The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't think it's easy at all to check if a significant part of Americans have racist or sexist beliefs, quite the opposite actually.

Are the african american women more likely to die because of racism or because of the different socioeconomic group they are in? Do african americans get pulled over by the cops more often because of racism or because they're speeding more often? Do women earn less on average because of sexism or because they're more likely to work part time and take more holidays? Is the NBA discriminating against short people?

Of course there are individual cases of racism, probably more so than in other first world countries and of course those people need to be fought but I find it very hard to believe in 2018 a significant part of the american population is racist/sexist and it's responsible for those differences. It feels like the people who voted for Trump are being painted as stupid racists and society as a whole is being painted as terrible and unfair because it's convenient and a lot of people feel emotional over it rather than it actually being the case.

A few of the links people sent me didn't really have any example of him being racist or sexist since he's been president. Most are just stupid jokes, there's a difference between being racist and making a joke out of a stereotype. He just sounds like an idiot that doesn't know how to pick his words or the difference between what's apropriate or inapropriate to say. I'm sure that if you scan through my life you can find plenty of quotes than you'd classify as me being racist too even though I'm not. There were some things he said that were clearly racist from a while ago but they lacked context and it's not easy to trust those articles when they're writing things like this as proof Trump is racist.

I know that in your must be thinking you've made a smart, intellectual argument. But in reality it only comes across as dumb, uninformed and written by kid with one hand downs his pants.
Are the african american women more likely to die because of racism or because of the different socioeconomic group they are in? Do african americans get pulled over by the cops more often because of racism or because they're speeding more often? Do women earn less on average because of sexism or because they're more likely to work part time and take more holidays? Is the NBA discriminating against short people?
Looks like you have figured it all out for yourself. So smart.
"Nobody pays-off more women than me! Oh f*ck, now I've torn it..."
Ah the old man makes offensive comments and doesn't like the response to said comments so then cries wolf and runs away making yet more offensive generalisations before leaving.


People like this indeed. :lol:

Old man? I’m 26... And the only one of the two of us who made any offensive comments was you. The irony of that whole comment is quite incredible.

I know that in your must be thinking you've made a smart, intellectual argument. But in reality it only comes across as dumb, uninformed and written by kid with one hand downs his pants.

Thanks for showing me your ways of intellectual superiority and morality.

In the comment above I was an old man, now I'm a kid? Ageism!

Looks like you have figured it all out for yourself. So smart.

Jesus fecking Christ almighty.. not smart at all, it’s obvious. Claiming black women are 6 times more likely to die during pregnancy as a proof of racism in our society should get that answer. Now can I leave this thread without getting called a racist and stupid in the process?
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Oh god imagine if it’s paying a porn star to keep quiet that takes him down.

Even better - the porn star didn’t keep quiet :lol:

"Trump Red (Tube) in the face as pay-off comes back to bite him."
@Peyroteo hey, I ain't the one making racists jokes.

Neither am I but I'm also not calling other people racist when they're not which is a lot worse. Once again...

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Also racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
Jesus fecking Christ almighty.. not smart at all, it’s obvious. Claiming black women are 6 times more likely to die during pregnancy as a proof of racism in our society should get that answer.

So that's your reply to all the things I've posted? Jesus fecking Christ indeed :lol:
So that's your reply to all the things I've posted? Jesus fecking Christ indeed :lol:

No, that was my reply to a small fragment of what you posted. Which was what he highlighted before he filled himself with bravery and called me stupid.

Let's not derail this thread any further
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Neither am I but I'm also not calling other people racist when they're not which is a lot worse. Once again...

Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Also racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

The bold parts is racism.
No, that was my reply to a small fragment of what you posted. Which was what he highlighted before he filled himself with bravery and called me stupid.

Well ok. Maybe it's important to realize that in an ever evolving world, the definition of racism isn't always set in stone and comes in various forms. In big parts of the world people agree that discriminating on the basis of race, but also on the basis of ethnicity is racism though. And the discrimination can come in countless of forms.

Only saying this because it seems different to what you perceive as racism...
Oh god imagine if it’s paying a porn star to keep quiet that takes him down.

Even better - the porn star didn’t keep quiet :lol:
A ponstar that spanked his ass and revealed that he is afraid of sharks (because he has the body of a seal) to bring him down!
Yes I would have a problem with someone making that joke as personally I wouldn't find it funny.

Trump is a racist. I have no doubt. From the way he wouldn't rent to "coloured people" to the Obama birth certificate to the all Mexicans are rapists and murderers comment to the attacking the wife of the black serviceman who died, and to attack her as she buried him too. Then there's the attack on the other gold star family, the Mexican judge, the Muslim ban, his whole use of language when discussing any minority compared to his language when discussing white people. And on and on....

He is a despicable piece of work, but It's clear he's a racist one. He most definitely believes he is part of a superior race. On top of that he also believes he's a superior sex. And because he's rich he's of a superior class as well.

I really don't want to argue this point anymore. People can believe what they like I don't want to try to convince anyone so won't reply to this topic again, but it is clear to me with absolute certainty that Trump is racist.

People go too far to make a point.

Listen to Trump talk about Genes.
Read a book about Genetics.

What he thinks genes are responsible for and what they're actually responsible for are worlds apart.

He has an outdated and ill-educated world view.

He's just thick. Thick people believe stupid shit. I don't care if anyone thinks he's racist. He is thick. His stupidity manifests in so many ways. Racism is one of them.
People go too far to make a point.

Listen to Trump talk about Genes.
Read a book about Genetics.

What he thinks genes are responsible for and what they're actually responsible for are worlds apart.

He has an outdated and ill-educated world view.

He's just thick. Thick people believe stupid shit. I don't care if anyone thinks he's racist. He is thick. His stupidity manifests in so many ways. Racism is one of them.

Nail, say hello to head.
Nail, say hello to head.

This post belongs in the "little things that really annoy you" thread.

The head is the top of the nail, where the hammer hits, the full expression is "hit the nail on the head", shortening it to "nail meet head" or similar makes no sense.
This post belongs in the "little things that really annoy you" thread.

The head is the top of the nail, where the hammer hits, the full expression is "hit the nail on the head", shortening it to "nail meet head" or similar makes no sense.

Wow this post is spot on. Hammer, meet handle.
You wonder why Drump apologists are trying so hard deny he is a racist despite all the obvious evidence. I'ts like it personally triggers something right at their very core.
Reading his tweets make my fecking blood boils. He is so childish, arrogant and naive. Can we get rid of him soon?
1- No, I wasn't. Which is why literally all you quoted from me were questions.

2- It matters but to what extent was my question...

3- Yes and just like that one I sent was bullshit so is the one you sent.

4- Are you actually saying height doesn't matter for an NBA player for fecks sake? It was just an example anyway, make it age then. Just because there aren't any 70 year old NBA players doesn't mean they're getting discriminated. This is my point and even you agree with it, it's not rocket science. You just completely misunderstood it.

You microfacting to proof that there is not much of a problem in sexism and racism. And with that you joined the ranks of the ones that tries to justify them under a false "let´s know the truth" facts.

No, I didn't. At all. And that's a disgunting lie once again when I specifically said the exact opposite of that. So stop lying.

And thanks to asking the question. Both.
You can leave whenever, but you will not tell others to lie about who you are

I'll tell them to stop fecking lying instead like I just told you now.

It's such a simple point I was making there and I'm 100% certain everyone here agrees with it too but whatever, feel free to reply anyway and get a few extra insults in there but I'm leaving since this is doing nothing but derailing the thread.
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The amount of excuses I see a few folks here are making for Trump is just beyond belief and just plain old embarrassing. I've always asked Trump supporters to replace Obama in their overall defending of what Trump's doing and most if not all of them choose to deflect. It's just plain hypocrisy. As I've said before, no decent human supports Trump then hates Obama...none! It has nothing do to with left and right, Democrat or Republican etc...If you can't see that Barack Obama is miles ahead of Donald Trump in terms of being a decent human being then you need to take a serious look at yourself.

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