The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Looking at some of the comments in his tweet it's quite clear that 8 years of Obama really turned the white people bat-shit crazy.
Riled the redneck and latent supremacist types anyhow. I am convinced this is still a minority, and most Americans I know are completely opposed to such views, but I admit, this is a view from a distance.
That fake new award thing is laughable. After all that, he just puts down some dot points and doesn't even come up with cool award names.
Obviously, he couldn't tweet all of it, so he got Smithers to type it up.
Looking at some of the comments in his tweet it's quite clear that 8 years of Obama really turned the white people bat-shit crazy.

If something is lazy then it‘s generalizing based on Twitter comments. I would recommend to refrain from reading comments altogether by someone like Trump. Nothing of value there.
Paul Ryan using his military card to blame Democrats for a possible shut down.
Only after Hitler denounced it though right? After they won power they then obviously took over the Media and used it for their own gains with little to no objections from the people.

We are talking about the necessity for a tyrant to destroy the FREE press. They then of course replace it with their propaganda wing. Everybody does not have their own truth, in either case. In a free press there may be truths, half truths and falsehoods. No longer free the dictator tells them what to say. They may sometimes speak the truth, but they have no power to hold those in authority to account.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with what you say, but Trump, IMO is far from those dictators that tried to control the media but a guy that throws tantrums to everybody that goes against his plans. He is not clever enough to go full Hitler and the likes.

Also, IMO, there is no Free press or not as free as it should be. When I said that the dictators controls the media, is because yes, sometimes is the way you say were the "free" press is attacked and surpressed and then the dictator controls the media. But sometimes is the press that goes against a elected government and tries to force coup d'etat. Not many coup d'etat can survive without popular support, and this is support is created way before the coup through the media already controlled by the future dictatorship.

Also, yes, everybody has their own truth. In life I find amazing how people thinks, acts and expains their version believing is true and is completely opposite to someone else that believe the same. When there is no facts, there is more than one truth and I believe that ABSOLUTE truth, in life, are scarce. Saying that, Trump is a pathological liar, but because he lies about facts that can be easily double check
Gorka :lol:

I'm not sure he's a Hungarian native though, or am I misunderstanding the word? Google says he was born in Hammersmith, London.

Edit: It seems like the writers at buzzfeed have realised this too.
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