruptly cancelled her trip to Davos with Trump a couple of days ago.

She probably got creeped out by Miller, otherwise Florida is where Stormy lives and "performs".
The freedom caucus won't let path to citizenship proposal for dreamers even see the light of the day. Might as well forget about that one until Democrats control legislature. Just be happy with protection from ICE.
The freedom caucus won't let path to citizenship proposal for dreamers even see the light of the day. Might as well forget about that one until Democrats control legislature. Just be happy with protection from ICE.

I said this earlier in another thread but ... < so if this bill passes, immigration into the States is basically dead.

Its funny, "Chain Migration" doesnt even work the way people seems to think it does, it takes actual years (5 minimum) to bring in anyone other than a Spouse or a Child.


Saw elsewhere that their proposed offer that Trump want's at least will give Dreamers a respite after around 10-12 years where they can get Citizenship.
I'm starting to think there might be something to this Nikki Haley and Trump rumor - the way she defends the guy seems.. Odd. I ve never been a fan of her but the crazy defend the Supreme leader like talk is a bit ridiculous and unsettling.
Watching Wolf Blitzer speak about Stormy Daniels and Trump chasing her around in "tighty whiteys" while keeping the straightest face possible like he's talking about conflict in Syria :lol:

This man would rinse anyone in a poker game. No emotion
So the immigration proposal - daring the Dems to reject its awfulness so that blame can be shifted for deportations?
Increasing speculation that Melania is not dealing well with the Stormy Daniels stories. She abruptly cancelled her trip to Davos with Trump a couple of days ago.

Obviously, if she went to Davos, she may actually have to be in the same bed as Little Fingers Don.
Yeah she's definitely known about it since Stormy originally gave interviews to a couple of magazines in 2011. Same with all the others like Jessica Drake and who knows who else that hasn't yet been made public.

Still, it must be humiliating for her to have to deal with it.

The first divorce of a sitting president.
IIRC Joe Kennedy paid Jackie $1m to stop her divorcing Jack during his presidency; I wonder if Melania is being paid to stick around?
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