The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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WASHINGTON — Congress is apparently not done cutting taxes, even after passing a $1.5 trillion tax overhaul last year.

The deal struck by Democrats and Republicans on Monday to end a brief government shutdown contains $31 billion in tax cuts, including a temporary delay in implementing three health care-related taxes.

Those delays, which enjoy varying degrees of bipartisan support, are not offset by any spending cuts or tax increases, and thus will add to a federal budget deficit that is already projected to increase rapidly as last year’s mammoth new tax law takes effect.
What a spiteful worm he is. I wonder what he gets his cocktail sausage fingers on next?

Its not spite.

Murdoch is heavily involved in genie energy, an oil company.

the kochs are coal and oil moguls.

Putin and his oligarchs make a lot of money from oil and gas.

He is enriching his friends, at the entire world's expense in the long run.
hur dur burrrrr military hur dur burrrrrrr MAGA hurrrrr constitution.

Saying this everyday can literaly make you president of the US. The state of humanity is down right shocking.
Just like it's very easy to check if a significant part of Americans have racist or sexist believes. It's so very obvious that I'm not even sure where to start and what to include. That country is polarized to the bone, from a very recent history of actual racial segregation and extreme opression, to the future, with African American women still being 3-6 times more likely to die in childbirth than white American women today, and their children facing more barriers than any other racial group.

I don't think it's easy at all to check if a significant part of Americans have racist or sexist beliefs, quite the opposite actually.

Are the african american women more likely to die because of racism or because of the different socioeconomic group they are in? Do african americans get pulled over by the cops more often because of racism or because they're speeding more often? Do women earn less on average because of sexism or because they're more likely to work part time and take more holidays? Is the NBA discriminating against short people?

Of course there are individual cases of racism, probably more so than in other first world countries and of course those people need to be fought but I find it very hard to believe in 2018 a significant part of the american population is racist/sexist and it's responsible for those differences. It feels like the people who voted for Trump are being painted as stupid racists and society as a whole is being painted as terrible and unfair because it's convenient and a lot of people feel emotional over it rather than it actually being the case.

It's so very easy to see for yourself, to check, verify, research, or whatever you want to call it, and see the racist and sexist statements he has made, both during his lifetime and during his campaign. So I'm not sure how you can imply you doubt he made such statements?

A few of the links people sent me didn't really have any example of him being racist or sexist since he's been president. Most are just stupid jokes, there's a difference between being racist and making a joke out of a stereotype. He just sounds like an idiot that doesn't know how to pick his words or the difference between what's apropriate or inapropriate to say. I'm sure that if you scan through my life you can find plenty of quotes than you'd classify as me being racist too even though I'm not. There were some things he said that were clearly racist from a while ago but they lacked context and it's not easy to trust those articles when they're writing things like this as proof Trump is racist.

Like many racial instigators, Trump often answers accusations of bigotry by loudly protesting that he actually loves the group in question. But that’s just as uncomfortable to hear, because he’s still treating all the members of the group ― all the individual human beings ― as essentially the same and interchangeable. Language is telling, here: Virtually every time Trump mentions a minority group, he uses the definite article the, as in “the Hispanics,” “the Muslims” and “the blacks.”

In that sense, Trump’s defensive explanations are of a piece with his slander of minorities. Both rely on essentializing racial and ethnic groups, blurring them into simple, monolithic entities, instead of acknowledging that there’s as much variety among Muslims and Latinos and black people as there is among white people.
I don't think it's easy at all to check if a significant part of Americans have racist or sexist beliefs, quite the opposite actually.

Are the african american women more likely to die because of racism or because of the different socioeconomic group they are in? Do african americans get pulled over by the cops more often because of racism or because they're speeding more often? Do women earn less on average because of sexism or because they're more likely to work part time and take more holidays? Is the NBA discriminating against short people?

Of course there are individual cases of racism, probably more so than in other first world countries and of course those people need to be fought but I find it very hard to believe in 2018 a significant part of the american population is racist/sexist and it's responsible for those differences. It feels like the people who voted for Trump are being painted as stupid racists and society as a whole is being painted as terrible and unfair because it's convenient and a lot of people feel emotional over it rather than it actually being the case.

A few of the links people sent me didn't really have any example of him being racist or sexist since he's been president. Most are just stupid jokes, there's a difference between being racist and making a joke out of a stereotype. He just sounds like an idiot that doesn't know how to pick his words or the difference between what's apropriate or inapropriate to say. I'm sure that if you scan through my life you can find plenty of quotes than you'd classify as me being racist too even though I'm not. There were some things he said that were clearly racist from a while ago but they lacked context and it's not easy to trust those articles when they're writing things like this as proof Trump is racist.
Most? And the others? In my opinion the so called "jokes" just add to his actions.
Anyhow, I don't think anyone here has an image of trump in Klan gear so it's likely we'll have to agree to disagree.
Most? And the others? In my opinion the so called "jokes" just add to his actions.
Anyhow, I don't think anyone here has an image of trump in Klan gear so it's likely we'll have to agree to disagree.

Racist is a big acusation to make for me at least so I'd need better proof of it. There were definitely some racist quotes in the link you sent me though.
Its not spite.

Murdoch is heavily involved in genie energy, an oil company.

the kochs are coal and oil moguls.

Putin and his oligarchs make a lot of money from oil and gas.

He is enriching his friends, at the entire world's expense in the long run.

I’m sure he will spin it about saving American jobs but surely the American people will end up paying more for these type of items now
There really isn't. You seem hell bent on defending the indefensible.

Of course there is, if that's not the case then everyone I've met is a racist.

Am I not allowed to joke the welsh like shagging sheep and black people like eating chicken then?
I’d be very surprised if deep down he isn’t racist considering his dad was a head klansman

I think he has equal contempt for everyone that isn’t himself and his family. Minorities cop the brunt because they hold the least power and are easiest to exploit.
Trumpy has even knackered the world of poetry(!):
Poetry Nation said:
Had we time to digest it, the diagnosis might provide cause for concern. The idea that Web 2.0 has a deleterious effect on our attention spans and cognitive abilities is nothing new; internet entrepreneur Andrew Keen argued the case in his 2007 book from which this essay takes its title. A decade on, this autumn, Twitter co-founder Evan Williams registered his dismay at how social media platforms were helping to ‘dumb the entire world down’, lamenting specifically the role Twitter played in Donald Trump’s election victory. In the arena of politics, language has always been the slippery servant of self-promoting, truth-bending, popularity-seeking individuals. In the age of the sound bite, for which social media is the perfect vehicle, we no longer expect the statements politicians utter to convey any meaning whatsoever. From literature we have hitherto expected better – not least because endurance, rather than fleetingness, is one marker of its quality. As Ezra Pound put it, literature is ‘news which stays news’. Of all the literary forms, we might have predicted that poetry had the best chance of escaping social media’s dumbing effect; its project, after all, has typically been to rid language of cliché. Yet in the redefinition of poetry as ‘short-form communication’ the floodgates have been opened. The reader is dead: long live consumer-driven content and the ‘instant gratification’ this affords.

The ability to draw a crowd, attract an audience or assemble a mob does not itself render a thing intrinsically good: witness Donald Trump. Like the new president, the new poets are products of a cult of personality, which demands from its heroes only that they be ‘honest’ and ‘accessible’, where honesty is defined as the constant expression of what one feels, and accessibility means the complete rejection of complexity, subtlety, eloquence and the aspiration to do anything well.
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Making a joke generalizing a stereotype isn't the same as believing all members of a race have characteristics specific to that race.

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

It's the exact thing you've just said it isn't! Much of this can be down to culture clashes but it's pretty obvious that making a general statement about someone you don't know purely on skin tone is racist.
You appropriated pigeons' cultural identity, Mr P!
Resign immediately!
*harumph noises in background*
It's a racist joke. Simple as that.

Then I'm a racist and so's everyone I've ever met.

Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. I don't believe all black people love chicken but I can still joke about the fact a lot of black people do. Just like I can joke that americans are fat and noone will care.
Then I'm a racist and so's everyone I've ever met.

Racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. I don't believe all black people love chicken but I can still joke about the fact a lot of black people do. Just like I can joke that americans are fat and noone will care.
It's not impossible that you and everyone you know is racist, yes. Here in my country, almost everyone of the older folks is. And also they don't have a remote idea what racism actually is. Most think racism means hating people of color.

Clarification about "here"
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It's not impossible that you and everyone you know is racist, yes. Here, almost everyone of the older folks is. And also they don't have a remote idea what racism actually is. Most think racism means hating people of color.
I think you should name these older people.
Good grief, the world's going to Hell in a Hermès handbag. Trump has ruined Christmas poems - just look at what passes for popular poetry these days!:

From 'Grand Designs'
By Hollie McNish:

and i think how those nuts might taste from a bowl
on a dining-room table carved straight out of a tree

and then i get bored of this dream
and i realise i do not like tim
and that soon enough
we die
I don't think it's easy at all to check if a significant part of Americans have racist or sexist beliefs, quite the opposite actually.

Are the african american women more likely to die because of racism or because of the different socioeconomic group they are in? Do african americans get pulled over by the cops more often because of racism or because they're speeding more often? Do women earn less on average because of sexism or because they're more likely to work part time and take more holidays? Is the NBA discriminating against short people?

Of course there are individual cases of racism, probably more so than in other first world countries and of course those people need to be fought but I find it very hard to believe in 2018 a significant part of the american population is racist/sexist and it's responsible for those differences. It feels like the people who voted for Trump are being painted as stupid racists and society as a whole is being painted as terrible and unfair because it's convenient and a lot of people feel emotional over it rather than it actually being the case.

I like the contrarian point of view mate, but this really isn't just about political correctness and what you can or can't say. Most developed countries have well defined legal margins which create the possibility to be as offensive or racist as you like, as long as it happens in a certain (often satirical) context.

You seem to be completely missing the point that there are countless of other problems directly intertwined with racism. Key words to the questions in your second paragraph are probably 'institutional racism' (with regards to the socio-economic position of minorities) and 'racial profiling' (regarding the police problems). The USA is hardly the only country struggling with the negative side effects of these concepts by the way.

A few of the links people sent me didn't really have any example of him being racist or sexist since he's been president. Most are just stupid jokes, there's a difference between being racist and making a joke out of a stereotype. He just sounds like an idiot that doesn't know how to pick his words or the difference between what's apropriate or inapropriate to say. I'm sure that if you scan through my life you can find plenty of quotes than you'd classify as me being racist too even though I'm not. There were some things he said that were clearly racist from a while ago but they lacked context and it's not easy to trust those articles when they're writing things like this as proof Trump is racist.

Maybe it's an idea to just listen what Trump voters say about it his racism, sexism and the reasons they voted for him. (and note that 53% of the white women voted for Trump, yet 94%(!) of the black women did not).

Just one link with some random comments is purely anecdotal of course, but you can search for days and days and find nothing but Trump voters who happily admit he's racist, sexist, or whatever you want.

Whitmire said: “I do not agree with Trump’s language and behaviour, and that is definitely not why I voted for him. But I am not worried that Trump’s misogynistic language and sexist behaviour will have any interference with the reasons I want him in office. These are no more than actual actions of past presidents who were exactly the same way, just never recorded under a hot mic.”
You appropriated pigeons' cultural identity, Mr P!
Resign immediately!
*harumph noises in background*
If I'm going down I'm taking you with me. I bet your first name isn't even SteveJ.

Negotiations are going to be fun. It's like me kicking your dog and taking a piss in your shoes before asking you to go halfers on a timeshare in Bradford. Also, what gamble? He's meant to be this incredible businessman and he managed to shut down his own government whilst his party controls the house.
Good grief, the world's going to Hell in a Hermès handbag. Trump has ruined Christmas poems - just look at what passes for popular poetry these days!:

From 'Grand Designs'
By Hollie McNish:
Maybe they were just the wrong sort of nuts.
Anyway, sorry for derailing the thread, folks.
Anyway, sorry for derailing the thread, folks.

Yeah because reading someone trying to defend a clearly racist President whilst ignoring points and using crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes to defend his point was so much more informative than your derailment. Don't apologise Chief, it's all good :lol:
I met an american friend today, a very religious and conservative one. I tried to stay away from politics but when the topic inevitably came up because some Trump report was on the news he was very quick to end it: "as long as liberals are angry with him, he has my support, I don't care what he's doing". I know it's impossible to poll this sort of attitude, but I wonder what percentage of his supporters have this kind of mindset.

You should have informed him that he can probably immigrate to North Korea if he doesn't like liberals or liberalism, since North Korea has none of the foundational liberal ideals that western democratic society is founded on! These people, take the liberal freedoms they have for granted, to such an extent, they don't even recognize them as liberalism. Morons.
Yeah because reading someone trying to defend a clearly racist President whilst ignoring points and using crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes to defend his point was so much more informative than your derailment. Don't apologise Chief, it's all good :lol:

Curiously, the article is interesting even for those with no regard for poetry, because the bigger picture - the dismissal of expertise in many spheres in the Age of Trump - is really important.
It's not impossible that you and everyone you know is racist, yes. Here, almost everyone of the older folks is. And also they don't have a remote idea what racism actually is. Most think racism means hating people of color.

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Also racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

I don't fit into either nor I've ever personally met anyone with those views in all of my life. You seem to be the one who doesn't know what racism is.

Yeah because reading someone trying to defend a clearly racist President whilst ignoring points and using crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes to defend his point was so much more informative than your derailment. Don't apologise Chief, it's all good :lol:

Yeah, I better just leave the thread. I'm sorry my crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes weren't informative.
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Yeah, I better just leave the thread. I'm sorry my crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes weren't informative.

You are trying to defend the indefensible. Fair enough, @Raoul also defends Trump from being racist but I can't remember him using a racist stereotype of all black people eating chicken to explain his reasoning.
There is something wrong with you if this guy doesn't embarrass you.
Imagine May behaving this way?
She's a disaster but has nothing on this guy.
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