The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Honestly, if a story came out that Trump has tried to or actually had slept with his daughter, would anyone be that surprised/shocked?

That's the president of the United States...
Honestly, if a story came out that Trump has tried to or actually had slept with his daughter, would anyone be that surprised/shocked?

That's the president of the United States...
No one would be surprised by anything that Spanky has done or said. That effect was called the Tyson zone if I remember correctly.
Alt-right twitter going mental about this FISA memo stuff, seems incredibly orchestrated and surprise surprise Russian bots are amplifying it.

Bots were out in force last night. Last time i saw them that mobilised was during the election when they were spreading the wikileaks/email stuff.
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Funny that this memo would surface just days after the FBI/Fusion GPS “scandal” was slammed shut.
Twitter is absolutely riddled with stuff related to this. I guess this is a right-wing speculation engine for them in the way the Steele dossier was for lefties.

Oops, except that that's actually readable publically and not through the mouth of Steve King.
Twitter is absolutely riddled with stuff related to this. I guess this is a right-wing speculation engine for them in the way the Steele dossier was for lefties.

Oops, except that that's actually readable publically and not through the mouth of Steve King.

Hearing that the intel committee may vote to release the memo today.
Sad reality is that Trump is desperate for a deal because he doesn't want to miss the party at mar a lago with the donors.

Had this happened when mar a lago was shut, he'd be content to let the government shutdown.

President Donald Trump will mark the first anniversary of his inauguration on Saturday with a celebration at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, with tickets starting at $100,000 a pair.

That amount, according to the invitation, will pay for dinner and a photograph with the president. For $250,000, a couple can also take part in a roundtable.
He's obviously meant to be talking about late-term abortions but even so, I've been laughing for pretty much five minutes non-stop.
I reckon it's only a matter of time before a woman comes forward and says Donald paid for them to get an abortion. Someone with his womanising past and moral vacuum, it seems inevitable.
I reckon it's only a matter of time before a woman comes forward and says Donald paid for them to get an abortion. Someone with his womanising past and moral vacuum, it seems inevitable.

No doubt the Christian right will find a way to excuse it.
I reckon it's only a matter of time before a woman comes forward and says Donald paid for them to get an abortion. Someone with his womanising past and moral vacuum, it seems inevitable.
He's had those women sign NDAs
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