The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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To be fair, I've seen photos of Obama on twitter this morning sitting in a similar way, but it's far easier to imagine him on an actual call than Donny.

Whyyyyyyyyy have you put on the stupid hat? How long could you actually sit perched on the edge of your seat like that? Who could you possibly be speaking to with such submissive body language?
they don't just get the money and hide it under a pillow
I mean, technically, they hide it in low tax Islands, but hey-ho.

They invest their money, they make deals with other businesses and they create jobs. They don't help the economy out of their benevolent hearts, they do it to make more money but they still help.
Creating one job by killing a better a better job isn't good for ordinary people. The net effect is that richer people get bigger and bigger portions of the pie.
To be fair, I've seen photos of Obama on twitter this morning sitting in a similar way, but it's far easier to imagine him on an actual call than Donny.

Whyyyyyyyyy have you put on the stupid hat? How long could you actually sit perched on the edge of your seat like that? Who could you possibly be speaking to with such submissive body language?

The choice of hat just shows who the photo was for. Anyone with half a brain cell won’t take it seriously.
Wait ... this for real?

and snopes confirms

Thank you for calling the White House. Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today, because Congressional Democrats are holding government funding, including funding for our troops and other national security priorities, hostage to an unrelated immigration debate. Due to this obstruction, the government is shut down. In the meantime, you can leave a comment for the president at We look forward to taking your calls as soon as the government reopens.
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No, those people are statistical outliers. The vast majority of people don't even leave their home town, let alone their socioeconomic group.

There was a study a short time ago that reflected the overwhelming majority of Americans will reside/settle within 200 miles of where they grew up/spent most of childhood. A low percentage move outside that 200-mile range and a sizeable amount that do so often return at some point in life (i.e. after college, after a service of sorts, whatever reason).

Americans are creatures of comfort. I have no plans to ever move back to Texas permanently unless there's a wow factor involved, like a great job or I win the lotto and want a third home.
Inside the White House, Mr. Trump, the neophyte president who has styled himself the ultimate dealmaker, remained remarkably disengaged from the complex process of hammering out a politically palatable deal that could provide a way out of the morass.

Senior advisers counseled him to do less, not more, negotiating, arguing that the shutdown was a political problem that Democrats had created for themselves, and had to find their own way to resolve. But Mr. Trump, a highly reactive personality who detests headlines questioning his leadership — like those that dominated cable TV throughout Saturday, during coverage of the shutdown and women’s marches throughout the country denouncing his presidency — felt stymied and wanted somehow to intervene, according to one presidential adviser.


On Saturday, the president was left alternately defiant and angry, self-pitying and frustrated. He argued to aides that he did not deserve the blame he was taking, but without a credible deal on the table, there was little for him to do. Irritated to have missed his big event in Florida, Mr. Trump spent much of his day watching old TV clips of him berating President Barack Obama for a lack of leadership during the 2013 government shutdown, a White House aide said, seeming content to sit back and watch the show.

McConnell nervous about the midterms by the sound of it. Using the Nuclear option now could feck them up a few years down the line.

Definitely. He’s smart enough to know he has to preserve the filibuster so it’s available for the Rs next time they are in the minority.
What's this nuclear thing? Does it mean you need 60 votes to approve a budget, but you can change that rule with only 51 votes?
What's this nuclear thing? Does it mean you need 60 votes to approve a budget, but you can change that rule with only 51 votes?
Yes, and it would also involve eliminating the ability to filibuster to block the passage of a bill late in the legislative calendar.
First thing to be turned off during a shutdown is secret service and other security at the White House, senate and house offices, etc. see how quick they get the job done when random people start showing up to take issue with them.
Even if you'd never seen them before, you just knew his sons would look as they do.
Anyone here care to explain to an uninformed european how this whole Trump thing is going? All we hear about in the media over here is that he's Hitler reincarnated but from what a few informed friends told me things are actually going pretty well despite him saying a bunch of stupid shit.

I've read a bit of this thread and it seems like people don't agree with that so what's actually happening?

Jaysus, what rock have you crawled out from under? You have literally missed a year of jaw dropping
Anyone here care to explain to an uninformed european how this whole Trump thing is going? All we hear about in the media over here is that he's Hitler reincarnated but from what a few informed friends told me things are actually going pretty well despite him saying a bunch of stupid shit.

I've read a bit of this thread and it seems like people don't agree with that so what's actually happening?

He's basically as crap as we all thought he would be and then some. Lies, disfunction, incompetence, laziness, narcissism, and a few other things.
Anyone here care to explain to an uninformed european how this whole Trump thing is going? All we hear about in the media over here is that he's Hitler reincarnated but from what a few informed friends told me things are actually going pretty well despite him saying a bunch of stupid shit.

I've read a bit of this thread and it seems like people don't agree with that so what's actually happening?
You need to find better informants.
Or read this thread.

In fairness, to someone genuinely not up to date with the Trump presidency this thread might give the impression there's some over the top negative hysterics going on.

In reality it's simply been that bad of course. Even though a massive amount of normalization must have kicked in by now, most people are still somewhat shocked on a weekly basis by the absurdity of some of the things that are happening.

@Peyroteo You could probably find a silver lining in just about everything, but I'm really not sure what kind of angle someone is working if he or she is claiming that things are going pretty well. We're one year in and even the biggest optimists have had to admit Trump hasn't been able to make the switch from successful demagogue to a somewhat serious leader of a nation, nor has he really been capable of governing in a proper and functional way. Hundreds of important positions haven't been filled.


Clearly this presidency is a farce, from the nepotism and lies to the staggering incompetence and lack of actual knowledge. On forehand I made the comparison to Berlusconi, so far he's looking even worse. And of course the possible negative effects of this freak show on the world can be much bigger considering the fact that the USA is the most infuential country in the world.

This was a very recent interview with Trump, if you have ten minutes of time you should read it and decide for yourself. Between the lines it gives great insight into how things work in Trump's mind.

To summarize: he's accusing FBI of treason, claims he's the smartest person ever lived and plenty of more bizarre things in a three hour rambling.

If you want to take a different look on things though, I think it was @Eboue who recently pointed out that a lot of the things that are deemed unprecedented in this Trump Presidency are in fact not really that new. We've seen the massive amounts of lies before, the blatant racism. There's been plenty of weird behaviour by past presidents, I remember Obama who jokingly mentioned that Teddy Roosevelt used to disappear to Yellowstone Park for months. Plenty of precedents for warmongering, George W. Bush apparently doesn't agree with Trump at all, which is slightly ironic because he basically paved the way for Trump's ideas with plenty of his decisions and policies.

And that's obviously also the scary part. I don't even want to know for what of future politician Trump is paving the way. And he's definitely doing a pretty decent job at delegitimizing and unhinging pretty much every aspect of a demcratic state. All the research suggests that there's not really a reason to assume that a nation turned into democracy will therefore forever remain a democracy.
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