The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Anyone see Bill Maher last night? He had Micheal Wolff on and he said there was something really big that he left out of the book. Maher asked if it was about Trump having a current affair with someone and he said yes but that it was so explosive that he couldn't put it in without absolute proof but that it was hinted at in the book.
I knew it. Trump is secretly love/hate making with Hillary. That kinky bastard.
Anyone see Bill Maher last night? He had Micheal Wolff on and he said there was something really big that he left out of the book. Maher asked if it was about Trump having a current affair with someone and he said yes but that it was so explosive that he couldn't put it in without absolute proof but that it was hinted at in the book.

His daughter. 100% his daughter.

Well she’s one of them. The other is KAC. Hope Hicks.
He has an interim clearance. The full adjudication of his final clearance is apparently being delayed because of all his legal drama.

He's incredibly lucky he even has an interim clearance, but that's nepotism for you.

Reason for it being delayed is because he's lied many times on his disclosure forms.

“It’s not normal,” Jordan Libowitz, communications director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington told Newsweek. “Jared has had issues with accuracy, both in his security clearance forms and financial disclosures. He’s had to amend his forms to add quite a few contacts with Russians, and he’s amended his financial disclosures 39 times. One or two times, no one would bat an eye, but this is unprecedented.”
Yep. BTW....having gone through the process many times myself, I can categorically say that lying about a single thing on the form (or even claiming you forgot) can lead to never getting a clearance.
His daughter. 100% his daughter.

Well she’s one of them. The other is KAC. Hope Hicks.

There's a thing on the book about Ivanka being his wife and Hicks being his daughter, isn't there? Maybe that's the hint.
Anyone see Bill Maher last night? He had Micheal Wolff on and he said there was something really big that he left out of the book. Maher asked if it was about Trump having a current affair with someone and he said yes but that it was so explosive that he couldn't put it in without absolute proof but that it was hinted at in the book.

Who's read the book and can read between the lines on the paragraph he mentions?

Who's read the book and can read between the lines on the paragraph he mentions?

fire and fury said:
By October, however, many on the president’s staff took particular notice of one of the few remaining Trump opportunists: Nikki Haley, the UN ambassador. Haley — ‘as ambitious as Lucifer,” in the characterization of one member of the senior staff — had concluded that Trump’s tenure would last, at best, a single term, and that she, with requisite submission, could be his heir apparent. Haley had courted and befriended Ivanka, and Ivanka had brought her into the family circle, where she had become a particular focus of Trump’s attention, and he of hers.

That's one theory
Anyone here care to explain to an uninformed european how this whole Trump thing is going? All we hear about in the media over here is that he's Hitler reincarnated but from what a few informed friends told me things are actually going pretty well despite him saying a bunch of stupid shit.

I've read a bit of this thread and it seems like people don't agree with that so what's actually happening?
Anyone here care to explain to an uninformed european how this whole Trump thing is going? All we hear about in the media over here is that he's Hitler reincarnated but from what a few informed friends told me things are actually going pretty well despite him saying a bunch of stupid shit.

I've read a bit of this thread and it seems like people don't agree with that so what's actually happening?
He's basically doing what Bush did, but being openly bigoted at the same time. The main difference between him and Bush so far is that his foreign policy dick waving has come in the form of tweets rather than declarations of war.
He's basically doing what Bush did, but being openly bigoted at the same time. The main difference between him and Bush so far is that his foreign policy dick waving has come in the form of tweets rather than declarations of war.

Not a small difference that. To be honest the only things that make the news here are the so called bigoted comments but most of the time they just seem like unprofessional things to say that rather than bigoted.

Is it true that the economy is booming like he says in the tweet above?
Not a small difference that. To be honest the only things that make the news here are the so called bigoted comments but most of the time they just seem like unprofessional things to say that rather than bigoted.

Is it true that the economy is booming like he says in the tweet above?
The economy is continuing as it was under Obama, and is in line with much of the world. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer.

But much like under Bush, regulations are being cut everywhere, taxes lowered and debt is rising. So there will be another horrorshow of an economic crash sometime in the next 4-6 years.
Not a small difference that. To be honest the only things that make the news here are the so called bigoted comments but most of the time they just seem like unprofessional things to say that rather than bigoted.

Is it true that the economy is booming like he says in the tweet above?
They're mostly just stupid but he comes up with a bigoted comment every once in a while to keep his base happy.
The economy is continuing as it was under Obama, and is in line with much of the world. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer.

Oh sorry, in the tweet he wrote 'unprecedented economic success' so I assumed the economy was growing faster than it was under Obama.

The poor are getting poorer? Is that actually true in the US these days?
Oh sorry, in the tweet he wrote 'unprecedented economic success' so I assumed the economy was growing faster than it was under Obama.

The poor are getting poorer? Is that actually true in the US these days?
Yes, wages have been relatively stagnant while the cost of living has been increasing at a faster pace. A significant number of Americans also have high levels of personal debt thanks to the way their education and health systems are arranged. The leading cause of bankruptcy being unexpected medical expenses because most people can't actually afford to get seriously ill, though they'll still be expected to pay their student debt because that, due to obvious corruption in the system and transparent bribes, does not get cancelled when a person declares bankruptcy. There are also more than half a million homeless people in America. There are effectively 3 countries in America, one in which a small countries worth of people live in abject poverty. One in which the majority live - struggling to get by but managing to pay the bills at the end of the month. And a micro country dubbed Richistan where the opulently wealthy live, with their own private airfields and ports, throwing parties where they ply politicians with booze and political donations, and where their suggestions are listened to.
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Seen the actual Presidential Account? Jeez
No shit. Especially this whole continuous pandering with regards to the military and now even children s Healthcare by the Republicans is just so freaking low. How about you take some responsibility for a change for being uncooperative and ineffectual jackasses - especially Ryan and Mr. Turtle.
It's not shocking though is it? With Trump's track record he's definitely cheated on Melania numerous times. Doubt he'd try to give up that now when he thinks he has enormous power.

'Cheating' will not be in his vernacular. He is a man. She is a woman. They have a public relationship that enables him to get things easier. That's it. I don't think anyone believes that theirs is a relationship filled with Love, mutual respect and admiration.

I dare say they both have their own side-gigs and it's no problem.

That's not the closet armchair-psycho-analyst in me speaking.

I don't think it would damage his 'Brand' a single percentage point if it was proven that he's slept with a litany of women outside of his marriages.

As a sidebar : Wolff becomes more dislikable every time he appears on tv.

Strange times we live in.
Yes, wages have been relatively stagnant while the cost of living has been increasing at a faster pace. A significant number of Americans also have high levels of personal debt thanks to the way their education and health systems are arranged. The leading cause of bankruptcy being unexpected medical expenses because most people can't actually afford to get seriously ill, though they'll still be expected to pay their student debt because that, due to obvious corruption in the system and transparent bribes, does not get cancelled when a person declares bankruptcy. There are also more than half a million homeless people in America. There are effectively 3 countries in America, one in which a small countries worth of people live in abject poverty. One in which the majority live - struggling to get by but managing to pay the bills at the end of them. And a micro country dubbed Richistan where the opulently wealthy live, with their own private airfields and ports, throwing parties where they ply politicians with booze with political donations, and where their suggestions are listened to.

Aren't people constantly moving between those 3 countries due to income mobility being very high though? If someone is born in a poor family in America but they finish high school, get a job and know what they're doing with their money aren't they very likely to not be poor for much longer? And are all the people from Richistan spending their money just on parties and corruption, or are they investing it and creating jobs? It's not as simple as rich people being evil people that want to keep poor people down.

I definitely agree with you when it comes to health care though, don't know how people can live knowing that if they get seriously ill they might very well go bankrupt.

Back to the original question though since you went a bit off topic, are the poor getting poorer? I've searched a bit since I thought it was interesting and in 2011, the poorest 20% of Americans were earning about 70% more than the 20% poorest americans in 1979 (on top of inflation) so the trend seems to be the complete opposite of what you're claiming and the poor are getting richer.
Aren't people constantly moving between those 3 countries due to income mobility being very high though? If someone is born in a poor family in America but they finish high school, get a job and know what they're doing with their money aren't they very likely to not be poor for much longer? And are all the people from Richistan spending their money just on parties and corruption, or are they investing it and creating jobs? It's not as simple as rich people being evil people that want to keep poor people down.
No, those people are statistical outliers. The vast majority of people don't even leave their home town, let alone their socioeconomic group.

And as far as creating jobs goes, it's a load of shite. They only want to fill their own pockets. They take part in predatory behaviour that leaves towns with fewer jobs than before. Notable examples being the likes of Walmart and Starbucks pushing small businesses to bankruptcy, then closing stores when their competition dies.

Back to the original question though since you went a bit off topic, are the poor getting poorer? I've searched a bit since I thought it was interesting and in 2011, the poorest 20% of Americans were earning about 70% more than the 20% poorest americans in 1979 (on top of inflation) so the trend seems to be the complete opposite of what you're claiming and the poor are getting richer.
I mean, it's relative, but things such as housing have outpaced inflation, which is why which Americans are buying homes later in life. The cost of education has risen substantially too, so people have higher levels of debt to pay off. So overall, yeah. And it's more pronounced for younger people who are less well off than their parents were at the same points in life.
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No, those people are statistical outliers. The vast majority of people don't even leave their home town, let alone their socioeconomic group.

I don't think this is true at all from the stats I looked at and americans actually move socioeconomic groups a lot more than I'd have ever thought but I'd have to take a better look at those numbers and I've bored myself.

And as far as creating jobs goes, it's a load of shite. They only want to fill their own pockets. They take part in predatory behaviour that leaves towns with fewer jobs than before. Notable examples being the likes of Walmart and Starbucks pushing small businesses to bankruptcy, then closing stores when their competition dies.

They love their money and will try to kill smaller businesses at times but of course their impact on the economy is good, they don't just get the money and hide it under a pillow or spend it all by bribing politicians. They invest their money, they make deals with other businesses and they create jobs. They don't help the economy out of their benevolent hearts, they do it to make more money but they still help.

I mean, it's relative, but things such as housing have outpaced inflation, which is why which Americans are buying homes later in life. The cost of education has risen substantially too, so people have higher levels of debt to pay off. So overall, yeah. And it's more pronounced for younger people who are less well off than their parents were at the same points in life.

This is fair enough, we'd have to take a look into how housing, education, health care, etc. changed, so it's more complicated than just their income. We moved way off topic here and laughing at Trump tweets is more entertaining so let's leave it at that :D

Is this what the end of the world is supposed to feel like? :mad::mad::mad:

It is same as budget not passing which would be seen as similar to vote of no confidence.

Ah. Still doesn't make much sense to me. If the party controlling both houses and the white house cannot avoid shutting down the government, there should be new elections.
Ah. Still doesn't make much sense to me. If the party controlling both houses and the white house cannot avoid shutting down the government, there should be new elections.
Its because budget has to pass both houses in US. In India, Rajya Sabha has no power to amend or veto a money bill, at best they can delay it for some time IIRC. In US since senate is a directly elected body it has more powers and you need 60 to control it completely. In India equivalent scenario would be a minority Govt failing to pass the budget and falling as a result. Or a coalition partner voting against the Govt in a budget.
:lol: Nothing says hard at work like a completely empty desk!
*slides onto edge of chair*
"Quick, take the stupid photo - my golf cart's outside and I'm teeing off in ten minutes."
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