The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I do sometimes wonder if black people are inherently more athletic when I watch the various running competitions at the Olympics. I know there is quite some research on that subject on which I'm not so savvy. I guess that's also racist, but I doubt I'm alone in that?

Not meant to defend Trump or that chicken example, because both are obviously racist.
The amount of excuses I see a few folks here are making for Trump is just beyond belief and just plain old embarrassing. I've always asked Trump supporters to replace Obama in their overall defending of what Trump's doing and most if not all of them choose to deflect. It's just plain hypocrisy. As I've said before, no decent human supports Trump then hates Obama...none! It has nothing do to with left and right, Democrat or Republican etc...If you can't see that Barack Obama is miles ahead of Donald Trump in terms of being a decent human being then you need to take a serious look at yourself.
It was an example, if we're talking about someone being racist it's important to understand what's racist or not.

Would you have a problem with someone who made a joke generalizing that all black people love chicken?

Yes I would have a problem with someone making that joke as personally I wouldn't find it funny.

Trump is a racist. I have no doubt. From the way he wouldn't rent to "coloured people" to the Obama birth certificate to the all Mexicans are rapists and murderers comment to the attacking the wife of the black serviceman who died, and to attack her as she buried him too. Then there's the attack on the other gold star family, the Mexican judge, the Muslim ban, his whole use of language when discussing any minority compared to his language when discussing white people. And on and on....

He is a despicable piece of work, but It's clear he's a racist one. He most definitely believes he is part of a superior race. On top of that he also believes he's a superior sex. And because he's rich he's of a superior class as well.

I really don't want to argue this point anymore. People can believe what they like I don't want to try to convince anyone so won't reply to this topic again, but it is clear to me with absolute certainty that Trump is racist.
The amount of excuses I see a few folks here are making for Trump is just beyond belief and just plain old embarrassing. I've always asked Trump supporters to replace Obama in their overall defending of what Trump's doing and most if not all of them choose to deflect. It's just plain hypocrisy. As I've said before, no decent human supports Trump then hates Obama...none! It has nothing do to with left and right, Democrat or Republican etc...If you can't see that Barack Obama is miles ahead of Donald Trump in terms of being a decent human being then you need to take a serious look at yourself.
Think a good part of that is the extreme polarization in American politics which Trump is making a lot worse by constantly screaming WE BEAT THE EVIL DEMOCRATS. He's effectively giving the finger to about half his country. He's not just the leader of the republicans he has to try and make it work with everyone. That same polarization is luckily making it hard for him to really get anything done, but the state of that country's political climate is shocking.

For the people supporting Trump and hating Obama, it's not so much decency as it is extreme ignorance coupled with bigotry.

Okay, maybe it is decency after all.
I think it is silly to say Trump may act racist but he is not truly racist. Maybe it is not possible to tell if a person has racist beliefs if they don't act racist; but acting racist is racist by definition, regardless of his core beliefs (if he has some).
I think it is silly to say Trump may act racist but he is not truly racist. Maybe it is not possible to tell if a person has racist beliefs if they don't act racist; but acting racist is racist by definition, regardless of his core beliefs (if he has some).

John Oliver said it best almost 2 years ago when he said that "you are either racist or you are pretending to be, and at some point, there is no difference there"
I think it is silly to say Trump may act racist but he is not truly racist. Maybe it is not possible to tell if a person has racist beliefs if they don't act racist; but acting racist is racist by definition, regardless of his core beliefs (if he has some).
He used to brand applications with the letter C (standing for coloured) to prevent minorities from buying or renting at his buildings.
John Oliver said it best almost 2 years ago when he said that "you are either racist or you are pretending to be, and at some point, there is no difference there"
Exactly. What does it matter what he really believes? His behaviour is racist and that is just as egregious as it would be if, in fact, he had racist beliefs.
If I'm going down I'm taking you with me. I bet your first name isn't even SteveJ.

Negotiations are going to be fun. It's like me kicking your dog and taking a piss in your shoes before asking you to go halfers on a timeshare in Bradford. Also, what gamble? He's meant to be this incredible businessman and he managed to shut down his own government whilst his party controls the house.

He was quoting this I suppose? :rolleyes:


I've saw this the other day and meant to mention it in here. Apparently they collected the details of something like 150m US Citizen which was then ordered to be destroyed when Trump dissolved the investigation on 3rd January.

My thoughts were - did they feck destroy it. I'd put good money on a copy of that data being leaked to Cambridge Analytica. The whole thing just looks like a cover for collecting bulk voter data which will no doubt be very useful for drawing election boundaries.
Of course there is, if that's not the case then everyone I've met is a racist.

Am I not allowed to joke the welsh like shagging sheep and black people like eating chicken then?

Yes. It's quite likely you are, we are as a species pre-disposed to looking after our own and as such, racism occurs.

No. The bottom line is soft racism, disguised as 'humour', it's still racism and/or xenophobia. Neither are good, nor is stereotyping. The fact that you don't see anything wrong with this is staggering.
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Also racism: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

I don't fit into either nor I've ever personally met anyone with those views in all of my life. You seem to be the one who doesn't know what racism is.

Yeah, I better just leave the thread. I'm sorry my crass and outdated childish and offensive stereotypes weren't informative.

When mentioning things like institutional racism and racial profiling it's easy to forget that sometimes very obvious concepts simply don't ring a bell with people for some reason.

Based on the fact that we're still discussing dictionary meanings of the word 'racism' and whether subconscious thoughts or referring to eating chicken is an act of racism, I think I should elaborate on some things.

Let's start with racial profiling. Quite recently, the Supreme Court over here in the Netherlands had a ruling regarding a subject called 'dynamic traffic controls'.

In order to solve more crimes, the police decided to to use their competence for traffic controls to focus more on specific things they deemed suspicious. In reality this led to a situation where the fast majority of the vehicles they stopped were the expensive models driven by non white people. So the question arose whether the police had the legal competence to make such a specific selection.

The answer is of course no, they do not have the legal basis. It goes against the first article of our constition for starters.

"Fundamental rights

Article 1

All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted."

Now to the important part: why did the police use racial profiling? They definitely didn't do it because of their intristic racist believes, or because they are such strong advocates of white supremacy. They did it because based on their experience, the reality, and the statistics it's simply a fact that stopping expensive cars with non white people will lead to discovering and solving more criminal activities. Just a group of professionals trying to do the best job they can.

When you read this you will see the exact same applies to the USA.

"In contrast, a 2006 study examining data from Kansas concluded that its results were "consistent with the notion that police in Wichita choose their search strategies to maximize successful searches,"[62] and a 2009 study found that racial disparities in people being searched by the Washington state patrol was "likely not the result of intentional or purposeful discrimination."[63] Another 2009 study found that police in Boston were more likely to search if their race was different from that of the suspect, in contrast to what would be expected if discrimination was occurring (which would be that police search decisions are independent of officer race).[64]

The point in case: Having ideological racist believes is not required for being guilty of racist behaviour or discrimination. It's about the realistic effects of the behaviour or act. So even a 100% honest person just trying to solve a problem can in reality be discriminating.

Now back to Trump. The birther story has been brought up. All sources close to him imply he didn't really personally believe that shit.

"Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, personally assured skittish acquaintances the President-elect didn't really believe some of the more outrageous claims he was making, according to a new New York magazine profile."

Clearly this was just a strategic play in order to gain attention for his upcoming run for President. I don't understand how this can not ring any alarm bells Peyroteo. If you don't think a significant part Americans have racist believes then explain to me, why was this political tactic so successful?

Same logic applies to his remarks about Mexicans and his obsession with that wall. How is this not discriminating, regardless of what he actually believes deep down inside:

And again, why were these political tactics so effective?

Now a year into his Presidency, we see the exact same things. He's been trying to implement countless of (extreme) right wing and sometimes downright discriminating policies.

It really isn't rocket science to see what's going on the United States right now...
You should have informed him that he can probably immigrate to North Korea if he doesn't like liberals or liberalism, since North Korea has none of the foundational liberal ideals that western democratic society is founded on! These people, take the liberal freedoms they have for granted, to such an extent, they don't even recognize them as liberalism. Morons.

If you asked him what liberalism is, he would probably describe stalinism.

He's not into politics and not very informed, which makes it even more surprising why he's so into supporting Trump. There's a weird psychological phenomenon going on...
Have you seen this clip? Not funny at all. I can't stand her.

What's that got to do with the price of cheese?

I'm sorry, I thought we were responding with unrelated points for a second there. So Clinton made a racist remark equating all Indian people with running gas stations. What has that got to do with Trump?
Making a joke generalizing a stereotype isn't the same as believing all members of a race have characteristics specific to that race.
:lol::lol::lol: Trolling takes work. But keep at it. You have to eat dirt before you can crawl.
Yup. He makes a point about not believing how racist people are in 2018 and then makes a chicken joke about black people.

I didn't make a joke about black people. I was making an example to try to explain myself more clearly.

And I didn't say I didn't believe how racist people are in 2018, I was questioning how much racism is present in american society and how can we be sure of it.

:lol::lol::lol: Trolling takes work. But keep at it. You have to eat dirt before you can crawl.

I wasn't trolling, I was explaining what racism is since a lot of people here weren't clearly don't understand it or care to understand it and it somehow ended up with me getting called a troll, a defender of racism and a straight up racist. So yeah, I'll just leave, waste of time to try to discuss things with people like this.
This is the guy who interrupted a meeting to ask why the pretty Asian lady wasn’t working on the North Korea issue. She was a CIA expert on hostage negotiations which is what the meeting was about.

Not to mention my personal favorite: upon being asked a question in a press conference, asking a black journalist if she could set up a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus. The crux of that joke, obviously, being a journalist has no ability nor anything close to it to set up a meeting with Congress.
Not to mention my personal favorite: upon being asked a question in a press conference, asking a black journalist if she could set up a meeting for him with the Congressional Black Caucus. The crux of that joke, obviously, being a journalist has no ability nor anything close to it to set up a meeting with Congress.
The exact phrase was "are they friends of yours?"
And I didn't say I didn't believe how racist people are in 2018, I was questioning how much racism is present in american society and how can we be sure of it.
If you genuinely want to learn more about this very real issue and how deep rooted the problem is I strongly recommend you start with the excellent documentary "13th".
I wasn't trolling, I was explaining what racism is since a lot of people here weren't clearly don't understand it or care to understand it and it somehow ended up with me getting called a troll, a defender of racism and a straight up racist. So yeah, I'll just leave, waste of time to try to discuss things with people like this.

Ah the old man makes offensive comments and doesn't like the response to said comments so then cries wolf and runs away making yet more offensive generalisations before leaving.


People like this indeed. :lol:
I genuinely never understood the relation about chicken, black people and making a joke. I know is racist because people says so but I don´t know from where it comes from. Even if I was racist (that I suppose I am a bit because my white society unconsciously made mea bit), I would not do this kind of jokes because I do not understand them
I genuinely never understood the relation about chicken, black people and making a joke. I know is racist because people says so but I don´t know from where it comes from. Even if I was racist (that I suppose I am a bit because my white society unconsciously made mea bit), I would not do this kind of jokes because I do not understand them

It came from racial stereotypes of African Americans only eating fried chicken and watermelon. It used to be used constantly in US media in derogatory and demeaning ways to paint black people as poor and stupid.
It came from racial stereotypes of African Americans only eating fried chicken and watermelon. It used to be used constantly in US media in derogatory and demeaning ways to paint black people as poor and stupid.

And the media did that because...feck yeah?

I appreciate your historical and origin explanation. I still don´t see what is funny about it

Could you tell me, if you know, about which decade that happened (more or less) to try to put it in context
I genuinely never understood the relation about chicken, black people and making a joke. I know is racist because people says so but I don´t know from where it comes from. Even if I was racist (that I suppose I am a bit because my white society unconsciously made mea bit), I would not do this kind of jokes because I do not understand them

Birth of a nation in 1915.
It was intentionally showing the apparent 'dangers' of letting black people vote, including depicting us as alcoholics, unclean, uneducated, and eating lots of fried chicken

Since then it solidified the imagery of black to white people, along with the watermelon stereotype.

These are foods which are designed to eat with your hands, and therefore represent being dirty, and not of a certain class or status within society, plus they're cheap and uncouth etc.

Media depiction is incredibly strong in forming opinions about people - frankly most black people I know don't even like Watermelon, on the other hand who doesn't enjoy some good fried chicken?!

Just stupid stereotypes.
Birth of a nation in 1915.
It was intentionally showing the apparent 'dangers' of letting black people vote, including depicting us as alcoholics, unclean, uneducated, and eating lots of fried chicken

Since then it solidified the imagery of black to white people, along with the watermelon stereotype.

These are foods which are designed to eat with your hands, and therefore represent being dirty, and not of a certain class or status within society, plus they're cheap and uncouth etc.

Media depiction is incredibly strong in forming opinions about people - frankly most black people I know don't even like Watermelon, on the other hand who doesn't enjoy some good fried chicken?!

Just stupid stereotypes.

Credit to NPR there ;)

Thanks for the links :)

Birth of a nation in 1915.
It was intentionally showing the apparent 'dangers' of letting black people vote, including depicting us as alcoholics, unclean, uneducated, and eating lots of fried chicken

Since then it solidified the imagery of black to white people, along with the watermelon stereotype.

These are foods which are designed to eat with your hands, and therefore represent being dirty, and not of a certain class or status within society, plus they're cheap and uncouth etc.

Media depiction is incredibly strong in forming opinions about people - frankly most black people I know don't even like Watermelon, on the other hand who doesn't enjoy some good fried chicken?!

Just stupid stereotypes.

thanks for the explanation. About the bolded part, yes it makes a lot of sense

And yes! beside not understanding the joke, before I went vegeterian (and still), feck me, I love fried chicken (and everyone I know), it made the intend of the joke even sillier
Trump throwing out more environmental laws to hurry up the building of the wall. Utterly shameless with no regard or thought for future generations.
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